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Battleship game with vanilla TypeScript.





The app has been built to be very user friendly.

Ship Placements

  • Random shuffle as much as you want
  • Drag-and-drop for positioning
  • Click to switch orientation
  • If a ship is placed on an invalid position, instead of throwing an error or not doing anything, the UI cleverly places it in a close valid position available

Quick Start

  • Start playing in seconds with just two Enter key presses using the initial random ship shuffle

Visual UI

  • Animations and disctintive colors for the different events make the game easy to follow and understand


  • Adapts to various screen sizes: desktop, tablet and mobile.

Tech Stack

  • Languages: TypeScript, CSS, HTML
  • Build Tool: Vite
  • Deployment: Netlify
  • Interaction Dependency: interact.js
  • Testing: ts-jest

Main Directories

Located in src:

  • styles: CSS styles
  • ts/classes: TypeScript classes
  • ts/main.ts: Main functionality of the app with class usage and DOM manipulation
  • ts/__tests__: Jest tests for the Player and Ship class

Located in the root:

  • public: Images, font and screenshots
  • index.html: Entry point for the app with dynamic injection of TypeScript and CSS


The project utilizes several TypeScript classes to organize data and encapsulate functionality.

1. Ship Class:

Represents each ship.


  • name
  • length
  • position
  • orientation
  • hits
  • sunk
  • coordinates


  • hit(): Increments the number of hits on the ship

  • isSunk(): Returns a boolean indicating whether the ship is sunk

  • get coordinates(): Getter method that computes coordinates based on lenght, position and orientation

  • clone(): Creates a duplicate instance of the Ship class with the same properties

2. Player Class:

Represents each player.


  • role
  • board
  • ships
  • death

Main Methods

  • placeShip(ship): Adds a ship to ships

  • moveShip(ship, newPosition): Changes the position of a ship, if valid

  • moveToClosestValidPosition(ship, desiredPosition): It's moveShip on steroids. If the desired position is not valid, it explores close positions and places the ship as soon as it finds one. It also returns a boolean indicating if the valid position was found.

  • switchShipOrientation(ship): Switches the orientation of a ship, if the switch results in an invalid placement, moves the ship to a close valid position by calling moveToClosestValidPosition

  • syncShipsToBoard(): Updates the board with the data in ships

  • createAttack(position): Adds an attack to both ships and board

  • async createDelayedRandomUnrepAttack(): Creates a delayed random unrepeated attack used by the computer. The delay improves the UX by giving the impression the computer is 'thinking'

  • populateRandomly(): Randomly populates the player's ships

  • isInvalidPlacement(candidateShip): Checks if a ship is in an invalid position (i.e. overlaps with other ships or goes out of bounds). This method is crucial for the correct functioning of moveToClosestValidPosition and populateRandomly

3. playerRenderer Class:

Serves as a bridge between Player and the UI.


  • player
  • htmlBoard
  • htmlCells
  • htmlShips
  • cellSize

Main Methods

  • createBoard(): Creates a 10x10 board of htmlCells appended to htmlBoard

  • renderAttacks(): Renders the player.board data on htmlBoard, setting the right color for each cell based on its hit status

  • renderAttackAnimation(position): Renders an attack animation at the specified position

  • renderShip(ship): Renders a ship on the board with an HTML ship image

  • addInteract(htmlShip): Adds drag-and-drop and click interaction to an HTML ship element using the interact.js library. It reads the result of the interaction and updates the data in Player, ensuring it's always in sync with the UI

  • removeInteractToAll(): Removes interaction from all HTML ship elements. Crucial for when the game starts

  • setCellSize(): Sets and returns the cell size based on the window width for responsive design

Run Locally

Clone the project

git clone

Go to the project directory

cd battleship

Install dependencies

npm install

Start the server

npm run dev

