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Note: I will probably never update this player again. It never reached the beta status. If you want to update it, make a pull request.

Picture of this awesome player There is no good youtube player for music, this is why I did this :D
At the moment this player is highly experimental and you need to start it over the terminal or cmd.

But Noim how can I use this absolute awesome player ?

Ok ok. First you need to have installed node js ( v7.5.0 or greater) After you installed node js you need to install git.
If you have a mac you cann install it via brew. If you have not installed brew, just go to
Now you can install git via terminal with
brew install git
In the case you have windows (poor boy) go to and install it. Now you need to open a cmd or the terminal. Then type:

git clone
cd YouTube-Music
npm install
npm install bower -g
npm install electron -g
bower install

You can start it now with:
electron .

But what when I just want to use this awesome Player without typing these cryptographic commands?

Just take a look to the releases Page: releases There you should find an executable file for your OS!