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Global Change Information System

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This is the HTML front end and API for the Global Change Information System (GCIS).

This portion of the GCIS is called Tuba.

Docker installation

See Docker Readme

Mac installation

See MacOS Readme

Linux installation

Prerequisites :

- PostgreSQL 9.3+, 
  - requires addtional dev, contrib, and server packages
- Perl 5.20
- uuid dev package
- OpenSSL dev package
- A recent raptor (<>)

On Ubuntu 14.04, they can be installed with:

- sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib-9.3 libpg-hstore-perl \
  postgresql-9.3 postgresql-server-dev-9.3 libuuid1 uuid-dev make \
  openssl libssl-dev libpq-dev graphviz libxml2 raptor2-utils curl \

For CentOS, they can be installed with:

- sudo yum install openssl-devel uuid-devel make postgresql93-devel \
  postgresql93-contrib postgresql93-server postgresql93 graphviz \
  libxml2 raptor2-utils curl perlbrew gcc git

Instantiate Perlbrew environment:

perlbrew init                 # complete the init instructions
perlbrew install perl-5.20.0
perlbrew install-cpanm
perlbrew install-patchperl
perlbrew switch perl-5.20.0

Clone the Repository :

git clone

Install of Perl prerequisites :

cd gcis
cpanm --installdeps .

Customize install_base (optional) :

echo $(dirname $(dirname $(which perl)))
vi Build.PL
# use the ouput of the command above as the value for --install_base below
# or create a file $HOME/.modulebuildrc, that contains :
#       install     --install_base /your/directory/here

Software installation :

perl Build.PL # --install_base=(see above) if using custom
./Build test
./Build install

Database configuration :

Add these directives to postgresql.conf, under "CUSTOMIZED OPTIONS" :

audit.username = 'unknown'
audit.note = ''

Database installation :

sudo su - postgres -c "createuser -P -s -e $(whoami)"
./Build dbinstall

Configuration :

cp eg/Tuba.conf.sample Tuba.conf
sudo mkdir /var/local/projects
sudo chown $(whoami):$(whoami) /var/local/projects

Starting :

hypnotoad bin/tuba

Starting in dev mode :

morbo -l bin/tuba