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Releases: Tourenathan-G5organisation/SiliCompressor

Bug fixes

06 Oct 08:52
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Here we have moved the library packages from android to androidx
we have added support for android 10, updated the library dependencies and fixed many bugs given as feedback from developers.

video enhancing

19 Jan 23:59
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Enhance the video compression method and solve the isopaser duplication error

user solution

14 Jun 17:22
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This version comes with a solution to the FileProvider duplication which occurred when two app using this library were installed on the same device.


29 Sep 23:18
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Corrected some bugs that was present when compressing in Phones running API24 upwards and clean the library and made it more explanatory and less error prone.

More flexible video compression

02 Oct 09:23
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We have done improvement to make the compressVideo method more flexible, since it has now many definitions.


26 May 16:46
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In this release we have included the following:
Video compression functionality
Updated the method definition for the image compression to include the destination file
Clean the library

Optional Compress method

10 May 09:41
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New methods have been added which permit you to delete the source image, get the bitmap of the compress image and also compress an image drawable.

Basic function

19 Apr 11:30
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This release if the first release and shows just the basic usage of the library