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Hey there! 👋 This is a collection of my personal dotfiles. here is where I fine-tune and tweak my Unix-like environment to suit my whims and fancies.

Example Image


Inside this digital treasure chest, you'll find a mishmash of configurations, a symphony of code that makes my command line sing and dance:

  • .dotfiles/: Where the party starts. Dive in and explore the settings for all sorts of applications and tools.
  • .bashrc: My trusty sidekick, guiding me through the maze of the Bash shell with its clever little tricks.
  • .nvim: The maestro orchestrating the Vim text editor, ensuring every keystroke feels like a stroke of genius.


If you're feeling adventurous:

  1. Clone the Repository Fire up your terminal and let's get this show on the road:

    git clone ~/.dotfiles
  2. Create symbolic links using stow Let's link these configurations to their rightful places. Head to .dotfiles directory and run:

    stow .

That's all, folks. Thanks for stopping by.