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SciCat with docker compose.


  1. Clone the repository
    git clone
  2. Run with the following command inside the directory
    docker compose up -d

Default setup

By running docker compose up -d these steps take place:

  1. a mongodb container is created with some initial data.
  2. the SciCat backend v4 container is created and connected to (1).
  3. the SciCat frontend container is created and connected to (2).
  4. a reverse proxy container is created and routes traffic to (2) and (3) through localhost subdomains, in the form: http://${service}.localhost. The frontend is available at simply http://localhost.

Extra services and features

Features and services can be enabled or configured by setting docker compose env variables, using docker compose profiles and modifying the files in the service-specific config folder.

Docker compose env variables

They are used to modify existing services where whenever enabling the feature requires changes in multiple services. They also have the advantage, compared to docker profiles, of not needing to define a new profile when a new combination of features becomes available. To set an env variable for docker compose, either assign it in the shell or change the .env file. To later unset it, either unset it from the shell or assign it an empty value, either in the shell or in the .env file.

Docker compose profiles

They are used when adding new services or grouping services together (and do not require changes in multiple services). To enable any, run docker compose --profile <PROFILE> up -d, or export the COMPOSE_PROFILES env variable as described here. If needed, the user can specify more than one profile in the CLI by using the flag as --profile <PROFILE1> --profile <PROFILE2>.

Docker compose profiles and env variables configuration options

Type Env key Value: Service/Feature Default Backend Compatibility Description Other impacted services
  • analysis: jupyter
  • search: searchapi
  • '*': jupyter,searchapi
  • '' *
  • analysis: enables additional jupyter notebook with python SciCat SDK installed and example notebooks
  • search: enables a SciCat interface for standardised search
  • env BE_VERSION
  • v3: backendv3
  • v4: backendv4
  • v4 as set Sets the be version to use in (2) of default setup to v3 mongodb,frontend
    env JOBS_ENABLED true: rabbitmq,archivemock,jobs feature '' v3 Creates a rabbitmq message broker which the be posts to and the archivemock listens to. It emulates the data long-term archive/retrieve workflow
    env ELASTIC_ENABLED true: elastic,elastic feature '' v4 Creates an elastic search service and sets the be to use it for full-text searches

    After optionally setting any configuration option, one can still select the services to run as described here.

    Service-specific config

    It can be changed whenever needing to configure a service independently from the others.

    Every service folder (inside the services parent directory) contains its configuration and some instructions, at least for the non-third-party containers.

    For example, to configure the frontend, the user can change any file in the frontend config folder, for which instructions are available in the README file.

    After any configuration change, docker compose up -d must be rerun, to allow loading the changes.


    Here below we show the dependencies, including the ones of the extra services (if B depends on A, then we visualize it as A --> B):

    graph TD
       subgraph services
          subgraph backend
          mongodb --> backend
          backend --> frontend
          backend --> searchapi
          backend --> jupyter
       proxy -.- services

    We flag with * the services which have extra internal dependencies, which are not shared.

    Select the services

    The user can selectively decide the containers to spin up and the dependencies will be resolved accordingly. The available services are in the services folder and are called consistently.

    For example, one could decide to only run the backend by running (be aware that this will not run the proxy, so the service will not be available at backend.localhost):

    docker compose up -d backend

    (or a list of services, for example, with the proxy docker compose up -d backend proxy)

    This will run, from the previous section, (1) and (2) but skip the rest.


    docker compose up -d frontend

    Will run, from the previous section, (1), (2) and (4) but skip (5).


    docker compose --profile search up -d searchapi

    Will run, from the previous section, (1) and (2), skip (3) and (4), and add the searchapi service.

    Make sure to check the backend compatibility when choosing services and setting docker compose env vars and profiles.

    Add a new service

    To add a new service (see the backend v4 for an extensive example):

    1. create a dedicated folder in the services one
    2. name it as the service
    3. create the compose.yaml file with the required dependencies (if any)
    4. eventually, include any service in (3) which is specific to the service and not shared across the global setup
    5. eventually, add additional configurable logic (e.g. BE_VERSION dependency and JOBS_ENABLED dependency)
    6. eventually, add the platform field, as described here
    7. eventually, create a config folder if it requires configuration
    8. eventually, add a file in the service
    9. include the reference to (3) to the global compose include list
    10. eventually, update the main

    Supported OS architectures

    Since some images are not built with multi-arch, in particular the SciCat ones, make sure to specify the platform of the service in the compose, when needed, to avoid possible issues when running docker compose up on different platforms, for example on MAC with arm64 architecture. See for example the searchapi compose.

    General use of SciCat

    To use SciCat, please refer to the original documentation.