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The Knuth-Plass line break algorithm is a dynamic programming algorithm meant to break-up lines of text in such a way as to minimize "badness"


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The Knuth-Plass line-breaking algorithm is a Dynamic Programming algorithm meant to break-up lines of text in such a way as to minimize "badness". This "badness" is defined by the algorithm in such a way as to, abstractly speaking, minimize the whitespace on any given line of a paragraph (that's the part of this algorithm that makes it special -- it takes into account the affect on an entire paragraph when considering any given possible break in the paragraph). As part of "badness", it also minimizes the number of hyphens used and how loose two lines next to eachother are (it does not want one line with a ton of extra space next to a line with no extra line space).

Defining the Problem

Arguably, how you define a problem is just as important as how you solve the problem because if you define it poorly, then you will get poor results (that is, the results will not apply to your actual problem). As such, it is important to know how Donald Knuth and Michael Plass defined the problem of breaking texts into lines.

They looked at breaking up the text not at the level of line-per-line as most greedy implementations do but at the paragraph level. As such, they had to define a more mathmatical view of paragraphs, a view that is described below.

They defined a paragraph as a list of Glue, Box, and Penalty objects. These are generally defined as follows:

  • Glue: The spaces between words. These spaces can be stretched or shrunken but all Glue on a line must be stretched/shrunken uniformly to fill the desired line width for the line. That is why a ratio is calculated per line by the algorithm and every Glue on the line must use it to find its actualy width for the line. The ratio is negative if shrinking the line or positive if stretching. The ratio is not actually applied to the width of the Glue directly but to the other two values the Glue holds (its shrink and stretch amount). They are multiplied by the ratio, and then added to the width of the Glue (the shrink amount is used when the ratio is negative, so the width + the negative shrink will actually subtract from the width).

    It is important to note that the stretch and shrink of a line is actually represented in the definition of the glue and is relative to the Glue's width. So you may specify that a space is 2 units wide but can shrink by 1 unit and stretch by 3 units. That is, the Glue has a minimum width of 1 (width - shrink => 2 - 1 => 1) and a maximum width of 5 (width + stretch => 2 + 3 => 5). (Notice that the units used are arbitrary, they could be inches, they could be points -- the algorithm just treats all numbers as if they are all in the same unit (all in inches, meters, points, etc.)).

  • Box: An object of a static width such as a character like 'a', 'A', 'b', '1', '2', etc. The algorithm only looks at the width, so could be a picture too, or something else (so long as the width describes the contents of the box). A word in a paragraph is typically described by a sequence of boxes, one for each letter of the word. No space will be put to break up the boxes unless you specify a Glue or Penalty within the group of boxes.

  • Penalty: A place where you are specifically talking about whether to break the line or not. You can break in other places, such as between a Box and a Glue if the Box comes before the Glue, but Penalties let you specify an arbitrary point outside of these to break the line but incur a Penalty. Obviously, higher penalties are worse penalties. A penalty of INF (infinity) is a place where you cannot break under any circumstances and a penalty of -INF (negative infinity) is a place where you must have a line break under all circumstances. You can even overide natural breakpoints (like those assumed to be allowed between a Box and Glue) by inserting a Penalty with an infinite penalty value at the place where you never want a break to occur.

    The width of a Penalty is the width of the typesetting material (the hyphen ('-') if breaking inside a word) that must be added if you break at this point. Typically, the width is 0 unless it is representing is a spot where you would need a hyphen.

    A Penalty can also be flagged, meaning that it represents a hyphen. This is so that the algorithm can penalize a break if it causes a hyphen on the line before it (because it does not want two consecutive lines to end with a hyphen).

The Algorithm

The exact details of the algorithm are in the example implementations found within this repo as well as the Knuth-Plass paper included as a PDF in this repo, but a general explenation is given below.

To begin with, there are three main things to keep in mind when trying to understand the algorithm. First, there is the Knuth-Plass paragraph that holds all of the Specifications (the Glues, Penalties, and Boxes). Then there are two variables, A and B, that each store an integer index of the Knuth-Plass paragraph. B starts at the beginning of the paragraph and is incremented until it represents a feasible breakpoint (that is, a point in the paragraph that you can actually break at such as a Glue after a Box [which represents a space after a word] or a Penalty object with a penalty value that is less than infinity). When B represents a feasible breakpoint, the algorithm then starts A at index 0 and increments it to every feasible breakpoint before B.

At each of these breakpoints, the algorithm considers the demerits of the line that would be formed by breaking at B with A being the previous breakpoint (so that the new line of the paragraph will be formed between breakpoints A and B). These demerits are defined by the algorithm mathematically but, essentially, are based off of trying to minimize how much you would have to stretch or shrink the line to make it fit into the desired line width of the line. That way the algorithm can just minimize the demerits of each line to minimize how much stretching/shrinking is going on over the entire paragraph's worth of lines.

Now, the demerits of every consecutive line depends on all the demerits that the previous lines that led up to it have (because if you have, for example, a desired line width of 100 for all lines and the line formed from A to B will have 100 width but a previous line to get to this line had 500 width, then the break at B with A as its previous break still creates a very bad line since at least one of the breaks leading up to it creates a line that is much too long) so every breakpoint must be based off of a previous set of breakpoints. To obtain these, the algorithm remembers each previous breakpoint by storing information about it in a "Break" object. These Break objects store the position of a breakpoint and a reference to a previous Break object so that they create a singly-linked list of the current breakpoint (B) and all previous breakpoints this Break from A to B is based off of. Because we are now remembering previous Breaks, we can now also speed up the algorithm by using an active list of Break objects and only iterating through it to get every A to be considered for the current B. The active list is called as such because when the demerits in a Break in A becomes to large for the given A, it is removed from the list. In this way we stop considering things that are unnecessary like a Break from the start of the paragraph to the end of the paragraph when such an A and B will create a line that is 1000x longer than the desired line width of the first line.

Using all that I have explained above, the algorithm finds each feasible breakpoint B, iterates through all active previous breakpoints for A (finding the one that makes a line from A to B with the least demerits) and then creates a new Break object to represent B with the least demerited A being referenced as its previous breakpoint. By the end (when B is the last feasible breakpoint in the paragraph) the algorithm can simply follow the "previous" references of each Break object (starting from the last feasible breakpoint B) to get the positions of each breakpoint.


The largest issue that the algorithm has is its quadratic run time. This means that if you feed an entire document into the algorithm all at once, it may take an eternity for the program to end. The best way to get around this is to feed in the document paragraph by paragraph instead, as that will be much faster.

Another Issue is that you cannot just put plain text into the algorithm. This means that you must put more thought into what you actually want to do with the text so that you can correctly translate it into the corresponding Box, Glue, and Penalty objects. This is both a pro and a con as it both requires extra work but also allows you to do more complicated layouts of the text. For example, the paper demonstrates several ways to do things like automatically center your paragraph using the algorithm or tweak the paragraph to lay out a programming language in a way that is more aesthetically pleasing than it would be otherwise, but to do these things you have to be more clever about how you describe your paragraph.


The Knuth-Plass line break algorithm is a dynamic programming algorithm meant to break-up lines of text in such a way as to minimize "badness"





