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Repository for the Hackerrank Challenges practice.

Acquired Badges

10 Days of JavaScript
Solved 15/02/2023
Problem Solving - Silver II
Solved ??/??/????
Java - Silver III
Solved ??/??/????
SQL - Silver IV
Acquired 14/03/2023

Solved Challenges in Python

No. Problem Solution Difficulty Points Category
001 Solve Me First Python Easy 1.00 Alghoritms - Warmup
002 Simple Array Sum Python Easy 10.00 Alghoritms - Warmup
003 Compare the Triplets Python Easy 10.00 Alghoritms - Warmup
004 A Very Big Sum Python Easy 10.00 Alghoritms - Warmup
005 Diagonal Difference Python Easy 10.00 Alghoritms - Warmup
006 Plus Minus Python Easy 10.00 Alghoritms - Warmup
007 Staircase Python Easy 10.00 Alghoritms - Warmup
008 Mini-Max Sum Python Easy 10.00 Alghoritms - Warmup
009 Birthday Cake Candles Python Easy 10.00 Alghoritms - Warmup
010 Time Conversion Python Easy 15.00 Alghoritms - Warmup
011 Grading Students Python Easy 10.00 Alghoritms - Implementation
012 Apple and Orange Python Easy 10.00 Alghoritms - Implementation
013 Number Line Jumps (Kangaroo) Python Easy 10.00 Alghoritms - Implementation
014 Between Two Sets Python Easy 10.00 Alghoritms - Implementation
015 Breaking the Records Python Easy 10.00 Alghoritms - Implementation
016 Subarray Division (The Birthday Bar) Python Easy 10.00 Alghoritms - Implementation
017 Divisible Sum Pairs Python Easy 10.00 Alghoritms - Implementation


No. Problem Difficulty Solved Points
001 Welcome to Java! Easy ✔️ 3.00
002 Java Stdin and Stdout I Easy ✔️ 5.00
003 Java If-Else Easy ✔️ 10.00
004 Java Stdin and Stdout II Easy ✔️ 10.00
005 Java Loops I Easy ✔️ 10.00
006 Java Loops II Easy ✔️ 10.00
007 Java Datatypes Easy ✔️ 10.00
008 Java End-of-file Easy ✔️ 10.00
009 Java Static Initializer Block Easy ✔️ 10.00
010 Java Int to String Easy ✔️ 10.00
011 Java Date and Time Easy ✔️ 15.00
012 Java Currency Formatter Easy ✔️ 15.00

10 Days of Javascript

No. Problem Difficulty Solved Points
001 Day 0: Hello, World! Easy ✔️ 10.00
002 Day 0: Data Types Easy ✔️ 10.00
003 Day 1: Arithmetic Operators Easy ✔️ 10.00
004 Day 1: Functions Easy ✔️ 10.00
005 Day 1: Let and Const Easy ✔️ 10.00
006 Day 2: Conditional Statemets: If-Else Easy ✔️ 10.00
007 Day 2: Conditional Statements: Switch Easy ✔️ 10.00
008 Day 2: Loops Easy ✔️ 10.00
009 Day 3: Arrays Easy ✔️ 15.00
010 Day 3: Try, Catch, and Finally Easy ✔️ 15.00
011 Day 3: Throw Easy ✔️ 15.00
012 Day 4: Create a Rectangle Object Easy ✔️ 15.00
013 Day 4: Count Objects Easy ✔️ 15.00
014 Day 4: Classes Easy ✔️ 15.00
015 Day 5: Inheritance Easy ✔️ 15.00
016 Day 5: Template Literals Easy ✔️ 15.00
017 Day 5: Arrow Functions Easy ✔️ 15.00
018 Day 6: Bitwise Operators Easy ✔️ 15.00
019 Day 6: JavaScript Dates Easy ✔️ 15.00
020 Day 7: Regular Expressions I Easy ✔️ 15.00
021 Day 7: Regular Expressions II Easy ✔️ 15.00
022 Day 7: Regular Expressions III Easy ✔️ 15.00
023 Day 8: Create a Button Easy ✔️ HTML CSS JS 20.00
024 Day 8: Buttons Container Easy ✔️ HTML CSS JS 25.00
025 Day 9: Binary Calculator Medium ✔️ HTML CSS JS 12.00


Solved mostly in DB2.

No. Problem Difficulty Skills Solved Points Category
001 Revising the Select Query I Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 10.00 Basic Select
002 Revising the Select Query II Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 10.00 Basic Select
003 Select All Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 10.00 Basic Select
004 Select By ID Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 10.00 Basic Select
005 Japanese Cities' Attributes Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 10.00 Basic Select
006 Japanese Cities' Names Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 10.00 Basic Select
007 Weather Observation Station 1 Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 15.00 Basic Select
008 Weather Observation Station 3 Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 15.00 Basic Select
009 Weather Observation Station 4 Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 10.00 Basic Select
010 Weather Observation Station 5 Easy SQL (Intermediate) ✔️ 30.00 Basic Select
011 Weather Observation Station 6 Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 10.00 Basic Select
012 Weather Observation Station 7 Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 10.00 Basic Select
013 Weather Observation Station 8 Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 15.00 Basic Select
014 Weather Observation Station 9 Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 10.00 Basic Select
015 Weather Observation Station 10 Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 10.00 Basic Select
016 Weather Observation Station 11 Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 15.00 Basic Select
017 Weather Observation Station 12 Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 15.00 Basic Select
018 Higher Than 75 Marks Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 15.00 Basic Select
019 Employee Names Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 10.00 Basic Select
020 Employee Salaries Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 10.00 Basic Select
021 Type of Triangle Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 20.00 Advanced Select
022 The PADS Medium SQL (Basic) 30.00 Advanced Select
023 Occupations Medium SQL (Basic) 30.00 Advanced Select
024 Binary Tree Nodes Medium SQL (Intermediate) 30.00 Advanced Select
025 New Companies Medium SQL (Intermediate) 30.00 Advanced Select
026 Revising Aggregations - The Count Function Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 10.00 Aggregation
027 Revising Aggregations - The Sum Function Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 10.00 Aggregation
028 Revising Aggregations - Averages Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 10.00 Aggregation
029 Average Population Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 10.00 Aggregation
030 Japan Population Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 10.00 Aggregation
031 Population Density Difference Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 10.00 Aggregation
032 The Blunder Easy SQL (Basic) 15.00 Aggregation
033 Top Earners Easy SQL (Basic) 20.00 Aggregation
034 Weather Observation Station 2 Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 15.00 Aggregation
035 Weather Observation Station 13 Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 10.00 Aggregation
036 Weather Observation Station 14 Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 10.00 Aggregation
037 Weather Observation Station 15 Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 15.00 Aggregation
038 Weather Observation Station 16 Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 10.00 Aggregation
039 Weather Observation Station 17 Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 15.00 Aggregation
040 Weather Observation Station 18 Medium SQL (Basic) ✔️ 25.00 Aggregation
041 Weather Observation Station 19 Medium SQL (Basic) ✔️ 30.00 Aggregation
042 Weather Observation Station 20 Medium SQL (Intermediate) 40.00 Aggregation
043 Population Census Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 10.00 Basic Join
044 African Cities Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 10.00 Basic Join
045 Average Population of Each Continent Easy SQL (Basic) ✔️ 10.00 Basic Join
046 The Report Medium SQL (Intermediate) 20.00 Basic Join
047 The Competitors Medium SQL (Intermediate) 30.00 Basic Join
048 Olivander's Inventory Medium SQL (Intermediate) 30.00 Basic Join
049 Challenges Medium SQL (Intermediate) 30.00 Basic Join
050 Contest Leaderboard Medium SQL (Intermediate) 30.00 Basic Join
051 Placements Medium SQL (Intermediate) 40.00 Advanced Join
052 Symmetric Pairs Medium SQL (Intermediate) 40.00 Advanced Join
053 Interviews Hard SQL (Intermediate) 50.00 Advanced Join
054 15 Days of Learning SQL Hard SQL (Advanced) 50.00 Advanced Join
055 Draw The Triangle 1 Easy SQL (Advanced) 25.00 Alternative Queries
056 Draw The Triangle 2 Easy SQL (Advanced) 25.00 Alternative Queries
057 Print Prime Numbers Medium SQL (Advanced) 40.00 Alternative Queries


CSS code for IDE I use

<style> * { color: #fff !important; } a { color: #ad0 !important; } body { background: #000 !important; } /* table:nth-of-type(1) * { border: none !important; text-align: left; min-height: 25px !important; } */ table td:not(:nth-of-type(2)) { text-align: center !important; } table td:nth-of-type(4) table:not(:first-of-type) { color: #ad0 !important; font-weight: bold; } table:first-of-type a * { color: #ad0 !important; } table:first-of-type td { min-width: 200px !important; } table:first-of-type th { display: none !important; } table:first-of-type tr:first-of-type td { border: none; } table:first-of-type tr { margin: 0 10px !important; text-align: center; } table td:empty { background: #440 !important; } </style>