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Diabetes prediction using Logistic Regression, KNN, Decision Tree, SVM, Random Forest, XGBoost and Light-GBM with feature selection and hyperparameter tunings

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Diabetes is a prevalent chronic condition that can seriously endanger human health. When blood glucose levels are greater than normal, diabetes can be diagnosed whether is caused from various kinds of biological factors. Machine learning algorithms can be used to predict diabetes by selecting and processing relevant medical data, training, and validating the model, and incorporating it into clinical decision support systems.

Model Accuracy

After Feature Selection After Hyperparameter Tuning Final Accuracy (Test Set)
Logistic Regression 79.60 % 79.60 % 78.04 %
K-Nearest Neighbors 90.80 % 91.33 % 88.76 %
Decision Tree 89.60 % 91.60 % 90.04 %
Support Vector Machine 83.20 % 85.97 % 91.24 %
Random Forest 94.13 % 94.40 % 94.20 %
XGBoost 95.87 % 96.40 % 96.52 %
Light-GBM 94.93 % 95.60 % 96.64 %

Precision-Recall Curve

PR Curve

Confusion Matrix & Classification Report

Logistics Regression

Predicted Negative Predicted Positive
Actual Negative 1464 198
Actual Positive 351 487
Performance Measures Precision Recall F1-Score Support
0 0.8066 0.8809 0.8421 1662
1 0.7109 0.5811 0.6395 838
Accuracy 0.7804 0.7804 0.7804 0.7804
Macro Avg 0.7588 0.7310 0.7408 2500
Weighted Avg 0.7745 0.7804 0.7742 2500

K-Nearest Neighbors

Predicted Negative Predicted Positive
Actual Negative 1578 84
Actual Positive 164 674
Performance Measures Precision Recall F1-Score Support
0 0.9059 0.9495 0.9271 1662
1 0.8892 0.8043 0.8446 838
Accuracy 0.9008 0.9008 0.9008 0.9008
Macro Avg 0.8975 0.8769 0.8859 2500
Weighted Avg 0.9003 0.9008 0.8995 2500

Decision Tree

Predicted Negative Predicted Positive
Actual Negative 1572 90
Actual Positive 129 709
Performance Measures Precision Recall F1-Score Support
0 0.9242 0.9458 0.9349 1662
1 0.8874 0.8461 0.86626 838
Accuracy 0.9124 0.9124 0.9124 0.9124
Macro Avg 0.9058 0.8960 0.9005 2500
Weighted Avg 0.9118 0.9124 0.91195 2500

Support Vector Machine

Predicted Negative Predicted Positive
Actual Negative 1546 116
Actual Positive 165 673
Performance Measures Precision Recall F1-Score Support
0 0.9036 0.9302 0.9167 1662
1 0.8530 0.8031 0.8273 838
Accuracy 0.8876 0.8876 0.8876 0.8876
Macro Avg 0.8783 0.8667 0.8720 2500
Weighted Avg 0.8866 0.8876 0.8867 2500

Random Forest

Predicted Negative Predicted Positive
Actual Negative 1547 56
Actual Positive 107 790
Performance Measures Precision Recall F1-Score Support
0 0.9353 0.9651 0.9500 1662
1 0.9338 0.8807 0.9065 838
Accuracy 0.9348 0.9348 0.9348 0.9348
Macro Avg 0.9346 0.9229 0.9282 2500
Weighted Avg 0.9348 0.9348 0.9344 2500


Predicted Negative Predicted Positive
Actual Negative 1622 40
Actual Positive 47 791
Performance Measures Precision Recall F1-Score Support
0 0.9718 0.9759 0.9739 1662
1 0.9519 0.9439 0.9479 838
Accuracy 0.9652 0.9652 0.9652 0.9652
Macro Avg 0.9619 0.9599 0.9609 2500
Weighted Avg 0.9651 0.9652 0.9652 2500


Predicted Negative Predicted Positive
Actual Negative 1629 33
Actual Positive 51 787
Performance Measures Precision Recall F1-Score Support
0 0.9696 0.9801 0.9749 1662
1 0.9598 0.9391 0.9493 838
Accuracy 0.9664 0.9664 0.9664 0.9664
Macro Avg 0.9647 0.9596 0.9621 2500
Weighted Avg 0.9663 0.9664 0.9663 2500

Model Deployment


Overview Procedure from Data Collection to Model Deployment:


Data Visualization

Data visualisation is a useful tool that enables people to grasp and comprehend complex data more easily. It entails presenting data in a graphical or visual style, which can aid in identifying patterns, trends, and relationships that may not be obvious when looking at raw data.

Skewness of Attribute Distribution

Attribute Distribution

Histogram for each attribute in dataset

Attributes Histogram

Bar Graph for Distribution of Diabetic

Box and Whisker plot

Diabetic Distribution

Data Preprocessing

Data preprocessing is a method that is used to enhance the data's quality prior to apply mining and ensuring that the data will produce high quality mining results. Preprocessing of data includes:

  • Data Cleaning
  • Data Integrating
  • Data Transforming
  • Reducing Data

Pearson Correlation

Pearson correlation is a statistical metric used to quantify the linear relationship between two continuous variables. The Pearson correlation coefficient is a number between -1 and 1, with 1 indicating a perfect positive linear link, -1 indicating a perfect negative linear relationship, and 0 indicating no linear relationship.

Correlation Matrix for each feature

Pearson Correlation Feature

Correlation Matrix between features and outcome

Pearson Correlation Label

From the correlation matrix above, we can observe the correlation coefficient of ‘PatientID’ is smaller. It can be considered to remove it from datasets if we want to save the time consume and save the computation cost during model training.


StandardScaler is a preprocessing tool for standardising the features in a dataset. This is important because most of the machine learning algorithms assume that the input data is normally distributed and that all characteristics are of equal magnitude. StandardScaler normally will be applied logistics regression and support vector machine, PCA and so on during training process.

StandardScaler Data

StandardScaler Data

Model Training With Wrapper Method and Hyperparameters Tuning

Wrapper method is one of the feature selection techniques that is a strategy for selecting the most important features to include in a model. This strategy entails evaluating several features combinations and selecting the one that results in the best model performance.

Hyperparameter tuning is the process of determining the best settings for machine learning. Hyperparameters that are not learned from data but can be adjusted or used as defaults before training the model. The model can be optimised by tuning the hyperparameters to achieve the best feasible performance on a given dataset.

Weightage of Training, Validiation and Test Set

Data Weightage

Logistic Regression

Feature Selection with SFS:
Logistics Regression SFS

Hyperparameters tuning in Logistic Regression with Grid Search:

Hyperparameter Values
max_iter 10000
C 0.059
penalty l2
solver lbfgs

K-Nearest Neighbors

Feature Selection with SFS:
K Nearest Neighbors SFS

Hyperparameters tuning in K Nearest Neighbors with graph method: K Nearest Neighbors SFS

Decision Tree

Feature Selection with SFS:
Decision Tree SFS

Hyperparameters tuning in Decision Tree with Grid Search:

Hyperparameter Values
max_depth 10
max_leaf_nodes 40

Support Vector Machine

Feature Selection with SFS:
Support Vector Machine SFS

Hyperparameters tuning in Support Vector Machine with Random Search:

Hyperparameter Values
max_depth 40
max_features auto
n_estimators 100
min_samples_leaf 1
min_samples_split 1

Random Forests

Feature Selection with SFS:
Random Forest SFS

Hyperparameters tuning in Random Forests with Grid Search:

Hyperparameter Values
gamma 0.0001
C 1000
kernel rbf
probability True


Feature Selection with SFS:

Hyperparameters tuning in XGBoost with Random Search:

Hyperparameter Values
max_depth 40
subsample 0.7
min_child_weight 1
learning_rate 0.2
gamma 0.2
colsample_bytree 0.2


Feature Selection with SFS:

Hyperparameters tuning in Light-GBM with Random Search:

Hyperparameter Values
max_depth 15
num_leaves 30
n_estimators 100
subsample 0.8
colsample_bytree 0.1


Diabetes prediction using Logistic Regression, KNN, Decision Tree, SVM, Random Forest, XGBoost and Light-GBM with feature selection and hyperparameter tunings







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