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FAQ: General

Adrian Hintze edited this page Nov 10, 2017 · 13 revisions

This page includes general frequently asked questions about Snapp.

My sounds aren't playing! They work well with Snap!

This is a known issue. Basically I don't have a license to distribute software that is able to play certain file types like .mp3. If you want your sounds to work with Snapp please convert them into an open format (like .ogg) before importing them into Snap.

My program stops executing at the same point every time!

Check this other Q&A. If Snap cannot play a sound, under certain conditions, it never resumes the execution of the code. This isn't a problem in the browser, but it is with Snapp.

I submit my project and wait... But my browser never downloads anything!

If you are using Safari change to a different browser. If you are using a different one try with chrome. If you are using chrome open a new issue.

The Snapp version you provide takes forever...

Nothing I can do about it. It's no high-performance server, also it is located in Spain, which is quite far away from where a lot of Snapp users are based. The only solution I can offer is for you to self-host the application.

With widescreen resolutions, half the screen is just a black background

This is Snap's default behaviour. I am looking into it and, depending on how much work it is to fix, something will be done, but I cannot promise anything at the moment.

Will Snapp ever be available in languages other than English?

Currently there are no plans to localise the application.