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ValKmjolnir edited this page May 16, 2024 · 5 revisions


star fork issue pr

Nasal is an ECMAscript-like language used in FlightGear. The designer is Andy Ross. This interpreter is rewritten by ValKmjolnir using C++(-std=c++17). We really appreciate that Andy created this amazing programming language: Andy Ross's nasal interpreter.

Old version of this project uses MIT license (2019/7 ~ 2021/5/4 ~ 2023/5). Now it uses GPL v2 license (since 2023/6).

Why writing this Nasal interpreter?

2019 summer, members in FGPRC told me that it is hard to debug with nasal-console in Flightgear, especially when checking syntax errors. So i wrote a new interpreter to help checking syntax error and runtime error.

I wrote the lexer, parser and bytecode virtual machine to help checking errors. We found it much easier to debug.

You could also use this language to write some interesting programs and run them without the lib of Flightgear. You could add your own modules to make the interpreter a useful tool in your own projects.

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