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Releases: Xylemon/xlennart

XLennart 1.1.1 - Source

08 Mar 16:25
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Third (and last from me) release of XLennart!


- New Lennart sprites (Daniel Reurich)
- New Debian/Devuan packaging (Daniel Reurich)
- Some more makefile clean up (Vitalie Ciubotaru)
- Looking for a new maintainer, please contact me at <>

XLennart 1.1 - Source

09 Dec 18:23
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Second release of XLennart!


- Clean up in makefile and configure scripts (Michael Shigorin and Dmitrij D. Czarkoff)
- Now uses GTK2 instead of GTK1 (Michael Shigorin)
- Improved Distro graphics and added a new one for a special occasion
- Some improvements to other images like the about page
- Removed unsed and outdated images
- Fixed some small copyright text

XLennart 1.0 - Source

03 Nov 04:31
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The first release of XLennart!