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A Docker image providing a runtime environment for the AkSearch web component.

It depends on a Solr instance and MySQL/MariaDb instance:

  • The Solr instance can be deployed using the AkSearchSolr docker image.
  • The MariaDb can be deployed using the official MariaDb docker image.

Both of them can be deployed usind the docker-compose.yaml located in this repository root - see the corresponding section below.

You must pass information about location of Solr and MySQL/MariaDb database using environment variables (see the Environment variables section below).

Deployment on ACDH servers

Deployment on Portainer is done automatically (there is a service checking for new versions of docker images on docker hub and redeploying services when a new version is available).

Harvesting with OAI-PMH

Run /var/www/vufind/harvest/ inside the container (e.g. with docker exec {containerName} /var/www/vufind/harvest/

Reingesting all data

Run the script (provided in this repository main directory) in the bash console.

Harvesting the DeGruyter data

  • Make sure /var/www/local/harvest/harvest_degruyter.json config settings match your needs:
    • check updateDate (set to null to get all the data)
    • check targetDir (remember it should be also accessible from the solr container)
    • optionally check server, login, ftpPattern and recordsPerFile
    • other settings shouldn't require adjustment
  • Run /var/www/vufind/harvest/ /var/www/local/harvest/harvest_degruyter.json ftpPassword inside the container.
    • Repeat periodically. Until you use the same config file, it will automatically take track of what was already processed.

Local deployment

Use docker run, e.g. (just adjust environment variable values!) :

docker run -d -p 80:80 --name aksearch-web -e -e DB_PSWD=strongPswd -e SOLR_URL=http://my.solr/solr -e ALMA_KEY=xxx aksearch-web

If connections with Solr and MySQL/MariaDb database works fine, you should be able to open the AkSearch in your browser using the URL.

Environment variables

Environment Variable Required Default Description
SOLR_URL + URL of the Solr backend, e.g. http://my.server:8983/solr
ALMA_KEY + Your Alma API authorization token
ALMA_URL + Base URL of the Alma API
DB_HOST + Server name/IP of your MySQL/MariaDb database
DB_PSWD + Password for your MySQL/MariaDb database
DB_USER vufind User name for accessing your MySQL/MariaDb database
DB_NAME vufind Your MySQL/MariaDb database name
DB_ROOT +/- root Name of your MySQL/MariaDb database superuser account (see below)
DB_ROOT_PSWD +/- Password for your MySQL/MariaDb database superuser account (see below)
VUFIND_LOCAL_MODULES AkSearch,AkSearchApi, AkSearchConsole,AkSearchSearch,aksearchExt Coma separarated list of Zend2 modules to be enabled (on top of VuFind ones)
APPLICATION_ENV Set to 'development' to avoid Zend configuration caching (which may cause troubles with live development) and enable verbose error messages (this value is also copied VUFIND_ENV)
SOLR_USER 8983 UID of the solr container user. Used by the OAI-PMH harvesting scripts to assure harvested data can be processed inside the solr container


If DB_ROOT_PSWD (and DB_ROOT) environment variables are provided, the startup script will check if a DB_USER account and DB_NAME database exist and create them when needed.

The container can still successfully start up without these environment variables if only the database has been already created (e.g. if you did it manually or you already have one as you are e.g. migrating from already existing VuFind/AkSearch instance).

Providing own VuFind/AkSearch settings

FuVind/AkSearch allows you to overwrite settings by providing a shadow directory with your own ones. It works in a way that if a file with a given relative path exists both in VuFind/AkSearch main code tree and your shadow directory, the shadow directory file is being used.

Typically such a shadow directory is used to overwritte files in VuFind/AkSearch config directory. Some examples are even provided in the AkSearch repo - the local directory is indeed such a shadow directory.

The default shadow directory for this image is provided by the local directory of this repository.

If you want to overwrite it with a directory from your machine, just add a -v /full/path/on/your/machine:/var/www/local to the docker run call.

If you are using docker-compose.yaml you can achieve the same by adding a volumes section to the ak-web container definition:

    - /full/path/on/your/machine:/var/www/local

Keeping up to date

Docker doesn't update images automatically, so every time you want to make sure you are using an up to date version run docker pull acdhch/aksearch-web.

Same goes for other images (in our case acdhch/aksearch-solr for the Solr backend and mariadb:10 for the MariaDb backend).

If you are using docker-compose, you can run docker-compose pull to update all of them at once.


  • Modify VuFind/AkSearch configuration files by adding adjusted versions to the local directory of this repo.
    • By no means add any confidential data to this repository (e.g. API tokens, database passwords, etc.). Such a data should be passed only using environment variables at runtime and the script should put them in the right target places. If you don't know how to do it, contact Mateusz.
  • If you modify application code:
    • Develop it in a separate repository and deploy it as a composer package.
    • Indicate that this image depends on it by adding corresponding composer package name (and version) to the composer.json file in this repository root.
  • If you create a new theme:
    • Develop it in a separate repository and deploy it as a composer package.
    • Indicate that this image depends on it by adding corresponding composer package name (and version) to the composer.json file in this repository root.
    • Add creating of a symlink from the VuFind/AkSearch installation dir to the directory where composer installs your theme package to the script.
  • Commit changes to this repository and push it to GitHub.
    • The acdhch/aksearch-web image will be rebuild automatically. Depending on Docker Hub servers load it can take from few minutes to an hour.
    • If you don't want to wait, you can build the image on your own. Just run docker build -t acdhch/aksearch-web pathToThisRepoOnYourMachine. In such a case you can skip the next step.
  • Pull the current acdhch/aksearch-web image to your local docker registry (run docker pull acdhch/aksearch-web)

Checking how your packages work with VuFind/AkSearch

While developing your packages you might want to test the live. For that just mount your module sources under /var/www/vufind/vendor/{yourAccount}/{yourPackage} in the aksearch-web container.

Same goes with testing live the changes you are making in this repository's local directory. Just mount this directory under /var/www/local in aksearch-web container.

See the Appendix - useful Docker commands below for instructions on mounting host directories in a Docker container.

Solr and/or MariaDb deployment using attached docker-compose.yaml

The easiest way to deploy dependencies is to use the docker-compose.yaml file provided by this repository.

  • Download
  • Open it and adjust:
    • Change passwords (MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD, DB_PSWD, DB_ROOT_PSWD, be aware MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD and DB_ROOT_PSWD have to be equal)
    • If you already have a Solr or MySQL/MariaDb database remove corresponding parts of the file (and make sure environment variables in the services->ak-web->environment are in line with your already existing service config)
    • If you want direct access to Solr and/or MariaDb, add a ports section to their definitions (just like it's done for the ak-web). Solr works on port 8983 while MariaDb on 3306. The reason for not providing such mappings is the docker-compose.yaml is that it makes both services easily accessible which might be not desiread as e.g. Solr has no authorization by default.
  • Open console, go to the directory with the docker-compose.yaml and run
    docker-compose up
    • To shut down containers just hit CTRL+C on the console where docker-compose up displays containers' logs.

Importing sample data

Follow instructions in the AkSearchSolr repository.

Appendix - useful Docker commands

If you are a Docker newbie:

  • docker ps -a lists containers and their state.
  • docker exec -ti container_name bash runs a console inside a given container (something like using ssh to get a console on a remote server).
  • docker rm -fv container_name removes a given container.
  • docker volume list lists all defined volumes. Volumes are like disk partitions - they provide persistent storage which survives container removal. There are a few tricky things about them:
    • As they survive container removal, you must remove them by hand (see below) to fully clean up your machine.
    • If a volume doesn't exist, it's created empty (it especially meand that if you mount it under /some/path in the container, /some/path content from the container's image won't be copied to the volume). This means if you need volumes to be initially filled with data, your container's startup scripts must take care of it (e.g. in the Solr container here - if Solr cores directory is empty, initialize it with a template, otherwise do nothing)
    • You can't see volumes content directly from host filesystem (at least without using black magick ;-) ). On one hand that's inconvenient but on the other it allows to avoid all the file permissions issues (for smooth sharing files between the host and a docker container the host and the container should also share users and groups database which is rarely a case).
  • docker volume rm volume_name removes a given volume. As volumes survive container removal you must delete them by hand to fully clean up your machine.

Mounting host directories inside a Docker container

Let's say you want to mount the d:/my/host/dir under /container/dir in a Docker container.

  • If you run the container using docker run, just add a -v d:/my/host/dir:/container/dir to the docker run call.
  • If you are using docker-compose up and the docker-composer.yaml, add a corresponding volume section to your container definition, e.g.:
        - d:/my/host/dir:/container/dir

Be aware that mounting data from host into a Docker container may cause file permissions issues. The user account used for running the code inside the Docker container may have unsufficient priviledges to access (less likely) or create/modify (very likely) data you mounted from host. There are three workarounds. First, granting everyone read/write rights on the data you are mounting (you should grant them in the host system). Second, use the root account inside the Docker container. Third, synchronize UIDs of the host and Docker container user accounts (but if you are reading this sentence, you should stick to the first or second workaround).


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