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Tesserex edited this page Jan 21, 2012 · 2 revisions

A project is a collection of files that serve as a single game as a whole. If you wanted to use the engine to make your own fan game, that would be a single project. A project only needs one file to function, although it wouldn't do much.

The engine tries to let you control your own file names and folder structure within the project. By convention, the main file will be called game.xml. Most of the non-resource files in the project are XML files.

Table of Contents

The game.xml File

Main Page: Main Project File.

The main file provides a starting point for the project. This is the file that will be selected from the engine to run your game. It contains some global declarations, such as the screen size for your game, and where the music and sound files are located. It also specifies which stages your game contains, a starting point, and the Stage Select and Pause Screen definitions. Finally, it contains a list of other files to be included in the project, such as entity and cutscene definitions.

Map Files (Stages)

Main Page: Stage.


Main Page: Entity.


Main Page: Cutscene.