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Version 2.0 with latest UltraCart API/Vanilla Javascript
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perrytew committed May 8, 2018
1 parent c8714f4 commit d980414
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Showing 71 changed files with 58,391 additions and 23,436 deletions.
12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
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@@ -1,2 +1,12 @@
#Do not check-in Node Modules or Bower Components on this project
99 changes: 26 additions & 73 deletions
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@@ -1,80 +1,33 @@
##### Demo
A demo is [here]( It contains instructions to add a baseball to a dummy account 'DEMO'. To complete the checkout, use a Visa card 4444333322221111 with any future expiration and any CVV (try 123).
### Introduction
This shopping cart is a vanilla javascript shopping cart using the latest UltraCart API.

##### Introduction
The UltraCart responsive checkout contains reference implementations (well, so far just one) of javascript based checkouts that are built on the [UltraCart REST API]( and designed to be mobile friendly. There is a [working demo]( hosted on the UltraCart servers. Do not download that version. It is modified slightly to run on our non-PHP servers. See the Getting Started section for instructions on setting up your own site.
### Requirements
For development, you will need:
* Node.js installed on your computer
* Gulp.js installed

##### Getting Started
### Getting Started
To Use:

1. Download the latest release.
2. See the [](cart_implementations/backbone/ file within the [cart_implementations/backbone](cart_implementations/backbone) directory. It has instructions for generating javascript files needed to create a working cart.
3. Install the cart_implementations/backbone directory tree in your web server.
4. ~~rest_proxy.php~~ is no longer used. skip this step.

5. Edit cart.html. Scroll to the bottom and look for a script tag containing several variables.

|Variable Name|Comments|
|merchantId|Change this to your own Merchant ID|
|continueShoppingUrl|Change this to whatever your main product catalog or intro page is|

6. See this page: and read the section titled "Things you'll wish you read first". It will help you out with common problems.
7. The main page is cart.html. The files you'll most likely edit are master.js and the templates in scripts/handlebars.

Some people find these [small examples]( helpful. They give examples of the REST API calls used in the responsive checkout.

##### Applying Hosted Fields to an existing checkout based on this reference example

FYI: After implementing, the credit card will no longer be masked immediately after entering it. This is by design.

1. Update jQuery (1.11.3) and JSON (json3) libraries (cart.html)
2. Add a reference to the hosted fields javascript file.
```<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>```
2. Add the PCI3.0 block of css and javascript (cart.html)
3. Within payment_template.handlebars, change the input type of creditCardVerificationNumber from type="number" to type="text"
4. At the start of the app.views.Payment.render() method, add this line:
``` teardownSecureCreditCardFields(); ```
5. At the end of the app.views.Payment.render method, before the return statement, add this line:
``` setupSecureCreditCardFields(); ```

So the render() function will look like this:
render: function () {
var context = {
'ccTypes': ccTypes,
'ccMonths': ccMonths,
'ccYears': ccYears,
'cart': this.model.attributes,
'storedCards': storedCards,
'loggedIn': this.model.get('loggedIn')
// it's very important that you pass in a reference to this.$el, or the field attachment might fail.
// if a backbone view has a 'tagName' instead of an 'el', then the html for this view will not be
// attached to the domtree explicity. The calling code must do this. The PaymentView uses tagName.
// So, we need to pass in a reference to this.$el, because without it, the hosted fields setup
// will try to execute jQuery('#someCCFieldId'), and it will return empty because the field is not
// yet attached to the dom tree. Passing in this.$el as the selectorContext will change the scope
// of the jQuery to this: jQuery('#someCCFieldId', options.selectorContext), and the field will be found
// and operated upon.
setupSecureCreditCardFields({'selectorContext': this.$el});
return this;

That's it. The hosted fields themselves are gory, but installing them into an existing site is trivial. Open an issue if you encounter any problems.

1. Download or clone this project.
2. From the base directory, run 'npm install'.
3. Edit index.html and provide your own browser key. The one provided will not work. You'll find the key around line 536 of index.html.
```uc.browserKey = "d7f38666b17e60016306f071d41e3700";```
4. Right below the browser key, set your storefront server name. This is needed to provide proper branding for receipts.
`uc.storeFront = ""`
5. From the base directory, run 'gulp'. The default action will build the .js and .css file.
5. Deploy or test your checkout!
6. An easy way to add an item to your checkout is by adding `?ADD=YourItemId` to the end of the checkout url.

### Changes

###### Version 2.0
**Complete overhaul.**
* Switched to latest API (
* Removed all external libraries. The hosted fields still uses jQuery, but the entire shopping cart is now vanilla javascript.
This makes it much easier to trace action and extend as needed. If you wish to use a library such as backbone.js, angular, or reactjs,
it should be easy to incorporate.
* Removed the backbone/handlebars implementation. The learning curve was too high, so we chose not to upgrade that to the new API.

###### Version 1.4
* Removed rest_proxy.php
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