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This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 23, 2023. It is now read-only.


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Code Examples for Thinkful's Front End Web Development Course


This repository is for mentors in the Front End Web Development course to store and share code samples they create to demonstrate programming concepts to students.

How to Use

First clone this repo. Then, have a look at existing code samples. If you see code that you think would be helpful to use in your session, use it!

When you have a new code sample, add it to the repository. First check to see if there is already a folder that is appropriate to hold your file(s). If so, add your file(s) to the existing folder. If not, create an appropriately named new folder and add your file(s) to it.

When you want to share a code sample with your student, feel free to send them a link to the individual file on Github. This repo is public, so anyone can access and clone it, and it's fine if students choose to do so, but it's probably more productive to send students to particular files in this repo.

Contributing to this Repo

If you are a Thinkful student or a member of the general public, you can look at any file in this repo.

On the other hand, if you're a Thinkful Mentor and would like write access to this repo, you'll need to request to be added as a collaborator (if you haven't been already). To request write privileges, you can email to grae at thinkful dot com to request access, if you don't have it already.

The work flow for this repo is self-policed and as follows:

  • If you'd like to add new files to the repo, you can simply push to master.
  • If you're revising existing code examples that don't belong to you, please submit a pull request.
  • Create a new folder when it's appropriate, but try to use existing topic level folders if possible.


Code Examples Thinkful's Front End Web Development Course






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