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DoughReMi-Bakery is a "front-end" project serves as an educational resource, providing a sample frontend design for a bakery website.

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DoughReMi FrontEnd Bakery Site

Welcome to DoughReMi FrontEnd Bakery Site! Based on BreadTalkVietNam Bakery Site. This project serves as an educational resource, providing a sample frontend design for a bakery website. Please note that this project is intended for educational purposes only.


The purpose of this project is to demonstrate frontend development skills in creating a bakery website interface. It showcases various frontend technologies and design principles commonly used in web development.

Technologies Used

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript


This project is created solely for educational purposes. It is not associated with any real bakery business, and the products and information provided are fictional. Any resemblance to real businesses is purely coincidental.


Feel free to use and modify the code for learning and educational purposes.

Project Tree

├─ .vscode
│  └─ settings.json
├─ data
│  ├─ blog-data
│  │  ├─ blog.json
│  │  ├─ news.json
│  │  └─ promotion.json
│  ├─ location-data
│  │  ├─ quan_huyen.json
│  │  ├─ tinh_tp.json
│  │  └─ xa_phuong.json
│  ├─ home-data
│  │  ├─ homeProduct.json
│  │  ├─ review.json
│  │  ├─ slide-banner.json
│  │  └─ topProducts.json
│  ├─ Product-data
│  │  └─ product.json
│  └─ storeLocation-data
│     └─ storeLocation.json
├─ dev-data
│  ├─ aboutUs
│  │  ├─ aboutUs.css
│  │  ├─ aboutUs.html
│  │  └─ aboutUs.js
│  ├─ blog
│  │  ├─ blog.css
│  │  ├─ blog.html
│  │  └─ blog.js
│  ├─ Buns
│  │  ├─ buns.css
│  │  ├─ buns.html
│  │  └─ buns.js
│  ├─ cart
│  │  ├─ cart.css
│  │  ├─ cart.html
│  │  └─ cart.js
│  ├─ checkOut
│  │  ├─ checkout.css
│  │  ├─ checkout.html
│  │  └─ checkout.js
│  ├─ chinhsachbaomat
│  │  ├─ baomat.css
│  │  └─ baomat.html
│  ├─ ChiTietSanPham
│  │  ├─ chitietsanpham.css
│  │  ├─ chitietsanpham.html
│  │  └─ chitietsanpham.js
│  ├─ contact
│  │  ├─ contact.css
│  │  ├─ contact.html
│  │  └─ contact.js
│  ├─ footer
│  │  ├─ footer.css
│  │  ├─ footer.html
│  │  └─ footer.js
│  ├─ home
│  │  ├─ Home.css
│  │  ├─ Home.html
│  │  └─ Home.js
│  ├─ login
│  │  ├─ login.css
│  │  ├─ login.html
│  │  └─ login.js
│  ├─ menu
│  │  ├─ menu.css
│  │  └─ menu.js
│  ├─ news
│  │  ├─ news.css
│  │  ├─ news.html
│  │  └─ news.js
│  ├─ policy
│  │  ├─ policy.css
│  │  └─ policy.html
│  ├─ profile
│  │  ├─ profile.css
│  │  ├─ profile.html
│  │  └─ profile.js
│  ├─ purchasePolicy
│  │  ├─ purchasePolicy.css
│  │  └─ purchasePolicy.html
│  ├─ question
│  │  ├─ question.css
│  │  └─ question.html
│  ├─ recruitment
│  │  ├─ recruitment.css
│  │  └─ recruitment.html
│  ├─ register
│  │  ├─ register.css
│  │  ├─ register.html
│  │  └─ register.js
│  ├─ SanPham
│  │  ├─ sanpham.css
│  │  ├─ sanpham.html
│  │  └─ sanpham.js
│  └─ storeLocation
│     ├─ storeLocation.css
│     ├─ storeLocation.html
│     └─ storeLocation.js
├─ public
│  └─ imgs
│     ├─ aboutUs
│     ├─ footer
│     ├─ home
│     │  ├─ news
│     │  ├─ productList
│     │  ├─ topProduct
│     ├─ SanPham
│     │  ├─ buns
│     │  ├─ cakes
│     │  ├─ cakeslices
│     │  ├─ cookies
│     │  ├─ drinks
│     │  ├─ drycakes
│     │  ├─ flossspecials
│     │  ├─ puddings
│     │  ├─ sandwiches
│     │  ├─ savory
│     │  ├─ seasonalspecials
│     │  ├─ sweet
│     │  └─ toasts
│     ├─ sliders
│     └─ storeLocation


DoughReMi-Bakery is a "front-end" project serves as an educational resource, providing a sample frontend design for a bakery website.




