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UltraCart REST API Version 2

This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 2.0.0
  • Package version: 3.10.194
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import ultracart 


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import ultracart

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

# retrieve an auto order
import ultracart
from import ApiException
from ultracart import ApiClient
from pprint import pprint

# Create a Simple Key:
simple_key = '109ee846ee69f50177018ab12f008a00748a25aa28dbdc0177018ab12f008a00'
api_instance = ultracart.AutoorderApi.fromApiKey(simple_key, False, True)

auto_order_oid = 3268342  # int | The auto order oid to retrieve.
expand = 'items'  # str | Expansion determines how much of the object to return.  See documentation for examples (optional)


    auto_order_response = api_instance.get_auto_order(auto_order_oid, expand=expand)
    auto_order = auto_order_response.auto_order

except ApiException as e:
    print ("Exception when calling AutoorderApi->get_auto_order: %s\n" % e)

Retrieve all distribution centers

import time
import ultracart
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Create a Simple Key:
simple_key = '109ee846ee69f50177018ab12f008a00748a25aa28dbdc0177018ab12f008a00'
api_instance = ultracart.FulfillmentApi.fromApiKey(simple_key, False, True)

    # Retrieve distribution centers
    api_response = api_instance.get_distribution_centers()
except ApiException as e:
    print ("Exception when calling FulfillmentApi->get_distribution_centers: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AffiliateApi get_clicks_by_query POST /affiliate/clicks/query Retrieve clicks
AffiliateApi get_ledgers_by_query POST /affiliate/ledgers/query Retrieve ledger entries
AutoOrderApi establish_auto_order_by_reference_order_id POST /auto_order/auto_orders/reference_order_id/{reference_order_id} Establish an auto order by referencing a regular order id
AutoOrderApi get_auto_order GET /auto_order/auto_orders/{auto_order_oid} Retrieve an auto order by oid
AutoOrderApi get_auto_order_by_code GET /auto_order/auto_orders/code/{auto_order_code} Retrieve an auto order by code
AutoOrderApi get_auto_order_by_reference_order_id GET /auto_order/auto_orders/reference_order_id/{reference_order_id} Retrieve an auto order by order id
AutoOrderApi get_auto_orders GET /auto_order/auto_orders Retrieve auto orders
AutoOrderApi get_auto_orders_batch POST /auto_order/auto_orders/batch Retrieve auto order batch
AutoOrderApi get_auto_orders_by_query POST /auto_order/auto_orders/query Retrieve auto orders by query
AutoOrderApi update_auto_order PUT /auto_order/auto_orders/{auto_order_oid} Update an auto order
AutoOrderApi update_auto_orders_batch PUT /auto_order/auto_orders/batch Update multiple auto orders
ChannelPartnerApi cancel_order_by_channel_partner_order_id DELETE /channel_partner/cancel/by_channel_partner_order_id/{order_id} Cancel channel partner order by channel partner order id
ChannelPartnerApi cancel_order_by_ultra_cart_order_id DELETE /channel_partner/cancel/by_ultracart_order_id/{order_id} Cancel channel partner order by UltraCart order id
ChannelPartnerApi delete_channel_partner_ship_to_preference DELETE /channel_partner/channel_partners/{channel_partner_oid}/ship_to_preferences/{channel_partner_ship_to_preference_oid} Delete a ship to preference record for the channel partner.
ChannelPartnerApi estimate_shipping_for_channel_partner_order POST /channel_partner/estimate_shipping Estimate shipping for channel partner order
ChannelPartnerApi estimate_tax_for_channel_partner_order POST /channel_partner/estimate_tax Estimate tax for channel partner order
ChannelPartnerApi get_channel_partner_ship_to_preference GET /channel_partner/channel_partners/{channel_partner_oid}/ship_to_preferences/{channel_partner_ship_to_preference_oid} Retrieve the ship to preference associated with the channel partner and the specific id.
ChannelPartnerApi get_channel_partner_ship_to_preferences GET /channel_partner/channel_partners/{channel_partner_oid}/ship_to_preferences Retrieve the ship to preferences associated with the channel partner.
ChannelPartnerApi get_channel_partners GET /channel_partner/channel_partners Retrieve the channel partners configured on the account.
ChannelPartnerApi import_channel_partner_order POST /channel_partner/import Insert channel partner order
ChannelPartnerApi insert_channel_partner_ship_to_preference POST /channel_partner/channel_partners/{channel_partner_oid}/ship_to_preferences Insert a ship to preference record for the channel partner.
ChannelPartnerApi update_channel_partner_ship_to_preference PUT /channel_partner/channel_partners/{channel_partner_oid}/ship_to_preferences/{channel_partner_ship_to_preference_oid} Update a ship to preference record for the channel partner.
ChargebackApi delete_chargeback DELETE /chargeback/chargebacks/{chargeback_dispute_oid} Delete a chargeback
ChargebackApi get_chargeback_dispute GET /chargeback/chargebacks/{chargeback_dispute_oid} Retrieve a chargeback
ChargebackApi get_chargeback_disputes GET /chargeback/chargebacks Retrieve chargebacks
ChargebackApi insert_chargeback POST /chargeback/chargebacks Insert a chargeback
ChargebackApi update_chargeback PUT /chargeback/chargebacks/{chargeback_dispute_oid} Update a chargeback
CheckoutApi city_state POST /checkout/city_state City/State for Zip
CheckoutApi finalize_order POST /checkout/cart/finalizeOrder Finalize Order
CheckoutApi get_affirm_checkout GET /checkout/cart/{cart_id}/affirmCheckout Get affirm checkout (by cart id)
CheckoutApi get_allowed_countries POST /checkout/allowedCountries Allowed countries
CheckoutApi get_cart GET /checkout/cart Get cart
CheckoutApi get_cart_by_cart_id GET /checkout/cart/{cart_id} Get cart (by cart id)
CheckoutApi get_cart_by_return_code GET /checkout/return/{return_code} Get cart (by return code)
CheckoutApi get_cart_by_return_token GET /checkout/return_token Get cart (by return token)
CheckoutApi get_state_provinces_for_country POST /checkout/stateProvincesForCountry/{country_code} Get state/province list for a country code
CheckoutApi handoff_cart POST /checkout/cart/handoff Handoff cart
CheckoutApi login POST /checkout/cart/profile/login Profile login
CheckoutApi logout POST /checkout/cart/profile/logout Profile logout
CheckoutApi register POST /checkout/cart/profile/register Profile registration
CheckoutApi register_affiliate_click POST /checkout/affiliateClick/register Register affiliate click
CheckoutApi related_items_for_cart POST /checkout/related_items Related items
CheckoutApi related_items_for_item POST /checkout/relatedItems/{item_id} Related items (specific item)
CheckoutApi setup_browser_key PUT /checkout/browser_key Setup Browser Application
CheckoutApi update_cart PUT /checkout/cart Update cart
CheckoutApi validate_cart POST /checkout/cart/validate Validate
ConversationApi delete_conversation_canned_message DELETE /conversation/canned_messages/{conversation_canned_message_oid} Delete a conversation canned message
ConversationApi delete_department DELETE /conversation/departments/{conversation_department_oid} Delete a conversation department
ConversationApi delete_engagement DELETE /conversation/engagements/{conversation_engagement_oid} Delete a conversation engagement
ConversationApi delete_pbx_agent DELETE /conversation/pbx/agent/{conversationPbxAgentUuid} Delete pbx agent
ConversationApi delete_pbx_agent_voicemail DELETE /conversation/pbx/agent/voicemails/{recording_sid} Delete Agent Voicemail
ConversationApi delete_pbx_audio DELETE /conversation/pbx/audio/{conversationPbxAudioUuid} Delete pbx audio
ConversationApi delete_pbx_menu DELETE /conversation/pbx/menu/{conversationPbxMenuUuid} Delete pbx menu
ConversationApi delete_pbx_phone_number DELETE /conversation/pbx/phone_number/{conversationPbxPhoneNumberUuid} Delete pbx phoneNumber
ConversationApi delete_pbx_queue DELETE /conversation/pbx/queue/{conversationPbxQueueUuid} Delete pbx queue
ConversationApi delete_pbx_queue_voicemail DELETE /conversation/pbx/queues/{queue_uuid}/voicemails/{recording_sid} Delete Queue Voicemail
ConversationApi delete_pbx_time_based DELETE /conversation/pbx/time_based/{conversationPbxTimeBasedUuid} Delete pbx timeBased
ConversationApi delete_pbx_time_range DELETE /conversation/pbx/time_range/{conversationPbxTimeRangeUuid} Delete pbx timeRange
ConversationApi delete_pbx_voicemail_mailbox DELETE /conversation/pbx/voicemail_mailbox/{conversationPbxVoicemailMailboxUuid} Delete pbx voicemailMailbox
ConversationApi get_agent_keep_alive GET /conversation/agent/keepalive Agent keep alive
ConversationApi get_agent_profile GET /conversation/agent/profile Get agent profile
ConversationApi get_agent_websocket_authorization PUT /conversation/agent/auth Get agent websocket authorization
ConversationApi get_conversation GET /conversation/conversations/{conversation_uuid} Retrieve a conversation
ConversationApi get_conversation_canned_messages GET /conversation/canned_messages Retrieve a list of canned messages ordered by short_code
ConversationApi get_conversation_context PUT /conversation/conversations/{conversation_uuid}/context Get a webchat conversation context
ConversationApi get_conversation_department_member_list GET /conversation/department_members Retrieve a list of possible department members
ConversationApi get_conversation_departments GET /conversation/departments Retrieve a list of departments ordered by name
ConversationApi get_conversation_engagement GET /conversation/engagements/{conversation_engagement_oid} Retrieve an engagement
ConversationApi get_conversation_engagements GET /conversation/engagements Retrieve a list of engagements ordered by name
ConversationApi get_conversation_messages GET /conversation/conversations/{conversation_uuid}/messages/{since} Retrieve conversation messages
ConversationApi get_conversation_multimedia_upload_url GET /conversation/upload_url/{extension} Get a presigned conversation multimedia upload URL
ConversationApi get_conversation_pbx_audio_upload_url GET /conversation/pbx/audio/upload_url/{extension} Get a pre-signed conversation multimedia upload URL
ConversationApi get_conversation_pbx_customer_snapshot POST /conversation/pbx/customer_snapshot Get orders and customer information for a phone number
ConversationApi get_conversation_permissions GET /conversation/permissions Retrieve conversation permissions
ConversationApi get_conversation_webchat_queue_statuses GET /conversation/conversations/queues/statuses Retrieve a conversation webchat queue statuses
ConversationApi get_conversations GET /conversation/conversations Retrieve a list of conversation summaries newest to oldest
ConversationApi get_conversations_autocomplete POST /conversation/conversations/autocomplete Retrieve a list of matching terms for a search field
ConversationApi get_conversations_search POST /conversation/conversations/search Search conversations
ConversationApi get_locations_for_engagement POST /conversation/locations Get location data for engagement configuration
ConversationApi get_pbx_agent GET /conversation/pbx/agent/{conversationPbxAgentUuid} Get pbx agent
ConversationApi get_pbx_agent_voicemail GET /conversation/pbx/agent/voicemails/{recording_sid} Get Agent Voicemail
ConversationApi get_pbx_agent_voicemails GET /conversation/pbx/agent/voicemails Get Agent Voicemails
ConversationApi get_pbx_agents GET /conversation/pbx/agent Get pbx agents
ConversationApi get_pbx_audio GET /conversation/pbx/audio/{conversationPbxAudioUuid} Get pbx audio
ConversationApi get_pbx_audios GET /conversation/pbx/audio Get pbx audios
ConversationApi get_pbx_menu GET /conversation/pbx/menu/{conversationPbxMenuUuid} Get pbx menu
ConversationApi get_pbx_menus GET /conversation/pbx/menu Get pbx menus
ConversationApi get_pbx_phone_number GET /conversation/pbx/phone_number/{conversationPbxPhoneNumberUuid} Get pbx phoneNumber
ConversationApi get_pbx_phone_numbers GET /conversation/pbx/phone_number Get pbx phoneNumbers
ConversationApi get_pbx_queue GET /conversation/pbx/queue/{conversationPbxQueueUuid} Get pbx queue
ConversationApi get_pbx_queue_voicemail GET /conversation/pbx/queues/{queue_uuid}/voicemails/{recording_sid} Get Queue Voicemail
ConversationApi get_pbx_queue_voicemails GET /conversation/pbx/queues/{queue_uuid}/voicemails Get Queue Voicemails
ConversationApi get_pbx_queues GET /conversation/pbx/queue Get pbx queues
ConversationApi get_pbx_time_based GET /conversation/pbx/time_based/{conversationPbxTimeBasedUuid} Get pbx timeBased
ConversationApi get_pbx_time_baseds GET /conversation/pbx/time_based Get pbx timeBaseds
ConversationApi get_pbx_time_range GET /conversation/pbx/time_range/{conversationPbxTimeRangeUuid} Get pbx timeRange
ConversationApi get_pbx_time_ranges GET /conversation/pbx/time_range Get pbx timeRanges
ConversationApi get_pbx_voicemail_mailbox GET /conversation/pbx/voicemail_mailbox/{conversationPbxVoicemailMailboxUuid} Get pbx voicemailMailbox
ConversationApi get_pbx_voicemail_mailboxes GET /conversation/pbx/voicemail_mailbox Get pbx voicemailMailboxes
ConversationApi insert_conversation_canned_message POST /conversation/canned_messages Insert a canned message
ConversationApi insert_conversation_department POST /conversation/departments Insert a department
ConversationApi insert_conversation_engagement POST /conversation/engagements Insert a engagement
ConversationApi insert_pbx_agent POST /conversation/pbx/agent Insert pbx agent
ConversationApi insert_pbx_audio POST /conversation/pbx/audio Insert pbx audio
ConversationApi insert_pbx_menu POST /conversation/pbx/menu Insert pbx menu
ConversationApi insert_pbx_phone_number POST /conversation/pbx/phone_number Insert pbx phoneNumber
ConversationApi insert_pbx_queue POST /conversation/pbx/queue Insert pbx queue
ConversationApi insert_pbx_time_based POST /conversation/pbx/time_based Insert pbx timeBased
ConversationApi insert_pbx_time_range POST /conversation/pbx/time_range Insert pbx timeRange
ConversationApi insert_pbx_voicemail_mailbox POST /conversation/pbx/voicemail_mailbox Insert pbx voicemailMailbox
ConversationApi join_conversation PUT /conversation/conversations/{conversation_uuid}/join Join a conversation
ConversationApi leave_conversation DELETE /conversation/conversations/{conversation_uuid}/leave Leave a conversation
ConversationApi listened_pbx_agent_voicemail GET /conversation/pbx/agent/voicemails/{recording_sid}/listened Listened Agent Voicemail
ConversationApi listened_pbx_queue_voicemail GET /conversation/pbx/queues/{queue_uuid}/voicemails/{recording_sid}/listened Listened Queue Voicemail
ConversationApi mark_read_conversation PUT /conversation/conversations/{conversation_uuid}/markread Mark a conversation as read
ConversationApi reset_conversation_pbx_queue_statistics POST /conversation/pbx/queues/{queue_uuid}/reset_statistics reset statistics within the queue
ConversationApi search_conversation_canned_messages POST /conversation/canned_messages/search Search for canned messages by short_code
ConversationApi sms_unsubscribe_conversation PUT /conversation/conversations/{conversation_uuid}/sms_unsubscribe Unsubscribe any SMS participants in this conversation
ConversationApi start_conversation PUT /conversation/conversations Start a conversation
ConversationApi update_agent_profile PUT /conversation/agent/profile Update agent profile
ConversationApi update_conversation_canned_message PUT /conversation/canned_messages/{conversation_canned_message_oid} Update a canned message
ConversationApi update_conversation_department PUT /conversation/departments/{conversation_department_oid} Update a department
ConversationApi update_conversation_engagement PUT /conversation/engagements/{conversation_engagement_oid} Update a engagement
ConversationApi update_conversation_webchat_queue_status PUT /conversation/conversations/queues/{queue_name}/status Update status within the queue
ConversationApi update_pbx_agent PUT /conversation/pbx/agent/{conversationPbxAgentUuid} Update pbx agent
ConversationApi update_pbx_audio PUT /conversation/pbx/audio/{conversationPbxAudioUuid} Update pbx audio
ConversationApi update_pbx_menu PUT /conversation/pbx/menu/{conversationPbxMenuUuid} Update pbx menu
ConversationApi update_pbx_phone_number PUT /conversation/pbx/phone_number/{conversationPbxPhoneNumberUuid} Update pbx phoneNumber
ConversationApi update_pbx_queue PUT /conversation/pbx/queue/{conversationPbxQueueUuid} Update pbx queue
ConversationApi update_pbx_time_based PUT /conversation/pbx/time_based/{conversationPbxTimeBasedUuid} Update pbx timeBased
ConversationApi update_pbx_time_range PUT /conversation/pbx/time_range/{conversationPbxTimeRangeUuid} Update pbx timeRange
ConversationApi update_pbx_voicemail_mailbox PUT /conversation/pbx/voicemail_mailbox/{conversationPbxVoicemailMailboxUuid} Update pbx voicemailMailbox
CouponApi delete_coupon DELETE /coupon/coupons/{coupon_oid} Delete a coupon
CouponApi delete_coupons_by_code DELETE /coupon/coupons/by_code Deletes multiple coupons
CouponApi delete_coupons_by_oid DELETE /coupon/coupons/by_oid Deletes multiple coupons
CouponApi does_coupon_code_exist GET /coupon/coupons/merchant_code/{merchant_code}/exists Determines if a coupon merchant code already exists
CouponApi generate_coupon_codes POST /coupon/coupons/{coupon_oid}/generate_codes Generates one time codes for a coupon
CouponApi generate_one_time_codes_by_merchant_code POST /coupon/coupons/merchant_code/{merchant_code}/generate_codes Generates one time codes by merchant code
CouponApi get_auto_apply GET /coupon/auto_apply Retrieve auto apply rules and conditions
CouponApi get_coupon GET /coupon/coupons/{coupon_oid} Retrieve a coupon
CouponApi get_coupon_by_merchant_code GET /coupon/coupons/merchant_code/{merchant_code} Retrieve a coupon by merchant code
CouponApi get_coupons GET /coupon/coupons Retrieve coupons
CouponApi get_coupons_by_query POST /coupon/coupons/query Retrieve coupons by query
CouponApi get_editor_values GET /coupon/editor_values Retrieve values needed for a coupon editor
CouponApi insert_coupon POST /coupon/coupons Insert a coupon
CouponApi insert_coupons POST /coupon/coupons/batch Insert multiple coupons
CouponApi search_items GET /coupon/searchItems Searches for items to display within a coupon editor and assign to coupons
CouponApi update_auto_apply POST /coupon/auto_apply Update auto apply rules and conditions
CouponApi update_coupon PUT /coupon/coupons/{coupon_oid} Update a coupon
CouponApi update_coupons PUT /coupon/coupons/batch Update multiple coupons
CouponApi upload_coupon_codes POST /coupon/coupons/{coupon_oid}/upload_codes Upload one-time codes for a coupon
CustomerApi add_customer_store_credit POST /customer/customers/{customer_profile_oid}/store_credit Adds store credit to a customer
CustomerApi adjust_internal_certificate POST /customer/customers/{customer_profile_oid}/adjust_cashback_balance Updates the cashback balance for a customer by updating the internal gift certificate used, creating the gift certificate if needed.
CustomerApi delete_customer DELETE /customer/customers/{customer_profile_oid} Delete a customer
CustomerApi delete_wish_list_item DELETE /customer/customers/{customer_profile_oid}/wishlist/{customer_wishlist_item_oid} Delete a customer wishlist item
CustomerApi get_customer GET /customer/customers/{customer_profile_oid} Retrieve a customer
CustomerApi get_customer_by_email GET /customer/customers/by_email/{email} Retrieve a customer by Email
CustomerApi get_customer_editor_values GET /customer/editor_values Retrieve values needed for a customer profile editor
CustomerApi get_customer_email_lists GET /customer/email_lists Retrieve all email lists across all storefronts
CustomerApi get_customer_store_credit GET /customer/customers/{customer_profile_oid}/store_credit Retrieve the customer store credit accumulated through loyalty programs
CustomerApi get_customer_wish_list GET /customer/customers/{customer_profile_oid}/wishlist Retrieve wishlist items for customer
CustomerApi get_customer_wish_list_item GET /customer/customers/{customer_profile_oid}/wishlist/{customer_wishlist_item_oid} Retrieve wishlist item for customer
CustomerApi get_customers GET /customer/customers Retrieve customers
CustomerApi get_customers_by_query POST /customer/customers/query Retrieve customers by query
CustomerApi get_customers_for_data_tables POST /customer/customers/dataTables Retrieve customers for DataTables plugin
CustomerApi get_email_verification_token POST /customer/customers/email_verify/get_token Create a token that can be used to verify a customer email address
CustomerApi get_magic_link PUT /customer/customers/{customer_profile_oid}/magic_link/{storefront_host_name} getMagicLink
CustomerApi insert_customer POST /customer/customers Insert a customer
CustomerApi insert_wish_list_item POST /customer/customers/{customer_profile_oid}/wishlist Insert a customer wishlist item
CustomerApi merge_customer PUT /customer/customers/{customer_profile_oid}/merge Merge customer into this customer
CustomerApi search_customer_profile_values POST /customer/search Searches for all matching values (using POST)
CustomerApi update_customer PUT /customer/customers/{customer_profile_oid} Update a customer
CustomerApi update_customer_email_lists POST /customer/customers/{customer_profile_oid}/email_lists Update email list subscriptions for a customer
CustomerApi update_wish_list_item PUT /customer/customers/{customer_profile_oid}/wishlist/{customer_wishlist_item_oid} Update a customer wishlist item
CustomerApi validate_email_verification_token POST /customer/customers/email_verify/validate_token Validate a token that can be used to verify a customer email address
DatawarehouseApi delete_report DELETE /datawarehouse/reports/{report_oid} Delete a report
DatawarehouseApi dry_run_report_queries PUT /datawarehouse/reports/dryrun Dry run the report queries
DatawarehouseApi execute_report_queries PUT /datawarehouse/reports/execute Execute the report queries
DatawarehouseApi get_report GET /datawarehouse/reports/{report_oid} Get a report
DatawarehouseApi get_report_data_set GET /datawarehouse/reports/dataset/{dataset_uuid} Get a report data set
DatawarehouseApi get_report_data_set_page GET /datawarehouse/reports/dataset/{dataset_uuid}/pages/{page_number} Get a report data set page
DatawarehouseApi get_report_websocket_authorization PUT /datawarehouse/reports/auth Get report websocket authorization
DatawarehouseApi get_reports GET /datawarehouse/reports Get list of reports available
DatawarehouseApi insert_report POST /datawarehouse/reports Create a report
DatawarehouseApi update_report PUT /datawarehouse/reports/{report_oid} Update a report
FulfillmentApi acknowledge_orders PUT /fulfillment/distribution_centers/{distribution_center_code}/acknowledgements Acknowledge receipt of orders.
FulfillmentApi generate_packing_slip GET /fulfillment/distribution_centers/{distribution_center_code}/orders/{order_id} Generate a packing slip for this order for the given distribution center.
FulfillmentApi get_distribution_center_orders GET /fulfillment/distribution_centers/{distribution_center_code}/orders Retrieve orders queued up for this distribution center.
FulfillmentApi get_distribution_centers GET /fulfillment/distribution_centers Retrieve distribution centers
FulfillmentApi ship_orders POST /fulfillment/distribution_centers/{distribution_center_code}/shipments Mark orders as shipped
FulfillmentApi update_inventory POST /fulfillment/distribution_centers/{distribution_center_code}/inventory Update inventory
GiftCertificateApi add_gift_certificate_ledger_entry POST /gift_certificate/gift_certificates/{gift_certificate_oid}/ledger_entry Add a gift certificate ledger entry
GiftCertificateApi create_gift_certificate POST /gift_certificate/gift_certificates Create a gift certificate
GiftCertificateApi delete_gift_certificate DELETE /gift_certificate/gift_certificates/{gift_certificate_oid} Delete a gift certificate
GiftCertificateApi get_gift_certificate_by_code POST /gift_certificate/gift_certificates/by_code/{code} Retrieve gift certificate by code
GiftCertificateApi get_gift_certificate_by_oid POST /gift_certificate/gift_certificates/{gift_certificate_oid} Retrieve gift certificate by oid
GiftCertificateApi get_gift_certificates_by_email POST /gift_certificate/gift_certificates/by_email/{email} Retrieve gift certificate by email
GiftCertificateApi get_gift_certificates_by_query POST /gift_certificate/gift_certificates/query Retrieve gift certificates by query
GiftCertificateApi update_gift_certificate PUT /gift_certificate/gift_certificates/{gift_certificate_oid} Update a gift certificate
IntegrationLogApi get_integration_log GET /integration_log/query/{pk}/{sk} Retrieve an integration log
IntegrationLogApi get_integration_log_file GET /integration_log/query/{pk}/{sk}/{uuid} Retrieve an integration log file
IntegrationLogApi get_integration_log_file_pdf GET /integration_log/query/{pk}/{sk}/{uuid}/pdf Retrieve an integration log file converted to PDF
IntegrationLogApi get_integration_log_summaries_query POST /integration_log/summary/query Retrieve integration log summaries
IntegrationLogApi get_integration_logs_query POST /integration_log/query Retrieve integration logs
ItemApi delete_digital_item DELETE /item/digital_library/{digital_item_oid} Delete a digital item, which is a file within the digital library, not an actual merchant item
ItemApi delete_item DELETE /item/items/{merchant_item_oid} Delete an item
ItemApi delete_review DELETE /item/items/{merchant_item_oid}/reviews/{review_oid} Delete a review
ItemApi get_digital_item GET /item/digital_library/{digital_item_oid} Retrieve a digital item from the digital library, which are digital files that may be attached to normal items
ItemApi get_digital_items GET /item/digital_library Retrieve digital items from the digital library which are digital files that may be attached to normal items
ItemApi get_digital_items_by_external_id GET /item/digital_library/by_external/{external_id} Retrieves digital items from the digital library (which are digital files that may be attached to normal items) that having a matching external id
ItemApi get_item GET /item/items/{merchant_item_oid} Retrieve an item
ItemApi get_item_by_merchant_item_id GET /item/items/merchant_item_id/{merchant_item_id} Retrieve an item by item id
ItemApi get_items GET /item/items Retrieve items
ItemApi get_pricing_tiers GET /item/pricing_tiers Retrieve pricing tiers
ItemApi get_review GET /item/items/{merchant_item_oid}/reviews/{review_oid} Get a review
ItemApi get_reviews GET /item/items/{merchant_item_oid}/reviews Get reviews for an item
ItemApi get_unassociated_digital_items GET /item/digital_library/unassociated Retrieve digital items from the digital library (which are digital files that may be attached to normal items) not yet associated with actual items
ItemApi insert_digital_item POST /item/digital_library Create a file within the digital library
ItemApi insert_item POST /item/items Create an item
ItemApi insert_review POST /item/items/{merchant_item_oid}/reviews Insert a review
ItemApi insert_update_item_content_attribute POST /item/items/{merchant_item_oid}/content/attributes Upsert an item content attribute
ItemApi update_digital_item PUT /item/digital_library/{digital_item_oid} Updates a file within the digital library
ItemApi update_item PUT /item/items/{merchant_item_oid} Update an item
ItemApi update_items PUT /item/items/batch Update multiple items
ItemApi update_review PUT /item/items/{merchant_item_oid}/reviews/{review_oid} Update a review
ItemApi upload_temporary_multimedia POST /item/temp_multimedia Upload an image to the temporary multimedia.
OauthApi oauth_access_token POST /oauth/token Exchange authorization code for access token.
OauthApi oauth_revoke POST /oauth/revoke Revoke this OAuth application.
OrderApi adjust_order_total POST /order/orders/{order_id}/adjust_order_total/{desired_total} Adjusts an order total
OrderApi cancel_order POST /order/orders/{order_id}/cancel Cancel an order
OrderApi delete_order DELETE /order/orders/{order_id} Delete an order
OrderApi duplicate_order POST /order/orders/{order_id}/duplicate Duplicate an order
OrderApi format POST /order/orders/{order_id}/format Format order
OrderApi generate_invoice GET /order/orders/{order_id}/invoice Generate an invoice for this order.
OrderApi generate_order_token GET /order/orders/token/{order_id} Generate an order token for a given order id
OrderApi generate_packing_slip_all_dc GET /order/orders/{order_id}/packing_slip Generate a packing slip for this order across all distribution centers.
OrderApi generate_packing_slip_specific_dc GET /order/orders/{order_id}/packing_slip/{distribution_center_code} Generate a packing slip for this order for the given distribution center.
OrderApi get_accounts_receivable_retry_config GET /order/accountsReceivableRetryConfig Retrieve A/R Retry Configuration
OrderApi get_accounts_receivable_retry_stats GET /order/accountsReceivableRetryConfig/stats Retrieve A/R Retry Statistics
OrderApi get_order GET /order/orders/{order_id} Retrieve an order
OrderApi get_order_by_token POST /order/orders/token Retrieve an order using a token
OrderApi get_order_edi_documents GET /order/orders/{order_id}/edi Retrieve EDI documents associated with this order.
OrderApi get_orders GET /order/orders Retrieve orders
OrderApi get_orders_batch POST /order/orders/batch Retrieve order batch
OrderApi get_orders_by_query POST /order/orders/query Retrieve orders by query
OrderApi insert_order POST /order/orders Insert an order
OrderApi is_refundable_order GET /order/orders/{order_id}/refundable Determine if an order can be refunded
OrderApi process_payment POST /order/orders/{order_id}/process_payment Process payment
OrderApi refund_order PUT /order/orders/{order_id}/refund Refund an order
OrderApi replacement POST /order/orders/{order_id}/replacement Replacement order
OrderApi resend_receipt POST /order/orders/{order_id}/resend_receipt Resend receipt
OrderApi resend_shipment_confirmation POST /order/orders/{order_id}/resend_shipment_confirmation Resend shipment confirmation
OrderApi update_accounts_receivable_retry_config POST /order/accountsReceivableRetryConfig Update A/R Retry Configuration
OrderApi update_order PUT /order/orders/{order_id} Update an order
OrderApi validate_order POST /order/validate Validate
SsoApi get_sso_session_user GET /sso/session/user Get single sign on session user
SsoApi sso_authorize PUT /sso/authorize Authorize a single sign on session
SsoApi sso_session_revoke DELETE /sso/session/revoke Revoke single sign on session
SsoApi sso_token PUT /sso/token Exchange a single sign on code for a simple key token
StorefrontApi add_to_library POST /storefront/code_library Add to library
StorefrontApi apply_to_store_front POST /storefront/code_library/apply Apply library item to storefront.
StorefrontApi archive_email_list POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/lists/{email_list_uuid}/archive Archive email list
StorefrontApi archive_email_segment POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/segments/{email_segment_uuid}/archive Archive email segment
StorefrontApi back_populate_email_flow POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/flows/{email_flow_uuid}/backfill Back populate email flow
StorefrontApi check_download_email_segment POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/segments/{email_segment_uuid}/downloadPrepare/{email_segment_rebuild_uuid} Check download of email segment
StorefrontApi clone_email_campaign POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/campaigns/{email_campaign_uuid}/clone Clone email campaign
StorefrontApi clone_email_flow POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/flows/{email_flow_uuid}/clone Clone email flow
StorefrontApi create_email_sending_domain POST /storefront/email/sending_domains/{domain}/create Create email campaign
StorefrontApi create_email_sending_domain2 POST /storefront/email/sending_domains Create email sending domain for various providers
StorefrontApi create_fs_directory POST /storefront/{id}/fs/dir Create file manager directory
StorefrontApi create_twilio_account POST /storefront/twilio/accounts Create Twilio account
StorefrontApi delete_email_campaign_folder DELETE /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/campaign_folders/{email_campaign_folder_uuid} Delete email campaignFolder
StorefrontApi delete_email_commseq_stat DELETE /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/commseqs/{commseq_uuid}/stat Delete communication sequence stats
StorefrontApi delete_email_email DELETE /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/emails/{commseq_email_uuid} Delete email email
StorefrontApi delete_email_flow_folder DELETE /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/flow_folders/{email_flow_folder_uuid} Delete email flowFolder
StorefrontApi delete_email_list_customer DELETE /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/lists/{email_list_uuid}/customers/{email_customer_uuid} Delete email list customer
StorefrontApi delete_email_list_segment_folder DELETE /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/list_segment_folders/{email_list_segment_folder_uuid} Delete email ListSegmentFolder
StorefrontApi delete_email_postcard DELETE /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/postcards/{commseq_postcard_uuid} Delete email postcard
StorefrontApi delete_email_sending_domain DELETE /storefront/email/sending_domains/{domain} delete email campaign
StorefrontApi delete_experiment DELETE /storefront/{storefront_oid}/experiments/{storefront_experiment_oid} Delete experiment
StorefrontApi delete_fs_file DELETE /storefront/{id}/fs/file Delete file manager directory
StorefrontApi delete_heatmap DELETE /storefront/{storefront_oid}/screen_recordings/heatmap Delete screen recording heatmap
StorefrontApi delete_library_item DELETE /storefront/code_library/{library_item_oid} Delete library item
StorefrontApi delete_library_item_published_versions DELETE /storefront/code_library/{library_item_oid}/published_versions Delete all published versions for a library item, including anything in review.
StorefrontApi delete_screen_recording_segment DELETE /storefront/{storefront_oid}/screen_recordings/segments/{screen_recording_segment_oid} Delete screen recording segment
StorefrontApi delete_twilio_account DELETE /storefront/twilio/accounts/{esp_twilio_uuid} delete Twilio account
StorefrontApi duplicate_library_item POST /storefront/code_library/{library_item_oid}/duplicate Duplicate library item.
StorefrontApi favorite_screen_recording POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/screen_recordings/{screen_recording_uuid}/favorite Update favorite flag on screen recording
StorefrontApi geocode_address POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/geocode Obtain lat/long for an address
StorefrontApi get_countries GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/countries Get countries
StorefrontApi get_editor_token GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/editor_token Gets editor token
StorefrontApi get_email_base_templates GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/baseTemplates Get email communication base templates
StorefrontApi get_email_campaign GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/campaigns/{email_campaign_uuid} Get email campaign
StorefrontApi get_email_campaign_folder GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/campaign_folders/{email_campaign_folder_uuid} Get email campaign folder
StorefrontApi get_email_campaign_folders GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/campaign_folders Get email campaign folders
StorefrontApi get_email_campaign_screenshots GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/campaigns/{email_campaign_uuid}/screenshots Get email campaign screenshots
StorefrontApi get_email_campaigns GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/campaigns Get email campaigns
StorefrontApi get_email_campaigns_with_stats GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/campaignsWithStats/{stat_days} Get email campaigns with stats
StorefrontApi get_email_commseq GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/commseqs/{commseq_uuid} Get email commseq
StorefrontApi get_email_commseq_email_stats POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/commseqs/{commseq_uuid}/emailStats Get email communication sequence emails stats
StorefrontApi get_email_commseq_postcard_stats POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/commseqs/{commseq_uuid}/postcardStats Get email communication sequence postcard stats
StorefrontApi get_email_commseq_postcard_tracking GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/postcards/{commseq_postcard_uuid}/tracking Get email communication postcard tracking
StorefrontApi get_email_commseq_sms_stats POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/commseqs/{commseq_uuid}/smsStats Get email communication sequence sms stats
StorefrontApi get_email_commseq_stat_overall GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/commseqs/{commseq_uuid}/stat Get communication sequence stats overall
StorefrontApi get_email_commseq_step_stats POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/commseqs/{commseq_uuid}/stepStats Get email communication sequence step stats
StorefrontApi get_email_commseq_step_waiting POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/commseqs/{commseq_uuid}/waiting Get email communication sequence customers waiting at each requested step
StorefrontApi get_email_commseq_webhook_editor_values GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/commseqs/{commseq_uuid}/webhookEditorValues Get email webhook editor values
StorefrontApi get_email_commseqs GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/commseqs Get email commseqs
StorefrontApi get_email_customer_editor_url GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/customers/{email_customer_uuid}/editor_url Get customers editor URL
StorefrontApi get_email_customers GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/customers Get email customers
StorefrontApi get_email_dashboard_activity GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/dashboard_activity Get email dashboard activity
StorefrontApi get_email_dashboard_stats GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/dashboard_stats Get dashboard stats
StorefrontApi get_email_dispatch_logs GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/commseqs/{commseq_uuid}/steps/{commseq_step_uuid}/logs Get email dispatch logs
StorefrontApi get_email_email GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/emails/{commseq_email_uuid} Get email email
StorefrontApi get_email_email_clicks GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/commseqs/{commseq_uuid}/steps/{commseq_step_uuid}/emails/{commseq_email_uuid}/clicks Get email email clicks
StorefrontApi get_email_email_customer_editor_url GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/emails/{commseq_email_uuid}/orders/{order_id}/editor_url Get email order customer editor url
StorefrontApi get_email_email_orders GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/commseqs/{commseq_uuid}/steps/{commseq_step_uuid}/emails/{commseq_email_uuid}/orders Get email email orders
StorefrontApi get_email_emails GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/emails Get email emails
StorefrontApi get_email_emails_multiple POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/emails/multiple Get email emails multiple
StorefrontApi get_email_flow GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/flows/{email_flow_uuid} Get email flow
StorefrontApi get_email_flow_folder GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/flow_folders/{email_flow_folder_uuid} Get email flow folder
StorefrontApi get_email_flow_folders GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/flow_folders Get email flow folders
StorefrontApi get_email_flow_screenshots GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/flows/{email_flow_uuid}/screenshots Get email flow screenshots
StorefrontApi get_email_flows GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/flows Get email flows
StorefrontApi get_email_global_settings GET /storefront/email/global_settings Get email globalsettings
StorefrontApi get_email_list GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/lists/{email_list_uuid} Get email list
StorefrontApi get_email_list_customer_editor_url GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/lists/{email_list_uuid}/customers/{email_customer_uuid}/editor_url Get email list customer editor url
StorefrontApi get_email_list_customers GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/lists/{email_list_uuid}/customers Get email list customers
StorefrontApi get_email_list_segment_folder GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/list_segment_folders/{email_list_segment_folder_uuid} Get email campaign folder
StorefrontApi get_email_list_segment_folders GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/list_segment_folders Get email campaign folders
StorefrontApi get_email_lists GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/lists Get email lists
StorefrontApi get_email_performance GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/performance Get email performance
StorefrontApi get_email_plan GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/plan Get email plan
StorefrontApi get_email_postcard GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/postcards/{commseq_postcard_uuid} Get email postcard
StorefrontApi get_email_postcards GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/postcards Get email postcards
StorefrontApi get_email_postcards_multiple POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/postcards/multiple Get email postcards multiple
StorefrontApi get_email_segment GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/segments/{email_segment_uuid} Get email segment
StorefrontApi get_email_segment_customer_editor_url GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/segments/{email_segment_uuid}/customers/{email_customer_uuid}/editor_url Get email segment customers editor URL
StorefrontApi get_email_segment_customers GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/segments/{email_segment_uuid}/customers Get email segment customers
StorefrontApi get_email_segments GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/segments Get email segments
StorefrontApi get_email_sending_domain GET /storefront/email/sending_domain/{domain} Get email sending domain
StorefrontApi get_email_sending_domain_status POST /storefront/email/sending_domains/{domain}/status Get email sending domain status
StorefrontApi get_email_sending_domains GET /storefront/email/sending_domains Get email sending domains
StorefrontApi get_email_settings GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/settings Get email settings
StorefrontApi get_email_sms_orders GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/commseqs/{commseq_uuid}/steps/{commseq_step_uuid}/sms/orders Get email sms orders
StorefrontApi get_email_template GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/templates/{email_template_oid} Get email template
StorefrontApi get_email_templates GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/templates Get email templates
StorefrontApi get_email_third_party_providers GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/third_party_providers Get a list of third party email providers
StorefrontApi get_experiments GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/experiments Get experiments
StorefrontApi get_fs_directory GET /storefront/{id}/fs/dir Get file manager directory
StorefrontApi get_heatmap POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/screen_recordings/heatmap Get screen recording heatmap
StorefrontApi get_heatmap_index POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/screen_recordings/heatmap/index Get screen recording heatmap index
StorefrontApi get_histogram_property_names GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/histogram/property_names Get histogram property names
StorefrontApi get_histogram_property_values GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/histogram/property_values Get histogram property values
StorefrontApi get_library_filter_values GET /storefront/code_library/filter_values Get library values used to populate drop down boxes for filtering.
StorefrontApi get_library_item GET /storefront/code_library/{library_item_oid} Get library item.
StorefrontApi get_library_item_published_versions GET /storefront/code_library/{library_item_oid}/published_versions Get all published versions for a library item.
StorefrontApi get_screen_recording GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/screen_recordings/{screen_recording_uuid} Get screen recording
StorefrontApi get_screen_recording_page_view_data GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/screen_recordings/{screen_recording_uuid}/page_view_data/{screen_recording_page_view_uuid} Get screen recording page view data
StorefrontApi get_screen_recording_segment GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/screen_recordings/segments/{screen_recording_segment_oid} Get screen recording segment
StorefrontApi get_screen_recording_segments GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/screen_recordings/segments Get screen recording segments
StorefrontApi get_screen_recording_settings GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/screen_recordings/settings Get screen recording settings
StorefrontApi get_screen_recording_tags POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/screen_recordings/tags Get tags used by screen recording
StorefrontApi get_screen_recordings_by_query POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/screen_recordings/query Query screen recordings
StorefrontApi get_screen_recordings_by_segment POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/screen_recordings/segments/{screen_recording_segment_oid}/query Get screen recordings by segment
StorefrontApi get_store_front_pricing_tiers GET /storefront/pricing_tiers Retrieve pricing tiers
StorefrontApi get_store_fronts GET /storefront Get storefronts (internal use only for security reasons)
StorefrontApi get_thumbnail_parameters POST /storefront/thumbnailParameters Get thumbnail parameters
StorefrontApi get_transaction_email GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/transaction_email/list/{email_id} Gets a transaction email object
StorefrontApi get_transaction_email_list GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/transaction_email/list Gets a list of transaction email names
StorefrontApi get_transaction_email_screenshots GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/transaction_email/list/{email_id}/screenshots Get transactional email screenshots
StorefrontApi get_twilio_account GET /storefront/twilio/accounts/{esp_twilio_uuid} Get Twilio account
StorefrontApi get_twilio_accounts GET /storefront/twilio/accounts Get all Twilio accounts
StorefrontApi get_upload_fs_file_url GET /storefront/{id}/fs/upload_url/{extension} Retrieves a S3 url where a file may be uploaded. Once uploaded, use uploadFsFile to trigger the server into reading the S3 bucket and retrieving the file.
StorefrontApi global_unsubscribe POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/globalUnsubscribe Globally unsubscribe a customer
StorefrontApi import_email_third_party_provider_list POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/third_party_providers/import Import a third party provider list
StorefrontApi insert_email_campaign POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/campaigns Insert email campaign
StorefrontApi insert_email_campaign_folder POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/campaign_folders Insert email campaign folder
StorefrontApi insert_email_commseq POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/commseqs Insert email commseq
StorefrontApi insert_email_email POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/emails Insert email email
StorefrontApi insert_email_flow POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/flows Insert email flow
StorefrontApi insert_email_flow_folder POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/flow_folders Insert email flow folder
StorefrontApi insert_email_list POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/lists Insert email list
StorefrontApi insert_email_list_segment_folder POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/list_segment_folders Insert email campaign folder
StorefrontApi insert_email_postcard POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/postcards Insert email postcard
StorefrontApi insert_email_segment POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/segments Insert email segment
StorefrontApi insert_screen_recording_segment POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/screen_recordings/segments Insert screen recording segment
StorefrontApi prepare_download_email_segment POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/segments/{email_segment_uuid}/downloadPrepare Prepare download of email segment
StorefrontApi publish_library_item POST /storefront/code_library/{library_item_oid}/publish Publish library item.
StorefrontApi purchase_library_item POST /storefront/code_library/{library_item_oid}/purchase Purchase public library item, which creates a copy of the item in your personal code library
StorefrontApi release_email_commseq_step_waiting POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/commseqs/{commseq_uuid}/waiting/{commseq_step_uuid} Release email communication sequence customers waiting at the specified step
StorefrontApi review POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/emails/{commseq_email_uuid}/review Request a review of an email
StorefrontApi search GET /storefront/search Searches for all matching values
StorefrontApi search2 POST /storefront/search Searches for all matching values (using POST)
StorefrontApi search_email_list_customers GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/lists/{email_list_uuid}/search Search email list customers
StorefrontApi search_email_segment_customers GET /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/segments/{email_segment_uuid}/search Search email segment customers
StorefrontApi search_library_items POST /storefront/code_library/search Retrieve library items
StorefrontApi search_published_items POST /storefront/code_library/search_published Retrieve library items
StorefrontApi search_review_items POST /storefront/code_library/search_review Retrieve library items needing review or rejected
StorefrontApi search_shared_items POST /storefront/code_library/search_shared Retrieve library items
StorefrontApi send_email_test POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/emails/{commseq_email_uuid}/test Send email test
StorefrontApi send_postcard_test POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/postcards/{commseq_postcard_uuid}/test Send postcard test
StorefrontApi send_sms_test POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/sms/{commseq_uuid}/{commseq_step_uuid}/test Send SMS test
StorefrontApi send_webhook_test POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/webhooks/test Send webhook test
StorefrontApi sequence_test POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/commseqs/{commseq_uuid}/test Sequence test
StorefrontApi start_email_campaign PUT /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/campaigns/{email_campaign_uuid}/start Start email campaign
StorefrontApi subscribe_to_email_list POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/lists/{email_list_uuid}/subscribe Subscribe customers to email list
StorefrontApi unfavorite_screen_recording DELETE /storefront/{storefront_oid}/screen_recordings/{screen_recording_uuid}/favorite Remove favorite flag on screen recording
StorefrontApi update_email_campaign PUT /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/campaigns/{email_campaign_uuid} Update email campaign
StorefrontApi update_email_campaign_folder PUT /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/campaign_folders/{email_campaign_folder_uuid} Update email campaign folder
StorefrontApi update_email_commseq PUT /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/commseqs/{commseq_uuid} Update email commseq
StorefrontApi update_email_customer PUT /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/customers/{email_customer_uuid} Update email customer
StorefrontApi update_email_email PUT /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/emails/{commseq_email_uuid} Update email email
StorefrontApi update_email_flow PUT /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/flows/{email_flow_uuid} Update email flow
StorefrontApi update_email_flow_folder PUT /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/flow_folders/{email_flow_folder_uuid} Update email flow folder
StorefrontApi update_email_global_settings POST /storefront/email/global_settings Update email global settings
StorefrontApi update_email_list PUT /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/lists/{email_list_uuid} Update email list
StorefrontApi update_email_list_segment_folder PUT /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/list_segment_folders/{email_list_segment_folder_uuid} Update email campaign folder
StorefrontApi update_email_plan POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/plan Update email plan
StorefrontApi update_email_postcard PUT /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/postcards/{commseq_postcard_uuid} Update email postcard
StorefrontApi update_email_segment PUT /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/segments/{email_segment_uuid} Update email segment
StorefrontApi update_email_sending_domain PUT /storefront/email/sending_domains/{domain} Update email sending domain
StorefrontApi update_email_settings POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/email/settings Update email settings
StorefrontApi update_experiment PUT /storefront/{storefront_oid}/experiments/{storefront_experiment_oid} Update experiment
StorefrontApi update_library_item PUT /storefront/code_library/{library_item_oid} Update library item. Note that only certain fields may be updated via this method.
StorefrontApi update_screen_recording_merchant_notes POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/screen_recordings/{screen_recording_uuid}/merchant_notes Update merchant notes on a screen recording
StorefrontApi update_screen_recording_segment POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/screen_recordings/segments/{screen_recording_segment_oid} Update screen recording segment
StorefrontApi update_screen_recording_settings POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/screen_recordings/settings Update screen recording settings
StorefrontApi update_screen_recording_tags POST /storefront/{storefront_oid}/screen_recordings/{screen_recording_uuid}/tags Update tags on a screen recording
StorefrontApi update_transaction_email PUT /storefront/{storefront_oid}/transaction_email/list/{email_id} Updates a transaction email object
StorefrontApi update_twilio_account PUT /storefront/twilio/accounts/{esp_twilio_uuid} Update Twilio account
StorefrontApi upload_fs_file POST /storefront/{id}/fs/upload This is the last step in uploading a file after 1) calling getUploadFsFileUrl and 2) uploading a file to the provided url, then finally 3) calling this method and providing the key to trigger the server into reading the S3 bucket and retrieving the file.
StorefrontApi validate_ruler POST /storefront/ruler/validate Validate AWS Event Ruler
TaxApi delete_tax_provider_self_city DELETE /tax/providers/self/city/{city} Deletes a Self tax provider city
TaxApi delete_tax_provider_self_country DELETE /tax/providers/self/country/{countryCode} Deletes a Self tax provider country
TaxApi delete_tax_provider_self_county DELETE /tax/providers/self/county/{county} Deletes a Self tax provider county
TaxApi delete_tax_provider_self_postal_code DELETE /tax/providers/self/postalCode/{postal_code} Deletes a Self tax provider postalCode
TaxApi delete_tax_provider_self_state DELETE /tax/providers/self/state/{stateCode} Deletes a Self tax provider state
TaxApi get_tax_provider_avalara GET /tax/providers/avalara Retrieve the Avalara tax provider
TaxApi get_tax_provider_avalara_companies POST /tax/providers/avalara/companies Returns Avalara Tax companies configured by the merchant
TaxApi get_tax_provider_avalara_test GET /tax/providers/avalara/test Attempts to connect to Avalara and returns back the response
TaxApi get_tax_provider_self GET /tax/providers/self Retrieve the Self tax provider
TaxApi get_tax_provider_self_countries GET /tax/providers/self/countries Retrieve the Self tax provider countries
TaxApi get_tax_provider_self_regions_by_country_code GET /tax/providers/self/regions/{countryCode} Retrieve the Self tax provider regions for a given country code
TaxApi get_tax_provider_sovos GET /tax/providers/sovos Retrieve the Sovos tax provider
TaxApi get_tax_provider_sovos_test GET /tax/providers/sovos/test Attempts to connect to Sovos and returns back the response
TaxApi get_tax_provider_tax_jar GET /tax/providers/taxjar Retrieve the TaxJar tax provider
TaxApi get_tax_provider_tax_jar_test GET /tax/providers/taxjar/test Attempts to connect to TaxJar and returns back the response
TaxApi get_tax_provider_ultra_cart GET /tax/providers/ultracart Retrieve the UltraCart tax provider
TaxApi get_tax_providers GET /tax/providers Retrieve tax methods
TaxApi set_active_tax_provider POST /tax/providers/setActive/{providerName} Toggle a tax provider to active
TaxApi update_tax_provider_avalara POST /tax/providers/avalara Update the Avalara tax provider
TaxApi update_tax_provider_self POST /tax/providers/self Update the Self tax provider
TaxApi update_tax_provider_self_city POST /tax/providers/self/city/{city} Updates a Self tax provider city
TaxApi update_tax_provider_self_country POST /tax/providers/self/country/{countryCode} Updates a Self tax provider country
TaxApi update_tax_provider_self_county POST /tax/providers/self/county/{county} Updates a Self tax provider county
TaxApi update_tax_provider_self_postal_code POST /tax/providers/self/postalCode/{postal_code} Updates a Self tax provider postalCode
TaxApi update_tax_provider_self_state POST /tax/providers/self/state/{stateCode} Updates a Self tax provider state
TaxApi update_tax_provider_sovos POST /tax/providers/sovos Update the Sovos tax provider
TaxApi update_tax_provider_tax_jar POST /tax/providers/taxjar Update the TaxJar tax provider
TaxApi update_tax_provider_ultra_cart POST /tax/providers/ultracart Update the UltraCart tax provider
UserApi delete_group DELETE /user/groups/{group_oid} Delete a group
UserApi delete_user DELETE /user/users/{user_id} Delete a user
UserApi get_group GET /user/groups/{group_oid} Retrieve a group
UserApi get_groups GET /user/groups Get groups
UserApi get_user GET /user/users/{user_id} Retrieve a user
UserApi get_user_logins GET /user/users/{user_id}/logins Retrieve a user's login history
UserApi get_users GET /user/users Get users
UserApi insert_group POST /user/groups Insert a group
UserApi insert_user POST /user/users Insert a user
UserApi update_group PUT /user/groups/{group_oid} Update a group
UserApi update_user PUT /user/users/{user_id} Update a user
WebhookApi delete_webhook DELETE /webhook/webhooks/{webhookOid} Delete a webhook
WebhookApi delete_webhook_by_url DELETE /webhook/webhooks Delete a webhook by URL
WebhookApi get_webhook_log GET /webhook/webhooks/{webhookOid}/logs/{requestId} Retrieve an individual log
WebhookApi get_webhook_log_summaries GET /webhook/webhooks/{webhookOid}/logs Retrieve the log summaries
WebhookApi get_webhooks GET /webhook/webhooks Retrieve webhooks
WebhookApi insert_webhook POST /webhook/webhooks Add a webhook
WebhookApi resend_event POST /webhook/webhooks/{webhookOid}/reflow/{eventName} Resend events to the webhook endpoint.
WebhookApi update_webhook PUT /webhook/webhooks/{webhookOid} Update a webhook
WorkflowApi get_workflow_agent_websocket_authorization PUT /workflow/agent/auth Get agent websocket authorization
WorkflowApi get_workflow_assignment_groups GET /workflow/assignment_groups Retrieve a list of groups that workflow tasks can be assigned to
WorkflowApi get_workflow_assignment_users GET /workflow/assignment_users Retrieve a list of users that workflow tasks can be assigned to
WorkflowApi get_workflow_me GET /workflow/me Retrieve a user object for myself
WorkflowApi get_workflow_task GET /workflow/tasks/{task_uuid} Retrieve a workflow task
WorkflowApi get_workflow_task_attachment_upload_url GET /workflow/tasks/attachments/{extension} Get a presigned workflow task attachment upload URL
WorkflowApi get_workflow_task_by_object_type GET /workflow/tasks/by/{object_type}/{object_id} Retrieve a workflow task by object type and id
WorkflowApi get_workflow_task_open_count GET /workflow/tasks/open_count Retrieve workflow task open count
WorkflowApi get_workflow_task_tags GET /workflow/tasks/tags Get a list of existing workflow task tags
WorkflowApi get_workflow_tasks POST /workflow/tasks/search Search workflow tasks
WorkflowApi insert_workflow_task POST /workflow/tasks Insert a workflow task
WorkflowApi update_workflow_task PUT /workflow/tasks/{task_uuid} Update a workflow task

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: x-ultracart-browser-key
  • Location: HTTP header


  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: accessCode
  • Authorization URL:
  • Scopes:
  • affiliate_read: Allows you to read affiliate information.
  • affiliate_write: Allows you to write affiliate information.
  • auto_order_read: Allows you to read auto order information.
  • auto_order_write: Allows you to write auto order information.
  • channel_partner_read: Allows you to read channel partner information.
  • channel_partner_write: Allows you to write channel partner information.
  • chargeback_read: Allows you to read chargeback information.
  • chargeback_write: Allows you to write chargeback information.
  • checkout_read: Allows you to read checkout information.
  • checkout_write: Allows you to write checkout information.
  • configuration_read: Allows you to read configuration information.
  • configuration_write: Allows you to write configuration information.
  • conversation_read: Allows you to read conversation information.
  • conversation_write: Allows you to write conversation information.
  • coupon_read: Allows you to read coupon information.
  • coupon_write: Allows you to write coupon information.
  • customer_read: Allows you to read customer information.
  • customer_write: Allows you to write customer information.
  • fulfillment_read: Allows you to read fulfillment information.
  • fulfillment_write: Allows you to write fulfillment information.
  • gift_certificate_read: Allows you to read gift certificate information.
  • gift_certificate_write: Allows you to write gift certificate information.
  • integration_log_read: Allows you to read integration log information.
  • integration_log_write: Allows you to write integration log information.
  • order_read: Allows you to read order information.
  • order_write: Allows you to write order information.
  • item_read: Allows you to read item information.
  • item_write: Allows you to write item information.
  • storefront_read: Allows you to read storefront information.
  • storefront_write: Allows you to write storefront information.
  • tax_read: Allows you to read tax configuration information.
  • tax_write: Allows you to write tax configuration information.
  • webhook_read: Allows you to read webhook information.
  • webhook_write: Allows you to write webhook information.
  • ultrabooks_read: 1 of 2 required to use UltraBooks
  • ultrabooks_write: 2 of 2 required to use UltraBooks
  • user_read: Allows you to read user information.
  • user_write: Allows you to write user information.
  • workflow_read: Allows you to read workflow information.
  • workflow_write: Allows you to write workflow information.


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: x-ultracart-simple-key
  • Location: HTTP header



Not every change is committed to every SDK.

Version Date Comments
3.10.194 04/24/2024 esp - add fields for external generation on email
3.10.193 04/04/2024 AutoOrder.calculated_next_shipment_dts
3.10.192 04/01/2024 added merchant_id as read-only top level property of AutoOrder object
3.10.191 03/26/2024 WorkflowTask - added assigned_to_user_or_group field
3.10.190 03/25/2024 workflowtask - add global_task_number and object_task_number
3.10.189 03/25/2024 added sales_rep_code to Channel partner order
3.10.188 03/19/2024 workflow task - method to obtain open task count
3.10.187 03/19/2024 workflow task - addl status values, expiration_dts, and system task type
3.10.186 03/15/2024 workflow - getWorkflowAgentWebsocketAuthorization method added
3.10.185 03/08/2024 added getWorkflowTaskTags method
3.10.184 02/27/2024 esp - sms statistic layer
3.10.183 02/20/2024 Add tag support to CouponAmountOffItems, CouponBuyOneGetOneLimit, CouponDiscountItemWithItemPurchase, CouponFreeItemWithItemPurchase, CouponPercentOffItemsWithItemsPurchase
3.10.182 01/16/2024 order query - support searching by custom fields 8 through 10
3.10.181 01/12/2024 workflow task - add properties array
3.10.180 01/10/2024 workflow tasks - support for searching by tags
3.10.179 01/10/2024 workflow task - add uuids of related tasks and tags
3.10.178 01/03/2024 workflow - add task_context field to task obj
3.10.177 12/15/2023 bug fix on bad docs breaking yaml schema
3.10.176 12/12/2023 webhook - added event ruler property
3.10.175 11/21/2023 coupons - addl support on tiered amount/percent off items
3.10.174 11/20/2023 coupon - add item tag support to percent off items and free shipping
3.10.173 11/20/2023 item.google_product_search.color bugfix for bad length validation: 20 to 100
3.10.172 11/13/2023 coupon - editor values for item tags
3.10.171 11/13/2023 coupon - percent off items - add support for include/exclude by item tags
3.10.170 11/09/2023 item - new auto order step type: pause until
3.10.169 11/06/2023 customer api - added wishlist methods
3.10.168 11/01/2023 customer - do_no_send_mail flag added
3.10.167 10/30/2023 cart/order fields for health benefit card values in summary expansion objects
3.10.166 10/27/2023 workflow task object model refinement
3.10.165 10/23/2023 workflow tasks api
3.10.164 10/23/2023 workflow tasks api
3.10.163 10/16/2023 CartSettingsPaymentCreditCard - add collect_credit_card_verification_number_minimum
3.10.162 09/28/2023 dw bi - add aggregation constant of none
3.10.161 09/22/2023 dwbi - new option to control order-by of result set
3.10.160 09/15/2023 new item fields for additional barcodes
3.10.159 09/12/2023 added oids to customer properties
3.10.158 09/06/2023 esp condition for survey trigger
3.10.157 09/05/2023 auto order schedule - add intervals for 4 6 and 8 weeks
3.10.156 08/31/2023 new coupon - free item and free shipping with purchase
3.10.155 08/16/2023 added validate_original_order query param to auto order update method
3.10.154 08/14/2023 esp - add require_order_within_last to the settings object
3.10.153 08/14/2023 esp - expose rate limiter values in settings object
3.10.152 07/27/2023 dw bi - add settings to the report and page objects
3.10.151 07/19/2023 dw bi - add data_source_uuid to filter connection obj
3.10.150 07/19/2023 dw bi - add data_source_uuid to page visualization obj
3.10.149 07/19/2023 dw bi - add data_source_uuid to report data source
3.10.148 07/03/2023 chart constant for dw report tool
3.10.147 06/23/2023 gauge constant for page visualization library
3.10.146 06/20/2023 auto order - establishAutoOrderByReferenceOrderId method added
3.10.145 06/20/2023 coupon add allowed values for usable_by and new OncePerNewCustomerForItem flag
3.10.144 06/15/2023 add pickup_dts to order.shipping object
3.10.143 06/14/2023 dw bi: add request_dts on the execute queries request and report data set objects
3.10.142 06/09/2023 distribution center pickup times
3.10.141 06/08/2023 customer profile qb tax exempt reason code field
3.10.140 06/06/2023 auto order add_ons
3.10.139 05/25/2023 added venmo constants for payment type
3.10.138 05/18/2023 dw bi - send back the executed SQL
3.10.137 05/04/2023 item api added methods for items reviews
3.10.136 04/28/2023 item - pricing tier level flag for exempt from min item count
3.10.135 04/27/2023 order - expose dual vaulted identifiers
3.10.134 04/24/2023 internal development - data warehouse
3.10.133 04/21/2023 internal development - data warehouse
3.10.132 04/19/2023 internal development - data warehouse
3.10.131 04/19/2023 internal dev - data warehouse
3.10.130 04/17/2023 OrderPaymentTransaction - expose the transaction id
3.10.129 04/11/2023 missing sezzle payment constant
3.10.128 04/10/2023 data warehouse internal dev
3.10.127 03/29/2023 internal development
3.10.126 03/22/2023 data warehouse internal dev
3.10.125 03/22/2023 dw initial framework
3.10.124 03/22/2023 order api - refundable response added manual_because_multiple_charges boolean field
3.10.123 03/21/2023 order api - new stage named Hold
3.10.122 03/14/2023 order.getOrderEdiDocuments
3.10.121 03/01/2023 convo - add sentiment record to conversation obj
3.10.120 02/22/2023 convo - customer initiated flag on engagement
3.10.119 02/20/2023 refund reasons
3.10.118 02/17/2023 convo api - smsUnsubscribeConversation method
3.10.117 02/15/2023 added auto order sorting by next_shipment_dts
3.10.116 02/10/2023 convo - add storefront_host_name to search request
3.10.115 02/07/2023 convo - new event for when a customer joins a queue
3.10.114 02/07/2023 convo - new event for when a customer joins a queue
3.10.113 02/06/2023 convo - add conversation_arn to ConversationWebsocketMessage
3.10.112 02/01/2023 convo - agent profile get/update methods
3.10.111 01/27/2023 convo - added event_engage_customer property to message
3.10.110 01/27/2023 conversations - getLocationsForEngagement method
3.10.109 01/26/2023 typo in ConversationWebsocketMessage
3.10.108 01/25/2023 conversation - added message type of engagement prompt
3.10.107 01/25/2023 convo event for engage customer
3.10.106 01/25/2023 order api method generateInvoice
3.10.105 01/24/2023 auto order - cancel minimum and change balance options
3.10.104 01/23/2023 conversation - method to fetch single engagement record
3.10.103 01/19/2023 added skip_on_rebill field to coupon object
3.10.102 01/19/2023 convo - getConversationPermissions added
3.10.101 01/18/2023 conversation get dept member list method added
3.10.100 01/18/2023 conversation dept members
3.10.99 01/18/2023 channel partner ship to pref desc field
3.10.98 01/17/2023 changed convo webchat constant
3.10.97 01/17/2023 support for checkout item properties
3.10.96 01/14/2023 add external_id to the point of sale location object
3.10.95 01/13/2023 channel - ops to manage ship to prefs
3.10.94 01/11/2023 conversations - adjust search results to return multiple convo summaries
3.10.93 01/10/2023 add method to query integration log record by oid
3.10.92 01/10/2023 bug fix for typescript enum error due to apost
3.10.91 01/10/2023 integration log tracking of associated auto order oids
3.10.90 01/06/2023 conversation search response object bug fix
3.10.89 01/05/2023 communications - added maximum_enrolled flag on flow object
3.10.88 01/03/2023 conversation events for party leave and join
3.10.87 01/03/2023 order point of sale details
3.10.86 12/27/2022 additional loyalty related coupons
3.10.85 12/21/2022 conversation development
3.10.84 12/20/2022 conversation engagement update
3.10.83 12/20/2022 conversation engagement update
3.10.82 12/15/2022 conversation search - added start date filtering
3.10.81 12/15/2022 conversation searching
3.10.80 12/13/2022 conversations - add email and sms_phone to participant object
3.10.79 12/09/2022 conversations - message translation
3.10.78 12/08/2022 conversation canned messages
3.10.77 12/08/2022 communications - expose the rebuild percentage
3.10.76 12/06/2022 convo - add session_start_dts to webchat context, cart - add customer_profile.signup_dts
3.10.75 12/06/2022 customer api - expose edi information and editor values
3.10.74 12/02/2022 conversations - customer last unresponded dts
3.10.73 11/30/2022 conversations - add order and auto order information to webchat context
3.10.72 11/30/2022 order item - addl fields for linking kits to kit components
3.10.71 11/29/2022 converstation marked convo read method
3.10.70 11/21/2022 coupon - addl optional minimums for percent off msrp items coupon
3.10.69 11/21/2022 conversation context method
3.10.68 11/21/2022 adjusted conversation event model
3.10.67 11/15/2022 conversation methods bug fix
3.10.66 11/15/2022 conversations - enw events for add coupon and items
3.10.65 11/15/2022 order api new method is order refundable
3.10.64 11/15/2022 increase order property length to 10k char
3.10.63 11/14/2022 conversations - add allowed values for update agent status
3.10.62 11/09/2022 conversations - add an enum of event typing
3.10.61 11/04/2022 new coupon type percent based on msrp
3.10.60 10/31/2022 communication bug fix on dup annonation
3.10.59 10/31/2022 communications - addl statistics on EmailStepStat object
3.10.58 10/26/2022 esp - methods for sms testing
3.10.57 10/17/2022 conversations - add last_interactive_message_dts
3.10.56 10/07/2022 bug fix for digital items response
3.10.55 10/05/2022 storefront rest file cdn icon urls
3.10.54 10/04/2022 bug fix for new storefront file mgr
3.10.53 09/29/2022 page_paths search category for search2 method
3.10.52 09/29/2022 storefront file mgr calls tweaks
3.10.51 09/29/2022 storefront methods for file manager ui
3.10.50 09/27/2022 added digital library call for unassociated content
3.10.49 09/22/2022 digital item mgmt testing
3.10.48 09/22/2022 testing digital file mgmt calls
3.10.47 09/19/2022 conversations pagination
3.10.46 09/13/2022 storefront comms - postcard tracking
3.10.45 09/12/2022 storefront comm - send back configured flag on getEmailSettings
3.10.44 09/07/2022 sf comms - using aws event ruler for bigquery segmentation validation
3.10.43 09/02/2022 customer editor added loyal ledger descriptions
3.10.42 08/30/2022 storefront comm fields for sms configuration
3.10.41 08/26/2022 postcard address fields for comm sequence testing
3.10.40 08/22/2022 exposing individual reviews within object
3.10.39 08/19/2022 order api - added cell phone fields for sms
3.10.38 08/12/2022 internal code to allow merchant login as customer
3.10.37 08/11/2022 fix entry_dts type on gift certificate ledger
3.10.36 08/10/2022 conversation event refactoring
3.10.35 08/05/2022 conversation adjustments for ES integration
3.10.34 08/05/2022 conversations query by medium and stats fixes
3.10.33 08/03/2022 conversation summary participants
3.10.32 08/03/2022 more conversation events
3.10.31 08/02/2022 storefront communication sequence test method
3.10.30 08/01/2022 conversation event refinement
3.10.29 07/29/2022 conversation development
3.10.28 07/28/2022 conversation bug fixes
3.10.27 07/28/2022 conversation message upload keys property
3.10.26 07/26/2022 conversations - queue statistics
3.10.25 07/25/2022 conversation development
3.10.24 07/25/2022 conversations bug fixes
3.10.23 07/25/2022 conversations - add a websocket message model
3.10.22 07/20/2022 conversation participant name added
3.10.21 07/18/2022 twilio dev
3.10.20 07/14/2022 Add channel storefront_oid to the customer activity record
3.10.19 07/11/2022 Customer API - mergeCustomer method
3.10.18 06/23/2022 removed unneeded consumes declarations on several api calls (yaml fix)
3.10.17 06/23/2022 automation test
3.10.16 06/23/2022 automation test
3.10.15 06/21/2022 ChannelPartnerApi.estimateShipping
3.10.14 06/16/2022 added createEmailSendingDomain2 to support additional MTAs
3.10.13 06/16/2022 renamed latest method to avoid conflict between customer profile search and storefront search
3.10.12 06/16/2022 Customer profile search method to look up tags
3.10.11 06/10/2022 esp segment 3rd party sync add/remove tag fields
3.10.10 06/06/2022 storefront communication options for syncing to third party provider list
3.10.9 06/01/2022 bug fixes for customer profile store credit
3.10.8 05/27/2022 customer store credit
3.10.7 05/23/2022 add internal gift cert to order summary, addl provider info for storefront comm
3.10.6 05/23/2022 add internal gift cert to order summary, addl provider info for storefront comm
3.10.5 05/20/2022 dependabot on java gson version
3.10.4 05/20/2022 dependabot on java gson
3.10.3 05/20/2022 OrderApi.generatePackingSkip calls had wrong return type
3.10.2 05/12/2022 ChannelPartnerApi renamed one of the delete methods
3.10.1 05/12/2022 ChannelPartnerApi added orderId to import response obj
3.10.0 05/10/2022 beta release of ChannelPartnerApi
3.9.8 04/26/2022 OrderApi.duplicateOrder
3.9.7 04/25/2022 integration logs method for zpl to pdf conversion
3.9.6 04/25/2022 storefront communications email magic link setting
3.9.5 04/14/2022 postcard screenshot bug fixes
3.9.4 04/13/2022 Added spf DNS record to the sending domain object
3.9.3 04/06/2022 fix return object on send webhook test method
3.9.2 04/04/2022 field extended and postcard screenshot fields
3.9.1 03/03/2022 javascript sdk package.json bug fix
3.9.0 03/03/2022 removed ultra_cart_rest_api_v2.d.ts from javascript sdk because typescript sdk exists now
3.8.8 03/02/2022 bug fix for ruby sdk, uri.escape deprecated in 3.x
3.8.7 03/02/2022 bug fix for ruby sdk, uri.escape deprecated in 3.x
3.8.6 03/02/2022 bug fix for ruby sdk, uri.escape deprecated in 3.x
3.8.5 02/25/2022 new coupon for fixed cost shipping method
3.8.2 02/16/2022 create gift certificate method was missing email
3.8.1 02/16/2022 auto order item level pause flag
3.8.0 02/16/2022 gift certificate api (testing)
3.7.38 02/15/2022 gift certificate api (currently in testing)
3.6.38 02/07/2022 Exposed auto order logs
3.6.37 02/04/2022 insurance type for insurance payments
3.6.36 12/29/2021 Mail actual post card flag added to test method
3.6.35 12/14/2021 Add cancel_auto_order option to the accounts receivable retry configuration
3.6.34 12/14/2021 add evening phone E.164 fields to order billing/shipping objects
3.6.33 12/13/2021 automation testing
3.6.32 12/10/2021 testing automation - message 4
3.6.25 12/06/2021 sdk automation testing. no changes to actual sdk
3.6.24 11/30/2021 return items_invalid_for_coupons for CouponResponse object to drive UI warnings
3.6.23 11/29/2021 Item auto order prohibit cards that expire in months setting.
3.6.22 11/23/2021 new storefront methods for twilio configuration
3.6.21 11/08/2021 item shipping distribution center level CostOfGoodsSold
3.6.20 11/05/2021 additional item auto order step types
3.6.19 10/05/2021 item fulfillment add ons
3.6.18 09/30/2021 terms if auto order flag added
3.6.16 09/30/2021 item exclude from sitemap field
3.6.15 09/28/2021 added refund_claim_id to insurance object
3.6.14 09/21/2021 configuration api fix. the echeck test methods were attached to the paper check object
3.6.13 09/20/2021 expose EasyPost tracker id if available on shipment tracking details
3.6.12 09/20/2021 fix method for getCouponsByQuery to be POST instead of GET since it uses a JSON body
3.6.11 09/13/2021 fix for CouponApi, broke due to inadvertent parameter inclusion
3.6.10 09/09/2021 added constants for Google Shopping payment method (still in development)
3.6.9 09/07/2021 customer profile editor values have new list of state optional countries
3.6.8 08/31/2021 coupon query field to allow merchant code and description to be searched
3.6.7 08/27/2021 customer profile affiliate information now contains affiliate first and last name
3.6.6 08/26/2021 configuration api - more field changes for UI
3.6.5 08/25/2021 configuration api - removed some internal fields from sdk
3.6.4 08/24/2021 configuration api - new payment method named insurance
3.6.1 08/23/2021 configuration api - enum problems, also added order.item.tracking_number to support line item tracking numbers
3.6.0 08/19/2021 coupon api - changed tieredAmountOffItem to support mulitple items
3.5.3 08/18/2021 configuration api - added credit card rate to UltraCart Payments object
3.5.1 08/11/2021 email webhook test method
3.5.0 08/11/2021 RestOrderChannelPartner.store_completed was incorrectly defaulting to true
3.4.13 08/10/2021 configuration api - changed some field types form string to number
3.4.12 08/10/2021 email engine - added webhook editor values for internal ui
3.4.9 08/05/2021 configuration api - updated annotations for method names
3.4.8 08/04/2021 configuration api - payments config refactoring
3.4.7 08/04/2021 esp folders for lists/segments
3.4.5 08/03/2021 configuration api bug fix for a bad response object on updateRotatingTransactionGateway
3.4.3 08/03/2021 package tracking - add event_iso_date and event_timezone_id
3.4.2 07/29/2021 bug fixes for new configuration api
3.4.1 07/29/2021 bug fixes for new configuration api
3.4.0 07/29/2021 added new configuration api (not live yet. sdk only works against development presently)
3.3.2 07/16/2021 sso bug fixes
3.3.1 07/16/2021 screen recording - event sub text used for assisting in UX rendering
3.3.0 07/16/2021 new endpoint SingleSignOn
3.2.15 07/13/2021 storefront communications - added methods to retrieve step dispatch logs
3.2.14 07/12/2021 fix documentation bug on packing slip methods for order api
3.2.13 07/12/2021 coupon api - added hideFromCustomer flag
3.2.12 07/09/2021 new fulfillment and order methods for generation of packing slips
3.2.11 07/08/2021 screen recording - missing external tracking flag added
3.2.10 07/08/2021 customer profile - allow drop shipping options
3.2.9 07/07/2021 screen recording - provide cost per thousand and retention interval
3.2.8 07/06/2021 intgeration logs - min max log date/time retured in filter values
3.2.7 07/05/2021 integration logger bug fixes
3.2.6 06/25/2021 integration log: added logger name
3.2.2 06/24/2021 integration log file mime type added
3.2.0 06/23/2021 Changed 4 methods due to naming conflicts revealed through swagger validator. All internal methods, so impact should be negligible
3.1.50 06/23/2021 Integrated Logging: returning back streamed files for log requests
3.1.49 06/17/2021 Integrated Logging: standardize the response object from getIntegrationLog method
3.1.47 06/16/2021 Integrated Logging Rest API
3.1.46 06/14/2021 Screen recording: server side paginated heat map index with url contains filters, Item: channel partner item mapping unit cost override
3.1.44 06/02/2021 new boolean flag on items object to allow sharing of reviews between items
3.1.43 06/01/2021 fix item serialized name of item serialized name for channel partner item mappings
3.1.42 06/01/2021 added quickbooks accounting codes at the tiered level for tiered coupons
3.1.41 05/21/2021 screen recording heatmap methods
3.1.40 05/20/2021 Order.summary.actual_payment_processing field added
3.1.39 05/19/2021 full deployment to ensure all language SDKs are up to date
3.1.37 05/18/2021 removed php sdk dependency on ext-mbstring by generating sdk with polyfill requirement. sdk is more portable now.
3.1.35 05/14/2021 screen recording histogram data
3.1.34 05/12/2021 screen recording preferred language, last x days filter, referrer domain
3.1.33 05/11/2021 creen recording filter for affiliate id and email
3.1.32 05/06/2021 customer profile pending loyalty points
3.1.31 05/06/2021 Added email domian field to screen recordings for filtering
3.1.30 04/27/2021 OrderApi.processPayment now allows a specific amount to be billed
3.1.29 04/26/2021 screen recording language iso code
3.1.28 04/26/2021 screen recording statistics on the setting object
3.1.27 04/20/2021 bug fix - annotation misspell on new email campaign property
3.1.26 04/20/2021 StoreFront Connumications - flag to end campaign or flow once purchase happens anywhere
3.1.25 04/19/2021 Screen recording UTM campaign and source fields
3.1.24 04/16/2021 Screen recording aggregations on communications campaign/flows
3.1.22 04/09/2021 Move URL filter values into page level view for screen recordings
3.1.18 03/17/2021 Added order query by ship on date
3.1.17 03/17/2021 New coupon - percent off MSRP item
3.1.16 03/16/2021 screen recording filter page parameter names
3.1.15 03/15/2021 fix response from deleteScreenRecordingSegment that should have been void
3.1.14 03/15/2021 sort screen recordings by favorite flag
3.1.13 03/02/2021 new webhook order_payment_failed
3.1.12 02/25/2021 added screen recording visitor_first_seen property
3.1.11 02/24/2021 Added Screen recording visitor number
3.1.10 02/24/2021 Added Screen recording merchant notes
3.1.9 02/24/2021 Allow coupons to be configured as unique with expiration on cart step within StoreFront Communications
3.1.8 02/24/2021 Add flag: screen recording missing event boolean
3.1.5 02/12/2021 Bug Fix: PHP retry logic missing a closing brace. Also screen recording page view data response refactor
3.1.3 02/11/2021 Bug Fix: wrong return type on CustomerApi.validateEmailVerificationToken
3.1.2 02/11/2021 CustomerApi.getEmailVerificationToken, CustomerApi.validateEmailVerificationToken added to allow for custom email verification. Also added favorite flag to screen recording object
3.1.1 02/10/2021 CustomerApi.getCustomerByEmail() method added
3.1.0 02/10/2021 Minor revision jump. Added new convenience methods for simple_key use to all api calls. Updated docs
3.0.75 02/01/2021 StoreFront Communication plan revision (internal use)
3.0.71 01/28/2021 BugFix: PHP SDK retry logic NPE
3.0.70 01/26/2021 Checkout return URL support
3.0.66 01/22/2021 code library attributes (mostly internal dev)
3.0.65 01/22/2021 Added folder support for email campaigns and flows
3.0.64 01/20/2021 Bug fix on revenue per customer field incorrectly named.
3.0.63 01/20/2021 CouponAPI: bug fixes and new method doesCouponCodeExist
3.0.62 01/19/2021 Added retry ability when rate limit is triggered (PHP SDK only) only) Other sdk to follow.
3.0.60 01/14/2021 Working with Ruby SDK
3.0.57 12/17/2020 CouponAPI: Added Buy one get one free coupon
3.0.53 12/14/2020 StoreFrontAPI: added a duplicate method to load the pricing tiers on the StoreFront
3.0.51 12/09/2020 UserAPI: internal bug preventing proper usage of user group creation
3.0.45 12/03/2020 CouponAPI: added partial searches to getCoupon params, added deleteCoupons method, fixed bugs
3.0.44 12/03/2020 Code library updates, intended for internal use
3.0.43 12/02/2020 Added fields to code library to handle versions of published items
3.0.42 12/02/2020 Added display values to CouponApi.getEditorValues to make type dropdowns easy
3.0.41 11/17/2020 New modify cart step option for StoreFront communications
3.0.39 11/12/2020 Added Customer.tax_codes.taxjar_exemption_type
3.0.38 11/09/2020 Added TaxProviderTaxJar.configuration.send_outside_nexus flag
3.0.37 11/06/2020 Added transactional email screenshots for code library
3.0.36 11/03/2020 Added missing constant for pre-order stage
3.0.34 10/26/2020 UserAPI initial release
3.0.33 10/23/2020 Added library_item_oid to StoreFront Communications email object for upcoming code library
3.0.32 10/21/2020 Added new method that takes a POST instead of a GET
3.0.31 10/16/2020 more dev work on code library (internal)
3.0.30 10/08/2020 development work on code library (internal), first version of UserAPI. The UserAPI is not live yet.
3.0.29 09/29/2020 new boolean field on coupon: bug fix
3.0.28 09/29/2020 new boolean field on coupon: free item with purchase of another item
3.0.27 09/29/2020 Refactored the code library applyToStoreFront to provide support for marketing emails
3.0.26 09/25/2020 Expose actual shipping and fulfillment costs in the order summary object
3.0.25 09/16/2020 New method: OrderApi.adjustOrderTotal
3.0.24 09/10/2020 Bugfix: incorrect response type on CheckoutAPI.registerAffiliateClick
3.0.23 09/02/2020 Added flag to email plan object. allow_tracking_emails
3.0.22 09/02/2020 Order object - added tracking details
3.0.21 09/01/2020 break fix in php sdk due to bad namespace
3.0.20 09/01/2020 Added OrderApi.processPayment method
3.0.19 08/28/2020 Code Library development: added kraken parameters for thumbnail image generation.
3.0.17 08/26/2020 cont. development work on Code Library
3.0.14 08/19/2020 development work on Code Library
3.0.13 08/18/2020 development work on Code Library
3.0.12 08/13/2020 screenshot urls for campaigns and flows (storefront communications)
3.0.11 08/12/2020 Refactoring and development for Code Library (not released yet)
3.0.10 08/10/2020 Method for registering an affliate click via the SDK, found within CheckoutAPI
3.0.8 08/05/2020 stub for code library 'getLibraryFilterValues' for populating drop down lists
3.0.4 08/05/2020 fixed misspell of 'version' in LibraryItem object.
3.0.3 08/04/2020 added description to addToLibrary call to allow for initial description
3.0.2 08/03/2020 added option on email render step config to allow override of subject, added flow/campaign flag to end once customer purchases
3.0.1 07/27/2020 added init_json to storefront communication email objects
3.0.0 07/01/2020 upgraded our swagger-codegen fork to the latest swagger source code. this was a major changes so we jumped version numbers. please test all code.

Some changes jump version numbers due to multiple commits for bug fixes, omissions, and errors. At UltraCart, we eat our own dog food, and we increment the version number for every commit in order to generate a new javascript npm. For this reason, version gaps will be found in the change log above.