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Customization options further explained

Nick Giano edited this page Jul 20, 2017 · 2 revisions

Use old animation

Enable to use the old animation which is less smooth


The background color of the wheel element while spinning or showing alerts.


Set the color of the “SPINNING WHEEL…” text


Checked = play spinning sound
Unchecked = mute


Replace the image of bits with anything you like! Works with websites ex) ``(not an actual image) or `Zelda.png` (put the image in your appdata/MojoWheel/ folder)
Recommended to make image square (1:1)

Show alert

Check the box to have the program pop up at set intervals (noted at cooldown) to inform viewers that you can spin the wheel for (value set in show price).

Show price

Price to display. Will format as “for X!” item typed in box will replace X


Time between the next alert


Amount of time the alert will be on screen