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Sebi1006 edited this page Jun 22, 2021 · 33 revisions
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Zeta is a tool for automatically generating a graphical DSL from a range of textual DSLs. In combination with a suitable meta-model, you render these text definitions for a generator that creates a graphical editor for the web. So it can bee seen as a model-driven generation of graphical editors with the goal to generate simulations from a graphical DSL.

The table of contents in this wiki consists of an explanation of how the development system is set up, a few guidelines for development and a description of the relationships between the individual components. The architecture and the technologies used are also described.

Model-driven Software Development

A high goal when developing a programming language is to adapt the level of abstraction to human thinking. In contrast to textual languages, an approximation to human thinking can be achieved through graphical languages. Such graphical languages are often referred as modelling languages and the results of their application are models. These models can be formal and precise enough to be transformed into executable software systems, but are also suitable to be understood or even developed by domain users. The basic assumption of this project is that modeling languages have a significant potential for increasing productivity in the development of software systems.