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A self improvement app that presents the user with a 30 day challenge, daily tasks to accomplish, daily feedback/reflections to enter and an end of challenge report.

Live App

Technologies Used

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, JQuery, Node.js, Express, SQL.


Challenge Accepted is implemented as a full stack app with Bootstrap, HTML, CSS and Javascript on the front end and Node.js, Express, Handlebars and SQL on the back end.


Challenge Accepted is a responsive, mobile ready, self improvement app that presents the user with 30 daily challenges, daily journal entries and a final reports feature at the end of the challege. It was inspired by the desire to create an app that created good habits and inspiration from a podcast that claimed that an activity performed daily for 30 days could instill a habit.

Landing page top Challenge Announcement

Landing page bottom

The app presents the user with an initial challenge announcement on the landing page and button to click if they choose to accept. Thereafter, the app presents a motivational quote, a fitness challenge and a spirit bar to track progress. Clicking the Begin Fitness Challenge button will present the user with the day's fitness challenge.

Fitness page Daily Fitness Challenge

Clicking the Daily Checkin button will present the user with a form where they can input their resting heart rate, their body mass index and their mood level. The user can also input a blog entry for the day.

Checkin page Daily Checkin

Upon completion of the challenge, the user will be presented with the Cross The Finish Line button. Clicking it will make the 30 day report available to the user. This consists of a charts for body mass index, resting heart rate and daily mood and blog entry access.

Cross the finish line Cross the finish line button

Reports page Final Report


A self improvement app that provides a 30 day challenge.






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