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Coding Format

chrishajduk84 edited this page Apr 16, 2015 · 1 revision

The coding convention form this project follows the standard coding convention for the C language.

The rule-set for the coding format is not extremely specific. However, there are a few rules of thumb to be aware of. The rules of thumb are:

  1. Naming convention -� Use camelCase notation for variables. Use capitals and under_score_case for constants.
  2. Indentation Style -� Use tabs/indents to show the program structure.
  3. Commenting -� Be thorough with comments. Include a header at the beginning of every file describing the file, the author, the file name, and the date of creation. For headers, include comments describing any constants, and for each function prototype include the function name, function inputs and outputs, and a description of its functionality.
  4. Never hard-code values. Any constants should be defined together so that they can be easily changed through iterations of the code.