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ETL data pipeline that uses Apache Kafka and Pyspark structured streaming to stream credit card transactions data in real time and write them to a file sink / console as per requirement.

NOTE: The following instructions apply to a Linux system only.


Watch the videos below for a complete walkthrough of how to install spark. The videos follow Windows machine but the equivalent applies for Linux:


Installing spark:

Donwload the latest Apache Kafka release from here. Save it in the project directory and configure the kafka environment variable in the .bashrc file: NOTE: For this project, the kafka environment variable is called KAFKA_PYSPARK_ANALYTICS_PROJECT_HOME.

Kafka Config Setup

Go to the kafka installation, go to config and then make the following changes:

  • Open the file. Set the "log.dirs" variable to /tmp/kafka-logs.
  • In the file, set the "advertised.listeners" variable to PLAINTEXT://localhost:9092
  • Open the file. Set the "dataDir" variable to /tmp/zookeeper

Save the files and exit.

Open the project in an IDE and move to 'kafka-scripts' folder in the terminal:

cd kafka-scripts

Run the 3 following commands in 3 separate intervals. These are the zookeeper start script, kafka server start script and the topic creation script:


The kafka single node setup is now up.

Python environment

Open a new terminal and create a virtual environment using the following command:

python3 -m venv venv

Activate the environment

source venv/bin/activate

Install all packages using the requirements file

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the spark streaming app python file:

python spark-stream-app,py

The application logs information onto a log.txt file which is available in the application_logs directory. The dataframes output will be shown on the console by default. If you want to use a file sink, then set it appropriately using the config file. NOTE: File Sink only works in append output mode.

Kafka Producer

Finally, send some messages to the kafka topic using the transaction producer file:


NOTE: The "lib" directory contains two files:

  • All helper functions for spark code, kafka producer code and configuration settings.
  • Contains the custom Logger class for documenting runs. Outputs a log file to the application logs folder.

Default configurations for spark streaming code and kafka producer files can be changed in the "config.yaml" file.

Future improvments

  • Extending the application to build a full end-to-end analytics use case, using some databases like Cassandra / PostgreSQL.
  • Adding scheduling capabilities using Apache Airflow.
  • Adding dashboarding capabilities -- Power BI, Data Studio etc
  • Unit testing the application.