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v2.0.1 "Accra"

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@alexandersimoes alexandersimoes released this 12 Mar 16:52
· 1113 commits to master since this release

After releasing the redesign of the site last week, we received a lot of feedback! The version 2.0 launch happened to serendipitously coincide with Walter Frick's post for the Harvard Business Review blog about "Visualizing the Economic Ties Between Russia, Ukraine, and Europe" which made use of the new embedded apps. This drove in lots of traffic and helped us iron out many bugs early on. Below is a list of the major bugs/improvements made:

  • Return of net-exports/imports! This was a feature that was removed in the redesign to reduce some of the redundancy in the navigation but it was been added back in as a net/gross toggle on the bottom of all the apps that show values.
    screen shot 2014-03-12 at 12 47 04 pm
  • Site-wide translation updates.
  • Better translations of app titles for French, Spanish and Italian (taking into account the use of the article and gender when forming these sentences).
  • A product "conversion code" was added to the product dropdown menus to ensure switching between SITC and HS classifications brings you to a similar product in the requested classification.
  • Moved Russia's continent classification from Asia to Europe.
  • Improved usability for mobile experience