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Pacemaker project: A simulink pacemaker with accompanying python-based GUI Python Simulink

  • Features multiple users support, serial communication, real-time plotting of pacemaker data. GUI can program and read pacemaker parameters over serial. APIs used include threading, pyserial, tkinter, matplotlib, and struct.

ASIP Stepper motor controller: Verilog FPGA stepper motor controller Verilog Quartus Prime

  • Designed an ASIP using Verilog, including a 14-module datapath and control FSM on a Cyclone V FPGA to control a stepper motor
  • Constructed a motor driver interface circuit using an SN754410 Half-H Driver chip
  • Utilized Quartus Prime for simulation and testing of the ASIP and its modules. Additionally, wrote test programs in assembly to be run on ASIP.

SDRAM Controller: Verilog SDRAM controller Verilog Quartus Prime

  • Designed a controller circuit for an SDRAM chip on a Cyclone V FPGA
  • Controller is able to read and write data to the DRAM

Subcontractor Scraper: A project I worked on during my time as a project coordinator at a construction company Python VBA

  • Taking in a list of desired subcontractors from a word document, it searches the company's excel sheet for the subcontractor's contact information
  • Once acquired, it sorts the information by subtrade then inserts it into a macro-enabled excel document, which I programmed using VBA
  • The time required to manually fill this excel document was incredibly long, which inspired me to create this application in order to speed up the process

InsiderBot: A personal project that I created when I began trading in the stock market Python

  • Uses Discord for input and output
  • Reports information on a specified stock (50 day average, daily high, daily low, yield, etc)
  • Provides insider trades information: CEOs/company heads/politicians that bought or sold large amounts of company stock
  • Uses requests and beautifulsoup python libraries to scrape the web for the above information, as well as the discord library

PWM Fan Controller: A project for my embedded systems design class, MECHTRON 2TA4 C

  • Created a heat-activated PWM fan device using a temperature sensor, operational amplifier, and an opto-isolator in conjunction with an STM32 MCU.
  • Implemented a variety of functions in embedded C, such as display of the current temperature on an LCD, a user-modifiable threshold temperature, and PWM fan operation based on temperature.

Tic-Tac-Toe: A basic JavaScript-HTML-CSS project CCC

  • Created a simple game of Tic-Tac-Toe with plans to add more games in the future

3D-Printable Lightsaber: CC

  • Used Inventor and Fusion360 to design, prototype, and model a to-scale 3D model of a lightsaber handle from Star Wars.
  • Original design was restructured into an assembly to allow for 3D printing.


A portfolio of my programming projects




