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Eric Burgueno edited this page Jan 8, 2015 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the zabbixweb wiki!

This is a GUI dashboard for Zabbix hosts. It will list the hostname, OS, Load ÷ CPU cores, number of processes, memory usage, ping, traffic on the default interface, and disk usage.

Installation is super easy:

•Download and extract the files on your Zabbix server, somewhere web-accessible.

•Edit index.html and change the line :

var zabbix = new $.zabbix ('', 'guest', '');

Change to the IP or DNS name of your Zabbix server (but leave the /zabbix/api_jsonrpc.php )

Change guest and the empty string to the username and password (respectively) of a Zabbix user that the GUI will use to access the data. Ideally this should be a Zabbix user with Read-only access to the Host Groups you want to show. Don't use your own user! We make no effort to hide the password...

•You may have to add an item for each of these keys to your host Templates:

  • system.cpu.num (Decimal)
  • system.cpu.load (float)
  • vm.memory.size[total] (Decimal)
  • vm.memory.size[free] (Decimal)
  • vm.memory.size[cached] (Decimal)
  • vm.memory.size[inactive] (Decimal)

•Open a web browser page to http://yourzabbixserver/zabbixweb-0.1-release/index.html


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