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Adobe I/O Lib State

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A Node JavaScript abstraction on top of distributed/cloud DBs that exposes a simple state persistence API.

You can initialize the lib with your Adobe I/O Runtime (a.k.a OpenWhisk) credentials.

Please note that currently, you must be a customer of Adobe Developer App Builder to use this library. App Builder is a complete framework that enables enterprise developers to build and deploy custom web applications that extend Adobe Experience Cloud solutions and run on Adobe infrastructure.


npm install @adobe/aio-lib-state


  const stateLib = require('@adobe/aio-lib-state')

  // init when running in an Adobe I/O Runtime action (OpenWhisk) (uses env vars __OW_API_KEY and __OW_NAMESPACE automatically. default region is 'amer')
  const state = await stateLib.init()
  // set an explicit region
  const state2 = await stateLib.init({ region: 'apac' }) 

  // get
  const res = await state.get('key') // res = { value, expiration }
  const value = res.value

  // put
  await state.put('key', 'value')
  await state.put('another key', 'another value', { ttl: -1 }) // -1 for max expiry (365 days), defaults to 86400 (24 hours)

  // delete
  await state.delete('key')

  // delete all keys and values
  await state.deleteAll()

  // returns true if you have at least one key and value
  await state.any()


goto API


set DEBUG=@adobe/aio-lib-state* to see debug logs.

Adobe I/O State Store Limitations (per user)

Apply when init with I/O Runtime credentials:

  • Namespace must be in valid AppBuilder format: amsorg-project(-workspace)?
  • Max state value size: 1MB.
  • Max state key size: 1024 bytes.
  • Supported characters are alphanumeric and -,_,.
  • Max-supported TTL is 365 days.
  • Default TTL is 1 day.


"[StateLib:ERROR_INTERNAL] unknown error response from provider with status: unknown"

  • when using @adobe/aio-lib-state in an action bundled with webpack please make sure to turn off minification and enable resolving of es6 modules. Add the following lines to your webpack config:
  optimization: {
    minimize: false
  resolve: {
    extensions: ['.js'],
    mainFields: ['main']


Contributions are welcomed! Read the Contributing Guide for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache V2 License. See LICENSE for more information.