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nSnake customize

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@alexdantas alexdantas released this 06 Mar 04:30
· 173 commits to master since this release

The game was basically reprogrammed from scratch. Besides being a snake game clone, nsnake has now lots of new features.

  • Lots of new game possibilities: Instead of two game modes now you can customize directly the game speed, amount of fruits, maze size, allow random walls and choose between teleporting borders or not.
  • Sweet interface: The entire game has a GUI-like look, with menus, textboxes, number selection widgets and more.
  • Full-customizable game: This is the main feature here - all your settings are saved and restored. And by that I mean you can customize game rules, change keybindings and modify the game's windows at will.
  • All scores saved: With this large possibility of game combinations, speeds and mazes don't worry - all your scores are saved.
  • Portable: All settings and scores are saved on ~/.local/share/nsnake - copy that directory and you got your game anywhere.

Here's some screenshots:
