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SHARIAsource is a project of the Program in Islamic Law at Harvard Law School, that aims to provide comprehensive content and context on Islamic law in a way that is accessible and useful. It is a Portal into the digital world of Islamic legal studies and related tools from data science and AI.


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Repository files navigation


Local dev


  • docker compose up --build builds the db and rails services and starts them.
  • Put a PSQL dump from production in database_dumps
  • To load the data, docker compose exec db bash and then use pg_restore to load the data into the database: pg_restore -U postgres -d shariasource_local /database_dumps/<EXPORTED_FILE>.dump


  • Runs within the rails container using sunspot_solr gem. entrypoint starts it.
  • If you aren't seeing any search results, you probably need to reindex: docker compose exec rails bash and then bundle exec rake sunspot:reindex. This usually takes 15-20 minutes.

Caching (Redis)

  • Also currently runs within the rails container using redis gem. Started in the entrypoint.

Updating gems

  • Change Ruby and gem versions in Gemfile
  • exec into Rails
  • bundle update; this will update the Gemfile.lock file. May need to adjust versions of gems to get them to work together.
  • Commit the Gemfile and Gemfile.lock files


  • Use rvm to install the version of Ruby specified in the Gemfile.
  • bundle install (or bundle _1.16.1_ install)
  • Copy config/database.example.yml to config/database.yml and fill out the appropriate fields.
  • Copy config/secrets.example.yml to config/secrets.yml and fill in your own secrets. To generate a random long secret, use rake secret.
  • Add Google Analytics tags in application.js and layouts/shared/_google_analytics
  • spring binstub --all.
  • The first admin user must be set in the rails console. Create a user, rails c, and set the admin flag. Future roles can be set in-app by this admin.


SHARIAsource is licensed under the GNU GPL 3.0 License.


2017-2023 President and Fellows of Harvard College.


SHARIAsource is a project of the Program in Islamic Law at Harvard Law School, that aims to provide comprehensive content and context on Islamic law in a way that is accessible and useful. It is a Portal into the digital world of Islamic legal studies and related tools from data science and AI.








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