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Themes for Sysadmins

Customize your shells & terminals.


screen, tmux and zsh are for Linux.
Kitty, Windows Terminal and Fonts are for Windows.
Inside "Windows Terminal" folder there is the PowerLine for Powershell.



This is a must to make sure the themes works as intended.
If you are going to use Powershell themes then install a PowerLine Font.
If you are going to use Oh My ZSH (Linux) and/or Oh my Posh (Powershell) then use Nerd Fonts because they have PowerLine Symbols + some required extras.

  1. Install a PowerLine font, ex: CascadiaCodePL.ttf located in folder Fonts --> PowerLine folder.
  2. If you want to use a Nerd Font:
    Located in folder Fonts --> NerdFonts folder.
    My favorites are: CascadiaCode and SourceCodePro
    The fonts to install are:
    Caskaydia Cove Nerd Font Complete Windows Compatible.ttf
    Sauce Code Pro Nerd Font Complete Windows Compatible.ttf
    If you are not using Windows Terminal then i suggest to install the Mono Font version.

Customizing Kitty

Using Kitty portable on Windows.

  1. Do the Kitty portable recommended settings. Open File inside Kitty folder.
  2. Use any Kitty theme you want. My favorites are: Nord Theme and Core Theme.

Customizing Linux Shell

Tested on Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS

  1. Do screen settings. Inside screen folder
  2. Do tmux settings. Inside tmux folder.
    If you are going powerline then at the end apply the Nord Theme tmux-nord-v2-powerline.conf save as .tmux.conf inside your home folder.
  3. Optional.- Do ZSH. inside ZSH folder file

Customizing Windows Terminal

  1. To build a Windows Terminal profile, open Settings in the app and create one. Check the example file Windows Terminal Settings Example.json.
  • Check "Windows Terminal/Themes" folder if you are going to use a theme like Umbrella theme or Nord theme.
  1. Add "open here context", inside folder Windows Terminal\Open Here Context file
  2. Check file Windows Terminal

PowerShell - Oh my Posh

  1. Install Oh-my-posh.
    Check file inside PowerLine for Powershell folder.

Testing Themes Fonts and Colors

Check the the file in Testing folder.

Extras (in extras folder)

LSD - Beautifies the terminal's ls command, with color and font-awesome icons.
MOTD - Customize Login Message.


Theme Ports for Terminal, Konsole, XRDB, Terminator, etc. Visit:
mbadolato iTerm2-Color-Schemes

My Repos


Kitty Portable with Nord Theme, Oh My ZSH with mikeh theme Linux

Windows Terminal Windows