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A custom Android AsyncTask and Thread

AsyncTask and Thread is two great tools, allowing one to run background tasks while interacting with the UI. However it does come with a few issues.

The AsyncTask class has problems when a user flips the screen or in other ways creates a detachment of the UI. AsyncTask is not equipped to handle these circumstances and might in some cases produce FC issues.

The Thread class takes to much time and coding to set up properly. It is also missing important options to pause and stop any background processes, especially when an Activity get's paused (No need to keep running when not added to a service).

TaskManager extends these two tools to allow you an quick and easy setup without a lot of coding and with all of these issues taken care off.

AsyncTask Usage

The extension of AsyncTask is called Task. The class setup is just the same as with a regular AsyncTask, only Task includes two additional methods onUIReady() and onUIPause() which is invoked everytime the UI is detached and re-attached. Also onUIReady() is the first method to be called when you start executing the Task.

// Execute from inside an Activity
public class MyActivity extends Activity {

    private ProgressDialog mProgressDialog;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        new Task<Context, Void, Boolean>(this, "nameOfMyAsyncLoader") {
            protected void onUIReady() {
                MyActivity activity = (MyActivity) getObject();

                if (activity.mProgressDialog == null) {
                    activity.mProgressDialog = (Activity) getActivityObject(), "", "Loading...");

            protected void doInBackground(Context... params) {
                return someMethod( params[0] );

            protected void onPostExecute(Boolean result) {
                MyActivity activity = (MyActivity) getObject();


                if ( result ) {

                } else {

        }.execute( getApplicationContext() );

You can use this on both Activity's and Fragments. In both cases just parse this to the constructor and use getObject() to get the instance. Note that Fragments does not use the same Manager as Activity's, so it is important to parse the right instance to the constructor. Do not parse the Activity instance when adding it to a Fragment. If you do, then you will use the lifecycle of the Acticity rather than the Fragment to controll the UI Attachment and Detachment.

Thread Usage

The extension of Thread is called Daemon. Unlike the AsyncTask extension Task, this does not provide the same setup as it's parent class. This class is ment for continuous background loop work and comes with pre-built tools for looping, pausing, stopping and also UI interaction to avoid the setup and usage of Handlers.

public class MyActivity extends Activity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
	    try {
		    new Daemon<Void, Integer>(this, "nameOfMyThread") {
			    protected void doInBackground(Void... params) {
				    // This will be re-executed every 1 second

                    if ( /* Something */ ) {
			    protected void receiver(Integer result) {
				    // ... UI Interation ...
	    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {}

    protected void onBackPressed() {
        Daemon.getDaemon(this, "nameOfMyThread").destroy();

This background process will be executed every 1 second and one can use sendToReceiver() to interact with UI (It like using a Handler). Each time the Activity or Fragments which owns this Daemon is paused, stopped or destroyed, the daemon will be paused and some saved instances are released. You can also manually call destroy() to completly remove it.


A custom Android AsyncTask and Thread






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