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derekcat edited this page Jan 8, 2015 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the zabbixweb wiki!

This is a GUI dashboard for Zabbix hosts. It will list the hostname, OS, Load ÷ CPU cores, number of processes, memory usage, ping, traffic on the default interface, and disk usage.

Installation is super easy:

•Download and extract the files on your Zabbix server, somewhere web-accessible.

•Edit index.html and change the line :

var zabbix = new $.zabbix ('', 'guest', '');

Change to the IP or DNS name of your Zabbix server (but leave the /zabbix/api_jsonrpc.php )

Change guest and the empty string to the username and password (respectively) of a Zabbix user that the GUI will use to access the data.

•You may have to add an item for each of these keys to your host Templates:

  • system.cpu.num (Decimal)
  • system.cpu.load (float)
  • vm.memory.size[total] (Decimal)
  • vm.memory.size[free] (Decimal)
  • vm.memory.size[cached] (Decimal)
  • vm.memory.size[inactive] (Decimal)

•Open a web browser page to http://yourzabbixserver/zabbixweb-0.1-release/index.html


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