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Showcase for developing debugger tests using the CLion testing infrastructure in an external plugin


The key class is com.jetbrains.cidr.execution.debugger.CidrDebuggerTestCase, if everything is set up correctly, it should be available in the test scope. Debugger tests use a test project built using CMake. Before running the tests, the infrastructure builds it and remembers marker lines for setting breakpoints into a subclass of com.jetbrains.cidr.CidrDebugProjectMarkup. That particular class is tied to the specific debug project.

There's two sets of tests:

  • those inheriting from com.jetbrains.cidr.execution.debugger.CidrDebuggerDriverTestCase - tests for the debugger driver, they run without creating a debug session or a CidrDebugProcess instance. It's easier to debug failures in these tests;

  • and those inheriting from com.jetbrains.cidr.execution.debugger.CidrDebuggingWithDebugProjectTestCase - these are more like "integration" tests, with an XDebugSession, CidrDebugProcess and stuff.

Both flavors of the tests usually set some breakpoint, run the test program with certain arguments to trigger the breakpoint, and then probably inspect variables. Both revolve around a blocking queue of events, either CidrDebuggingFixture.DriverEvent or CidrDebuggingFixture.DebuggerState.


Showcase for developing debugger tests using the CLion testing infrastructure in an external plugin




