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An Ansible role that manages a mail, contacts and calendar server.


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Ansible Groupware Server Role

An Ansible role that manages a mail, contacts and calendar server.

Table of Contents


  • Sets up a full-featured mail server using iRedMail.
  • Sets up a CalDAV/CardDAV server (Radicale).
  • Manages groupware accounts.


  • Python Passlib on control host
  • At least 4GB RAM1 on managed host
  • Debian GNU/Linux 10 (Buster) on managed host
  • TLS certificate


Use Ansible Galaxy to install tobygiacometti.groupware_server. Check out the Ansible Galaxy content installation instructions if you need help.


To get general guidance on how to use Ansible roles, visit the official documentation.


  • groupware_server_weekly_reload: Boolean indicating whether the groupware server configuration should be reloaded once a week. This is especially useful if TLS certificates are being managed automatically using a service like Let's Encrypt. The reload is executed gracefully to not impact any clients. Defaults to true.
  • groupware_server_tls_cert_file: Path to the TLS certificate that is used to encrypt connections between clients and groupware services.
  • groupware_server_tls_key_file: Path to the TLS certificate private key. Please note: The CalDAV/CardDAV server is started directly as a non-root user. This role will create ACL entries that give the CalDAV/CardDAV server user permission to read the private key file and list files in the containing directories.
  • groupware_server_accounts: Groupware accounts that should be created and managed. This variable takes a list of dictionaries with following key-value pairs:
    • email: Email address that is assigned to the account. This is also the name used for authentication.
    • password: Password for the account.
    • email_aliases: List of email aliases for the account.
    • sieve_script: Sieve script that should be applied to incoming mail.


- hosts: groupware.domain.example
    - name: example_account_password
      prompt: Password for example account
      unsafe: true
    - role: tobygiacometti.groupware_server
        groupware_server_tls_cert_file: /etc/certs/groupware.domain.example/fullchain
        groupware_server_tls_key_file: /etc/certs/groupware.domain.example/key
          - email: user@domain.example
            password: "{{ example_account_password }}"
              - postmaster@domain.example
              - abuse@domain.example


  • This role currently focuses on managing a simple setup for a personal groupware server. More advanced functionality (self-service for users, webmail, etc.) might get implemented in the future.
  • Since this role sets up a MySQL server, please make sure that no MySQL server is already running on the managed host.
  • Consult the iRedMail DNS guide to get help with setting up the required DNS records.
  • Emails are stored in the directory /var/vmail/vmail1. Contacts and calendar data is stored in the directory /var/lib/radicale. In case you want to back up these directories, following files can be excluded: .Radicale.cache, .Radicale.lock and .Radicale.tmp-*. Please note that data is not automatically deleted when an account is removed.


  1. Mostly used for the virus scanner. To cut costs for a low-traffic personal server, you can get away with using swap to cover a big part of the memory needs.