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Setting up

Python version

Check the version is runtime.txt


We use pre-commit to ensure that committed code meets basic standards for formatting, and will make basic fixes for you to save time and aggravation.

Install pre-commit system-wide with, eg brew install pre-commit. Then, install the hooks in this repository with pre-commit install --install-hooks.


This is a library we use to detect file types.

brew install libmagic

To run the application

# install dependencies, etc.
make bootstrap

make run-flask

To test the application

# install dependencies, etc.
make bootstrap

make test

Further documentation

Black mid-project reformat

We added the Python auto-formatter black to this project after its inception. This required a bulk re-format of existing files, which generated a large and noisy commit. Git blame can be configured to ignore this commit with the following command:

git config --local blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs