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Show Tracker

You know when you have a thousand TV shows you want to watch but when you actually sit down to watch something, you can't think of anything you'd possibly want to see? You know when you take a break from watching a show and come back to it, and can't remember where you left off? You know when you want to watch an old favorite show for nostalgia's sake, but your mind is blank? If you have those problems, look no further! Show Tracker was created as a way for you to keep track of TV shows you want to watch, are watching, or have already watched. Think of it as Goodreads, but for TV shows. Goodshows, if you will.

Show Tracker was built using Laravel and Vue.js. It implements REST principles, which allows you to create, read, update, and delete items in your database via AJAX. The four HTTP methods used are: GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

My portfolio.

vue show tracker


  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Download the MAMP application:
  3. Download composer:
  4. Open up your terminal, cd into the project directory, and run 'npm install' to install the node dependencies.
  5. Open the MAMP application. Go to 'Preferences'> 'Web Server', and the select the 'public' folder of the repository.
  6. In 'Ports' make sure the Apache Port is set to '8888'. Nginx Port should be set to '8888'. MySQL Port should be set to '8889'
  7. Create a database named 'app'
  8. Run 'php artisan:migrate' in your terminal to create database migrations for this application.
  9. While in your project directory, run 'npm run watch' or 'npm run hot' to load up the project.
  10. In your preferred browser, open up 'localhost:8888.'

API Documentation


Like GoodReads, but for TV Shows!






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