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Arcturus is a ChatGPT Plugin that can retrieve real-time information from the Stellar Blockchain and Soroban.


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Arcturus provides an API that can help an AI to access realtime Stellar and Soroban data.

As an example we implemented two GPTs for ChatGPT (Arcturus Stellar GPT and Arcturus Soroban GPT). They use the Arcturus API to be able to retrieve and combine real-time data from the Stellar Blockchain and Soroban. By prompting the Arcturus GPTs, users can request and receive text-based, real-time information from the Stellar Blockchain and Soroban.

The main goal of Arcturus is to provide an API that can easily be used by an AI that acts as an intelligent API caller, allowing users and developers to use natural language to obtain data from the Stellar Blockchain and Soroban. It also allows users to easily create transactions and send them to the Network by prompting the AI Model using natural language.

Implementation status

Currently Arcturus can fetch and interpret Stellar Blockchain data related to:


  • account details (such as balances, thresholds, signers, etc.)
  • directory info from stellar expert (off-chain data)


  • list assets for issuer and/or asset code
  • asset details (such as issuer, number of trustlines, etc.)

Claimable Balances

  • list claimable balances for claimant id and/or sponsor id
  • claimable balance details (such as the claiming conditions)


  • list payments for account, transaction, ledger
  • payment details


  • list all types of operations for account, transaction, ledger, liquidity pool, claimable balance
  • operation details for all types of Stellar operations


  • list for account, ledger, claimable balance, liquidity pool
  • transaction details

Liquidity Pools

  • list liquidity pools for account and reserves
  • liquidity pool details

SDEX Offers

  • list offers from given accounts
  • list offers by selling asset, buying asset, sponsor seller, etc.
  • offer details

SDEX Orderbook

  • list entries by selling and buying asset


  • list for account, liquidity pool, offers, base asset, counter asset, etc.


  • check if blocked by stellar expert (off-chain data)

Stellar Toml

  • Off-chain stellar (toml) data associated with the account's home domain


  • list contract events
  • fetch contract data
  • fetch contract code for wasm id and contract id
  • fetch contract metadata for contract id and wasm id
  • fetch the status of a given transaction
  • get latest ledger
  • encode and decode smart contract values (SCVal)


Arcturus can switch networks for its requests as given by the prompt. It can use public net, testnet and futurenet. Default is public net.


Furthermore, it can perform following actions:

  • submit signed transactions (xdr) to the Stellar Network
  • encode and decode muxed accounts
  • prepare trust asset transaction and link to be signed with freighter on the Arcturus webpage. From here it can be sent to the network.
  • prepare payment transaction and link to be signed with freighter on the Arcturus webpage. From here it can be sent to the network.
  • prepare claim claimable balance transaction and link to be signed with freighter on the Arcturus webpage. From here it can be sent to the network.
  • prepare invoke smart contract function transaction and link to be signed with freighter on the Arcturus webpage. From here it can be sent to the network.

Prompting guides

You can find a prompting guides with prompting examples for the example GPTs here.

Further readings


Arcturus is a ChatGPT Plugin that can retrieve real-time information from the Stellar Blockchain and Soroban.







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