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Sample mock server to mock APIs without writing any mock code manually. Built with vertx web to showcase the usage of [vertx-boot] ( library.

- This library is mandatory. You must download vertx-boot before running messi.
- Your directory structure should be like: 

Getting Started

Git clone the project on your local machine and import it to your favorite ide.


For runnning this, you will need

  • Java 1.8
  • Gradle support - In Eclipse editor, goto help -> eclipse marketplace -> search for buildship (buildship gradle integration) and install it.
  • Vertx-Boot library.


This sample application make use of Vertx-Boot library to expose a rest API /runner/api/ping

  • HttpServerVerticle -> Default verticle from the vertx-boot library. Can be extened for the functionality.
  • DatabaseVerticle -> Database verticle to store the mocks.
  • MessiMockHandler -> Sample handler to create mocks and then use to get the desired results.
  • PingHandler -> Default handler from the vertx-boot library to send a "OK" Json response.

Running the app

For running the app, (IDE used here is IntelliJ)

  • Open appConfig.json file and set the "http_server_port" as per your choice. Set the mongo details as well.
  • Once, changes are done in appConfig.json, add/edit Run/Debug Configurations for the project("messi") and set:
    • Main class: com.greyseal.vertx.boot.AppLauncher
    • VM options: -Dlogback.configurationFile=file:../messi/src/main/resources/logback.xml
    • Program arguments: run com.greyseal.vertx.boot.verticle.MainVerticle -conf ../messi/src/main/resources/appConfig.json
    • Use classpath of module: messi_main
    • JRE: 1.8
    • Environment variables: ENV=dev (default is dev)

      alt text

In terminal/command prompt, do gradle clean build or ./gradlew clean build
Now Run/Debug the project. If app starts successfully, then try

curl -X GET \
  http://localhost:8080/messi/ping \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'trace-id: c1d887063c3e492b9951b0479fadddda'

or in PostMan, try

Type: GET http://localhost:8080/messi/ping
Headers: Content-Type: application/json; Trace-Id: c1d887063c3e492b9951b0479fadddda

Response would be:

    "status": "OK"

That's it.

Messi usage

Currently added support to add a mock and then fetch it to consume. Run/debug the application...

 "response": {
   "firstName": "First Name",
   "lastName": "Last Name"
 "headers": {
   "Content-Type": "application/json",
   "X-Id": "Id"
 "statusCode": 200,
 "url": "/corona/user/get/123",
 "httpMethod": "GET"

response is the response of the API to mock.
headers are the response headers of the API to mock.
statusCode is the statusCode for which Mock should return the above response.
url is the URL used to fetch the Mock API result.
httpMethod is the http method for which Mock should return the above response.


 "createdBy": "saurabh",
 "headers": {
   "Content-Type": "application/json",
   "X-Id": "Id"
 "httpMethod": "GET",
 "isActive": true,
 "response": {
   "firstName": "First Name",
   "lastName": "Last Name"
 "statusCode": 200,
 "updatedBy": "saurabh",
 "url": "/corona/user/get/123",
 "_id": "5bc62bbcbda0fc88432db0dc"

  • To fetch the mock result for an API FetchMock


    1. HTTP_METHOD = Http method [Get, Post, Put, Delete etc].
    2. BASE_URL = http://localhost:8080/messi/mock/server This is constant.
    3. MOCK_API_URL=corona/user/get/123?statusCode={status_code} This is the dynamic URL or URL for which mock result is required. This is the URL which we have passed while creating the Mock #MockCreate
    4. status_code = Http Status code for which Mock result has to be prepared. Default is 200.

    Headers: Content-Type: application/json; Trace-Id: c1d887063c3e492b9951b0479faddddu

 "firstName": "First Name",
 "lastName": "Last Name"

To run as server

Make sure you have configured Mongo as stated earlier. In terminal/command prompt, go to messi directory (cd messi) and then type

  1. gradle clean build or ./gradlew clean build
  2. java -jar build/libs/messi-0.0.1-fat.jar -conf ../messi/src/main/resources/appConfig.json -Dlogback.configurationFile=file:../messi/src/main/resources/logback.xml

Built With

  • Vertx - The web framework used
  • Gradle - Dependency Management


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