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Releases: Swader/nofw

ROOT fix

17 Apr 07:34
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The ROOT constant was set to an invalid value in index.php which resulted in translation not working with default settings. Fixed now.

Internationalization - no location

13 Apr 19:19
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A fix for the xgettext string extractor which makes sure location comments are omitted, making the project more VCS-friendly.


12 Apr 20:18
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i18n is now built in OOTB. See readme for details.

Account edit + fixes

23 Mar 21:56
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Some minor fixes were made, the users connection was added, and the AccountController is now active and able to change basic account info (name and password).

Major changes

23 Mar 12:36
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Several major changes were made. Sorry if this breaks BC for you, but while we still don't have many users, I'd like to iron this out so that it's super comfortable to use. The following changes were made:

  • default assets and frontend buildchain example now default to SemanticUI, it's way better than Foundation
  • configuration was broken up a bit and organized into folders
  • cronjob support was added via Jobby, and a cron endpoint was made in app/cron.php. Additionally, a CRUD UI for cronjobs was created so they can be activated and deactivated via the UI. It's all saved into the database tables as defined by data/db/cron.sql - use that to import them. The cron aspect is entirely optional.
  • CakeORM was added as an easy data access layer. Entirely optional to use.
  • README and FRONTEND docs were updated.
  • Blank bower.json file was added, so BowerPHP has somewhere to save dependency lists. Removes the need to call bowerphp init before installing assets
  • more configuration values added to .env.example, now with SMTP for Mailgun (Jobby can send cronjob results via email), a renamed application environment constant, generic site settings, and more
  • lots of other little changes

Next up: probably replacing Gatekeeper with something better. That will mark version 3.0.

SimpleFlash reached stable version

19 Mar 18:13
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The SimpleFlash package is now stable, and installed as such.

Monolog added

13 Mar 12:38
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The app now have monolog support.

It depends on a dev master version because the official 1.18 version is borked, and dev master is aliased at 1.18 because Gatekeeper wants it. These issues will all be resolved as soon as some maintainers get off their asses and tag some releases.

User / Group CRUD

13 Mar 09:19
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This version adds a demonstration of a basic CRUD by implementing user and group management features. Nothing fancy, basically simple CRUD, but allows you to play around with users, experiment, and configure that aspect of the app through a UI rather than manually.

On-demand image resizing

06 Mar 16:38
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Image generation added

This version comes with Glide which generates resized images from a source image on-demand - perfect for media queries. It also saves them for later, so the next time they're requested, they don't need to be regenerated. In a nutshell, this allows you to have a single image like assets/image/xyz.png, and then request it with /static/image/xyz-WIDTH.png and it will get automatically generated at that width.

For a demonstration of this, see the homepage when you install the project, or read this tutorial.

Note that while this is on by default, it is entirely optional - you can disable this image generation by commenting out the related route in routes.php.

Asset flow added

24 Feb 18:56
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This version is, for all intents and purposes, identical to the last in basic functionality, but has an asset compilation flow slapped on top. See docs/ for details.