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LCD16x2 STM32F4xx

Drive LCD 16x2 with 4pin, Without I2C on STM32F407VG discovery board but you can use it for other microcontrollers.

attention: some unused peripheral are modified.


  • Timer (I wrote it for TIM1 with this settings.)
  • GPIO


All pins are set on GPIOE:

d7 -> pin 15 as D7_Pin
d6 -> pin 14 as D6_Pin
d5 -> pin 13 as D5_Pin
d4 -> pin 12 as D4_Pin
E  -> pin 11 as E_Pin
RS -> pin 10 as RS_Pin
RW -> pin 9  as RW_Pin

LCD_LIB.c Library:


Send some command to LCD for turn LCD On and responsible and select 4pin Mode.(READ about commands in datasheet)

LCD_send_data(char data):

Because we use 4pin mode we should split our character ASCII HEX to 4 highbit and 4 lowbit.

Then sending 4 highbit and 4 lowbit of character to LCD_send function with rs = 0 (for sending data we need rs = 0, more information in LCD_send)

LCD_send_cmd(char cmd):

Work like LCD_send_data but with rs = 1

LCD_send(char data, int rs):

At first we define RS_Pin with function rs input

RS_Pin must be 0 for sending data
RS_Pin must be 1 for sending data

In this step, char is 4 bit, so we send it by set our 4 Data Pin(D4-D7), 1 or 0.

After that we set E_Pin, 1, to say to LCD that we sending data, read the pins! and give LCD some time, then set E_Pin to 0.

LCD_send_string(char *str) :

This function get a string, select string characters and send them to LCD_send_data function.

LCD_cur(int row, int col) :

Select curser location with command.(READ datasheet to know how it works)

LCD_cls() :

Send Clear-Screen command to LCD and give LCD some time.