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A simple dynamic route matcher for php, motivation for making these package is that my lightweight framework Rin is suck at the routing and i want it to be some kind package, not only that i want to learn string matching and optimization that can be done in string operation.

The Routes in here are using Builder pattern so registering will not be very painfull, i plan to support some kind Container that implement PSR-11 for dependency injection and also support array too and make the package feel like using Laravel Routing.

Theres are some drawback on the Route matching, the URL passed to RouteResolver must not contain a query or the host name, regarding the query you probably can abuse it, but it's undefined behavior.

Also check out my other framework UnknownRori-PHP.


install through composer composer require unknownrori/router

It's nearly the same thing on Laravel, but it's feel more like standalone thing


use UnknownRori\Router\RouteResolver;
use UnknownRori\Router\Routes;

// Create new instance of `Routes`
$routes = new Routes();

// Added default constraint
// It will added alphanum, num, alpha
// Or you can added it by yourself by calling method `constraint` and passing key and a callable the callable should return a bool

// Register some routes and use anonymous function as callback
$routes->get("/", fn (string $url) => $url)->name('home');
$routes->get("/posts", fn (string $url) => $url)->name('posts');
$routes->get("/users/{name}", fn (string $name) => "User name called {$name}")
    ->where(['name' => 'alphanum']);

// Create instance of `RouteSolver`
$resolver = new RouteResolver($routes);

// Resolve the URL
// Make sure the URL is looks like this, so you might need to cut some host name and the other stuff to be able properly match the route
$result = $resolver->resolve('GET', '/users/UnknownRori');

// Echo the result
echo $result;

🛠️ Development

# clone the repository
> git clone

# enter directory
> cd php-routes

# install dependency
> composer install

# do some test
> composer run test

🌟 Contribution

Feel free to contribute, send pull request or issue and i will take a look