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☀️ Sergey Svistunov

C# .NET Software developer

👔 As a .NET developer with more than a decade of experience in the IT industry, my career began in roles such as a sysadmin and VBA developer. I then progressed to positions including project manager and business analyst, eventually focusing on pre-sales as an IT solutions engineer. Throughout my career, I have been dedicated to the research, development, and commercialization of complex IT solutions.

My experience across diverse industries has endowed me with not only technical expertise but also valuable collaborative skills.

I have experience in the following areas:

  • Printing and document workflow&processing (Xerox and Kyocera) - 6 yrs,
  • IoT projects for cars (Brightbox, C-Cars) - 2 yrs,
  • Banking and payment systems (Ingenico, Blockchain startup) - 1 yr,
  • Manufacturing - gas measurement equipment (Mirax-safety) - 8 mos.,
  • Pharmaceutical industry (STADA) - currently.

💻 Following years in technical pre-sales roles, which enhanced both my technical acumen and interpersonal skills, I have exclusively focused on software development. I began my journey on CodeWars, working on my skills in C++, Kotlin, and later C#, achieving a 2kyu level. Subsequently, I leveraged these skills in real-world projects, some of which are showcased on my GitHub.

The world of programming isn't uncharted territory for me, but it's still hard to learn to code well.

My journey through programming languages:

▶️ QuickBasic ➔ VBA ➔ VB6 ➔ VB.NET ➔ a looong break ➔ languages I moved away from ➔ C#

Securing a position as a C# developer, I've placed a strong emphasis on the .NET platform, making it my primary area of focus. Consequently, other programming languages and platforms have been deprioritized.

Languages I like nowdays:     

🏃 Beyond programming languages, I am proficient in English, German, and Russian, and I have recently begun learning French. Previously an avid long-distance runner, time constraints now see me primarily walking. My leisure interests include street photography and quality family time.

✨ Please feel free to let me know if anything:


Technologies I've used or currently use:

  • Base tech: C#, .NET 6/7/8, .NET Framework 4.8, LINQ, Git, Windows, JavaScript
  • IDE: MS Visual Studio (for backend), +VS Code (for frontend)
  • JS UI frameworks: React
  • Windows UI frameworks: WinForms, WPF
  • WEB: ASP.NET Core MVC, Razor pages
  • DB: MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL+SQL:2016+PL/pgSQL, LiteDB
  • ORM: Entity Framework (EFCore), Dapper
  • Unit testing: MSTest, Jest
  • Logging: SeriLog
  • Scheduler: Hangfire, Rundeck + NSSM
  • Cloud/Servers: Windows Dedicated Server
  • Containerization and virtualization: Oracle Virtual Box, Hyper-V, Docker, Docker Compose
  • MS Office: EPPlus, Spire.Doc, Interop, ExcelDataReader, +VBA
  • API: RESTful, controller-based, minimal
  • Dependency ingection: DryIoc, Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
  • Serialization: Newtonsoft.Json, System.Text.Json
  • BPMS: ELMA BPM (v.3)
  • PLC: RS485, RS232, Modbus, HART, SNMP, OWEN MB110-220.8AC, MB110-224.8A, МУ110-224.16Р
  • Arch. principles/patterns: YAGNI, KISS, SOLID, TDD, DI, IoC

Current learning priorities:

  • Architecture
  • F#
  • MediatR
  • React + JS/TS
  • Blazor

Technologies, applications and frameworks I (plan to) dig into:

  • Base tech: PowerShell, Linux
  • WEB: Blazor, MAUI
  • ORM/DA: Dapper, pure ADO.NET
  • Unit testing: nUnit, xUnit
  • Logging: Log4net, NLog
  • Cloud/Servers: Yandex Cloud, Azure
  • Containerization and virtualization: Kubernetes/k8s
  • UI frameworks: Avalonia UI
  • UI MVVM: ReactiveUI, MVVMCross, Prism, CommunityToolkit.Mvvm
  • API: SOAP, GrafQL, gRPC
  • In-memory data sotre: Redis, Memcached
  • Analytics/Visualisation: Qlik Sense, Tableau, Microsoft Power BI
  • Authentication: OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, ASP.NET Core Identity
  • Msg queues: RabbitMQ, WSO2, ZeroMQ
  • AI/ML: ML.NET, Accord.NET, .NET for Apache Spark, TensorFlow, ONNX, Infer.NET

Updated 08-May-2024


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