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✔️ Accepted
✔️ Accepted
This request will be implemented in the future.
⏱ Awaiting Response
⏱ Awaiting Response
More information is needed before any action can be taken.
⏱ Awaiting Review
⏱ Awaiting Review
This pull request needs to be reviewed.
🐛 Bug
🐛 Bug
This is a problem with SavedInstances.
🏨 Bugfix
🏨 Bugfix
This pull request fixes an issue.
🤷‍♀️ Can't Reproduce
🤷‍♀️ Can't Reproduce
This issue can't be reproduced.
❌ Declined
❌ Declined
This request will not be implemented. See the discussion for details.
💬 Discussion
💬 Discussion
Let’s talk.
👯‍♀️ Duplicate
👯‍♀️ Duplicate
A ticket has already been opened for this.
🎨 Enhancement
🎨 Enhancement
This issue is about a new feature.
⚡️ Epic
⚡️ Epic
This ticket is broad enough that it deserves a project of its own.
🛠 Feature Request
🛠 Feature Request
Feature request
🙏 Help Wanted
🙏 Help Wanted
If you think you can implement this, feel free to open a pull request!
🚨 High Priority
🚨 High Priority
This ticket needs to be handled ASAP
✨ Housekeeping
✨ Housekeeping
Chores which need doing, like travis config, dependencies, or changing data to keep up with patches.
❌ Invalid
❌ Invalid
Not a bug or feature request.
⬇️ Low Priority
⬇️ Low Priority
This ticket is not something which will be acted on anytime soon.
⏱ On Hold
⏱ On Hold
This issue or request cannot be acted on at this time. See discussion for details.
🏃 Performance
🏃 Performance
This issue concerns the performance impact of SavedInstances.
❔ Question
❔ Question
Somebody is confused.
✔️ Ready to Merge
✔️ Ready to Merge
This pull request is ready to be merged. A release may be necessary beforehand, however.
🔀 Refactor
🔀 Refactor
This ticket concerns the possible simplification of code/data.
⚡ Regression
⚡ Regression
This used to work before but a recent update broke it.
🛠 Requires Testing
🛠 Requires Testing
This pull request requires testing before being approved.
⬇️ Resolved Downstream
⬇️ Resolved Downstream
A resolution for this issue has been implemented, and is awaiting a merge.
⬆️ Upstream Issue
⬆️ Upstream Issue
This is an issue with one of our dependencies, or of WoW itself.
❌ Wontfix
❌ Wontfix
This issue will not be fixed. See the discussion for details.
👩‍🔬 Work in Progress
👩‍🔬 Work in Progress
This pull request is not yet ready to merge.