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Enable cryptocurrency payments in your web applications or business.

This PHP SDK interacts with the API handling the creation and monitoring of cryptocurrency payments.



  • PHP >= 7.0.0
  • Composer


composer require vimiso/coinpush-php:1.*



Coinpush currently supports: btc, bch and ltc.

Be sure to check out Coinpush's supported cryptocurrencies for an up-to-date list, as well as fee information.


To get started, inject the Config class into the Client constructor:


use Coinpush\Config;
use Coinpush\Client;
use Coinpush\Exceptions\RequestException;

$client = new Client(new Config);


Want to request the Testnet? Enable it like so:

$config = (new Config)->useTestnet();
$client = new Client($config);

IMPORTANT: Please do not send real payments to any addresses created on the Testnet - our systems will not detect them.

Approach A

This enables payments on a per-cryptocurrency basis.

Payment Creation

To create a new payment address, use the following method:

$currency = 'btc'; // The cryptocurrency to charge in.
$response = $client->create($currency, [
    'amount' => 200000, // Satoshis to charge (0.0002 * 100000000).
    'output_address' => 'YOUR_BTC_OUTPUT_ADDRESS',
    // 'callback_url' => 'OPTIONAL_WEBHOOK_NOTIFICATION_URL',

$results = $response['results'];
$label = $results['address']['label'];
$depositAddress = $results['address']['deposit_address'];

For more information on the create resource visit: API Payment Creation.

Payment Monitoring


Webhook notifications are sent if a callback_url is supplied when creating a payment - read more about webhooks on the official docs: API Payment Monitoring.


You can use a payment's address label, made when creating a payment, to inspect its statuses:

$response = $client->statuses($label);
$results = $response['results'];

// Collect only the statuses from the array.
$achieved = array_column($results['statuses'], 'status');

// The payment status to check for.
$status = 'balance_sufficient';

// Create boolean stating whether the status was met.
$paymentWasSuccessful = in_array($status, $achieved);

Statuses indicate changes in a payment's lifespan. To discover which statuses you can check for, see: API Statuses.

Approach B

This approach enables payments via one, or more, cryptocurrencies based on a fiat currency and amount. It makes use of charge tokens, which are used in conjunction with the Javascript Charge UI plugin.

Charge Tokens

$fiat = 'usd'; // The fiat currency to charge in.
$response = $client->charge($fiat, [
    'amount' => 12.45,
    'accept' => [
        'btc' => 'YOUR_BTC_OUTPUT_ADDRESS',
        'bch' => 'YOUR_BCH_OUTPUT_ADDRESS',
        'ltc' => 'YOUR_LTC_OUTPUT_ADDRESS',

$results = $response['results'];
$token = $results['charge']['token'];

// Use $token on your template with the Charge UI plugin.

Read more about charge tokens here: API Charge Tokens.

Charge Monitoring


To monitor a charge payment you must inspect its statuses:

$response = $client->chargeView($token);
$results = $response['results'];

// Collect only the statuses from the array.
$achieved = array_column($results['statuses'], 'status');

// The payment status to check for.
$status = 'balance_sufficient';

// Create boolean stating whether the status was met.
$paymentWasSuccessful = in_array($status, $achieved);

Read more about charge monitoring here: API Charge Monitoring.


We recommend handling exceptions in the following manner:


use Coinpush\Config;
use Coinpush\Client;
use Coinpush\Exceptions\RequestException;

try {
    // Make request here...
} catch (RequestException $e) {
    $response = $e->getResponse();
    $statusCode = $e->getStatusCode();

    // Handle request exceptions as your wish...

    throw $e;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
    // Handle all other exceptions as your wish...

    throw $e;

Response Status Codes

Coinpush always responds with meaningful HTTP status codes, look out for these:

Code Description
200 The request was successful.
201 The request was successful and a new resource was created.
400 The request was not validated or formatted properly.
404 The given input or resource was not found.
405 The request method was not supported.
429 You exceeded the given rate limit.
500 The API experienced an internal server error.
503 The API is down for maintenance.
