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Language server for Ralph.

Currently supports text document level events and diagnostics.

Install VSCode plugin

Follow these steps:

  1. Download: Get the .vsix plugin file from the latest release.
  2. Install:
    • Open Visual Studio Code.
    • Go to Extensions > Views and More Actions > Install from VSIX...
    • Select the downloaded .vsix file and click "Install".

Install Neovim plugin

Go to the latest release

Download, extract it and add ralph-lsp/bin to your PATH environment variable.

Install plugin-nvim with your favorite plugin manager, for example with vim-plug

  Plug 'alephium/ralph-lsp', {'rtp': 'plugin-nvim'}

The plugin adds file type detection, syntax highlighting and start the LSP server, make sure you have ralph-lsp available in your PATH

Build the JAR

sbt "compile; lsp-server/assembly"

Look in target folder: .../ralph-lsp/lsp-server/target/scala-2.13/ralph-lsp.jar

Build the executable

sbt universal:packageBin

zip file will be generated in target/universal/

For local development, you can run

sbt stage

This creates the target/universal/stage/bin/ralph-lsp executable

Build the JAR for VSCode

sbt "compile; lsp-server/assembly; copyJARToVSCode"

The JAR file gets generated to plugin-vscode/out/ralph-lsp.jar.

Run LSP in VSCode

Open the plugin directory plugin-vscode in VSCode:

cd plugin-vscode
code .

Run the plugin by selecting the menu option Run -> Run Without Debugging or Run -> Start Debugging.


After your IDE has booted up, create a mandatory config file named ralph.json in your project's root directory. You can use the following sample as reference:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "ignoreUnusedConstantsWarnings": false,
    "ignoreUnusedVariablesWarnings": false,
    "ignoreUnusedFieldsWarnings": false,
    "ignoreUnusedPrivateFunctionsWarnings": false,
    "ignoreUpdateFieldsCheckWarnings": false,
    "ignoreCheckExternalCallerWarnings": false
  "contractPath": "contracts",
  "artifactPath": "artifacts"

The dependencyPath field is optional. If not set, the default path (<user.home>/.ralph-lsp/dependencies/) will be used.

"dependencyPath": "dependencies"

Configure trace (VSCode)


  • off - Enables info, warning and error.
  • messages - Enables all the above including debug.
  • verbose - Enables all the above including trace.

Release VSCode plugin