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Postgresql autodiller db
Sergei Parshin
January, 29, 2022

1. Description

The repository includes a dsigned PostgreSQL database for the Auto diller. It is education project from the Database design course which was started from scratch based on Business requirements.

The project includes:

  1. Descriptions and diagrams of the design phase in Miro
  2. ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) created in pgAdmin
  3. DDL (Data Definition Language) commands to initialize database itself and related functions, procedures and trigers
  4. DML (Data Manipulation Language) commands to fill the database and simulate database operations
  5. Common comands to container operations (based on Makefile) and use database itself (based on functions, views)

Stack: PostgreSQL (DDL, DML, ERD), pgAdmin, docker, docker-compose, bash, makefile, git

Prerequirements: docker

Optional: docker-compose, pgAdmin

2. Repo structure


  • db - files to initialize database.Iincludes Dockerfile for docker-compose.yml and ddl (Data Definition Language) files.
  • dml - Data Manipulation Language files/commands. Includes init_insert.sql to fill database with initial values and simulate_operations.sql to simulate manipulation with the database.
  • info - stores any additional database-related files. E.g. ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) for the database.


  • Makefile - the file containing shell commands with set of tasks to be executed. The file could be execute as a whole or partly. Read more.
  • docker-compose.yml - one (out of 2) way to build the project. Apply to Dockerfile in db. To use docker-compose it is required to install docker and docker-compose.
  • Dockerfile-init - second (out of 2) way to build the project. It is required to install docker.
  • - bash script to create named volumes which going to be used in docker-compose.yml.

3. Project launching

There are two ways to launch the project:

  • dockerfile:
    1. Install docker
    2. Clone/download the repository
    3. Open the project with Makefile, run make launch_dockerfile_db to build the database and run dml scripts
    4. Connect to http:\\localhost:5433 or http:\\YOUR_SERVER_IP:5433 using pgAdmin, bash or other methods
  • docker-compose:
    1. Install docker
    2. Install docker-compose
    3. Clone/download the repository
    4. Open the project with Makefile, run make launch_docker_compose_db to build the database and run dml scripts and mount docker volumes
    5. Connect to http:\\localhost:5433 or http:\\YOUR_SERVER_IP:5433 using pgAdmin, bash or other methods

Insert commands (optional, but desired):

  1. Fill database by default data make init_insert_db
  2. Fill operational tables/simulate database operations make simulate_operations_db

4. Other commands

To rebuild containers use make rebuild_dockerfile_db or make rebuild_docker_compose_db debenting on the way of project launching in p.3.

5. Common queries

-- VIEW for client service statistics (tables sales.clients, sales.clients_services,
SELECT * FROM sales.sales_client_service_statistics_view;
-- VIEW for finance.contracts with employee name and surname, car model and client
SELECT * FROM finance.contracts_view;
-- VIEW for operations.operations whith operation names and employee names
SELECT * FROM operations.operations_view ORDER BY timelog DESC;
-- VIEW for observe car statuses using reviewed_cars and related names
SELECT * FROM sales.reviewed_cars_view ORDER BY car_id DESC;
-- VIEW for cars in test drive
SELECT * FROM sales.view_future_test_drives_view ORDER BY car_id DESC;
  1. Functions
-- FUNCTION to observe car test drives
SELECT * FROM sales.observe_car_test_drives(
  car_search := 3,
  time_from := '2021-11-24 15:00:00+00')
-- FUNCTION to observe employee test drives
SELECT * FROM sales.observe_employee_test_drives(
  employee_search_name := 'Antoine',
  employee_search_surname := 'Davis',
  time_from := '2021-11-24 15:00:00+00')
-- FUNCTION to observe employee contracts
SELECT * FROM finance.observe_employee_contracts(
  employee_search_name := 'Adler',
  employee_search_surname := 'Smith',
  time_from := '2021-11-24 15:00:00+00')
-- FUNCTION to observe employee operations
SELECT * FROM sales.observe_employee_operations(
  employee_search_name := 'Adler',
  employee_search_surname := 'Smith',
  time_from := '2021-11-24 15:00:00+00')
ORDER BY timelog;


  1. Add restart option in Makefile with saved database data/volumes.
  2. Fix timestamps for contracts (see finance.contracts_view) and for operations (see operations.operations_view). Now timestaps are filled by NOW().
  3. Add descrition for pgAdmin installation.


In terms of any questions please 📧 to the owner Sergei Parshin: