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Alexander Cerutti edited this page Feb 25, 2023 · 1 revision

Welcome to the wiki of this project! We'll focus on all the possible knowledge acquired during this project's development.

Mainly expect very technical pages, explaining the most internal details of the project. The goal is one: let you enter the philosophy of this project and let you develop the correct mental model, to let you fully dive into the code and allow you to contribute.

As the original creator learned a lot of things while building this project, we hope you're going to learn them too. Also, we hope that these pages will let you unleash your creativity. We want to see it in action because a creative human is able to achieve unimaginable things. We truly believe in this.

If there's anything that is not clear enough, let us know in the issues section and we'll try to explain it to you the best we can and will update the wiki accordingly.

Thank you for reading this introduction: we hope it was inspiring for the journey you are going to take.

Have a nice read!