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No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

black label 🥃
black label :tumbler_glass:
bug 🐛
bug :bug:
Something isn't working
bug fix 🐛 🔧
bug fix :bug: :wrench:
cascadea 🍏
cascadea 🍏
chrome 🙊
chrome :speak_no_evil:
cleanup ☣️
cleanup :biohazard:
Cleanup something
custom style posted 🎨
custom style posted 🎨
Pull requests that update a dependency file
duplicate 🐑 🐑
duplicate :sheep: :sheep:
enhancement ⭐
enhancement :star:
New feature or request
external 😏
external :smirk:
feature 😍
feature :heart_eyes:
feedback needed 💬
feedback needed :speech_balloon:
firefox 🔥
firefox :fire:
future ♾️
future ♾️
github :octocat:
github :octocat:
help wanted 🙏
help wanted :pray:
Extra attention is needed
informational 📰
informational 📰
invalid ⛔
invalid :no_entry:
This doesn't seem right
macOS 🍏
macOS 🍏
mobile 📱
mobile :iphone:
opera 🗿
opera 🗿
Polls 🗳️
Polls 🗳️
question ❔
question :grey_question:
re-opened issue 🚨
re-opened issue 🚨
safari 🐯
safari :tiger:
script 💥
script :collision:
themes 🖼️
themes 🖼️
upstream-bug ⤴️
upstream-bug ⤴️
vivaldi 🌋
vivaldi 🌋