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Cross-platform mobile apps with really native user experience. Better for users, better for developers.


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Strohm Native

CI Strohm

Strohm Native is my attempt at improving the way cross-platform mobile apps are developed. If you want to learn more about my motivation, please read my blog post ReactNative, Flutter, Cordova, etc: the state of the art is not good enough.

This project is under active development. It is in its early stages. I consider it usable at the moment, but there are plenty of rough edges. You can find a more detailed status overview below. While the documentation is being written, please consider everything below to be my personal notes that are to be expanded into proper documentation.


When using Strohm, you or your team needs to be able to:

  • Develop native iOS apps (using Swift typically),
  • Develop native Android apps (using Kotlin typically), and
  • Use Clojure for the common code.

Please note that that this is only two big platforms that you have to understand, instead of the three that you need for popular cross-platform frameworks like React Native.

Clojure is just the language that I happen to use most at the moment. In principle, any language that compiles to JavaScript can be used instead. The common part of Strohm of course has to be rewritten in that language in that case, but it is really not a lot of code.

Development Environment

A full development environment consists of:

  • Xcode
  • Android Studio (including SDK and emulator)
  • Your favorite Clojure(Script) editor (I'm using VSCode + Calva)
  • NodeJS

At the moment I'm using Xcode 12.3, Android Studio 4.1.2, NodeJS 14, and Yarn 1.22.10.

Developing Apps

Preparation after Checkout

In the app's root folder, run:


This installs the required dependencies for Strohm and the build tooling.

Common Code

The common code is written in ClojureScript. As a build tool, shadow-cljs is used. (It's much more than just a build tool, I'm using that term for lack of a better one.) Start the shadow-cljs watcher in your app's root folder (the one with the shadow-cljs.edn file):

yarn watch

This will compile the ClojureScript source code and enable hot code reloading. Also a REPL is started that allows you to start developing in your IDE of choice. Instead of running yarn watch, some Clojure IDEs support starting everything from inside the IDE. I use the Calva VSCode plugin for that.


Open the root's subfolder android in Android Studio.

For Android, you need to configure reverse port forwarding. While your device (emulator or physical) is running, run the following commands:

adb reverse tcp:8080 tcp:8080
adb reverse tcp:9630 tcp:9630

If you have multiple devices connected (e.g. both an emulator and a physical device), you need to tell adb which one you want to use. For example, for the emulator (run adb devices to get a list of connected device identifiersd):

adb -s emulator-5554 reverse tcp:8080 tcp:8080
adb -s emulator-5554 reverse tcp:9630 tcp:9630

You can now run your project by hitting the run-button in Android Studio. shadow-cljs takes care of starting a REPL into your running project that you can connect to from your Clojure editor.


Open the Xcode project in the ios subfolder. (Tip: use xed . on the command line to open it in Xcode.) Run the app as you would normally do. shadow-cljs takes care of starting a REPL into your running project that you can connect to from your Clojure editor.


This project is work in progress. You probably should not use this yet.

iOS Android Common
Load web view [X] [X]
Call native -> CLJS [X] [X]
Call CLJS -> native [X] [X]
Dispatch from native [X] [X]
Subscribe + receive updates [X] [X]
Simulator, debug [X] [X]
Simulator, release [X] [X]
Device, debug [X] [X]
Device, release [X] [X]
Simple example project [X] [X]
View binding [X] [X]
Complex store structure [X] [X]
Support middleware [X]
Support easy state persistence [X] [X] [X]
Test using NPM dependencies [ ] [ ]
Unified Logging API [X] [X] [X]
Setup CI incl example app tests [ ] [ ]
Setup CD of native libs [X] [X]
Setup CD of CLJS lib [X]
Getting Started Guide […]
Deploy packages […] […] […]
API documentation [ ] [ ] [ ]
Starter project? [ ]
Complex example project [ ] [ ]
Branding, marketing, web site [ ]

Note: […] means that it is in progress.