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pengzhang edited this page Sep 4, 2017 · 1 revision

title: Fault Tolerance


Fault Tolerance

Fault Tolerance is supported in Guagua for both Hadoop MapReduce implementation and YARN implementation. By using Guagua, no worry about task failure, task will be restarted from last successful iteration (checkpoint).

  • Fault in Some Iteration Fault Tolerance

  • Restart Fault Master or Worker and Recover to Current Iteration Fault Tolerance

Fault Tolerance on MapReduce of Hadoop

By using mapper tasks, fail-over is triggered when one mapper is failed and at most 4 times by default. But for Guagua, it should support restarting at last successful iteration. How to find last successful iteration? Guagua reads znodes from ZooKeeper and sorts them with iteration number and gets the maximal number as the last iteration. Then in restarted Guagua worker task, the initial iteration will be set to last successful iteration.

Fault Tolerance on YARN of Hadoop

Restart failed tasks from last successful iteration

It is the same as the Fault Tolerance on MapReduce.

Task Fault Tolerance Support

If one task is failed, how can it be restarted in Guagua YARN implemenation like MapReduce? In our GuaguaAppMaster, status for each task is tracked, if one is failed, another task with the same partition number will be restarted. Each task has maximal 4 attempts like MapReduce by default.

Differenece Between Master and Worker Fault Tolerance

Master recovers state from checkpointed state in ZooKeeper. While worker recovers not only from HDFS data to in-memory data, but also master state for current message from master.